Flash Sale And Landing Page Extension

This extension allows the manager to create a new homepage that displays a list of discounted products. Using this module, the administrator can create unlimited pages for the fast and successful advertising campaigns of each event on your website.

This page shows categories such as menu, brand, product listing, expiration date and time and discount percentage, expiration date of product purchase and logo display in title. Admin can make changes in layout and color theme from system to organization for successful advertising campaigns according to ceremonies.

By using the landing page, the administrator can create content pages to talk about their product discounts, special offers and gifts. This module supports multiple languages ​​and is SEO optimized.

The marketing team can get better MIS report views by adding Google or FaceBook pixel codes to the landing page.

Setting Flash Sale And Landing Page For Campaign

The administrator can select multiple categories or select products. This module provided an expiration date setting for each product. Enter the expiration date to hide the product from the Flash sales landing page.

Set start and expiration dates with discount percentage for all products for Flash sale. The landing page will automatically display products with a set of discounts.

There are additional settings such as displaying brands, subcategories, displaying product prices, controlling the number of products to display, displaying only discounted product and adding Google analytic or Facebook pixel or other web analytics code. There are more systems than competitors.

Layout, Color, And Footer Setting Of Landing Page

To give full control on the landing page that displays everything according to your campaign. Admin can set the background image of the page, select whether the image should repeat or not. Add different-different header images for desktop and mobile screens with width and height.

This module also provides layout for product section layout such as image size (width and height), product name font size, display of product name in one or more lines, product alignment the on page and many more. These settings will significantly reduce the development time of the developer’s flash landing page.

By defa,ult the expiration date is displayed on the count-down page and the administrator can hide it from the module’s Layout Settings tab. Developers can add custom CSS to change or add some special elements to the page like animation.

Adjust Color Theme Of Landing Page

There are many settings like the color theme of the landing page. Different element colors can change the color scheme of the extension. One can match the landing page fit with your website.

Admin can change the background and hover color of the button on the page, product module style, product price, and product action button. The color of the sub-category name, the background color of the product category, and the other category.

Festive color and layout can vary from layout to layout. This not only saves time and money but also facilitates quick work for sales management.

  • Product display counting on mobile, tablet, and desktop.
  • Actions button text selection.
  • Color setting.
  • Product block color.
  • Tabs style.
  • Countdown

Compatible With Multi-languages

Flash sales landing page extension is fully compatible with many languages. This module displays the language tabs installed on the website in the system. Administrators can enter page titles and SEO information for each language category.

When a customer changes their language on the website. The title and SEO content of the daily contract varies according to the language selected. This will make it easier for the website to target international clients and SEO.




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