Online Reputation Management

In the digital age of the Internet, your business’s online reputation matters more than ever before. Unfortunately, there are plenty of websites that exist solely to spread lies and rumors about businesses, which makes it increasingly difficult to compete if you don’t understand how to manage your reputation effectively. The good news is that Reputation Management (or Online Reputation Management) can be an essential tool in fighting back against negative content, ensuring that your company’s positive reputation always shines through online.

What is Online Reputation Management?

In today’s digital world, a company’s online reputation is just as important as its brick-and-mortar business. Consumers are more likely to do business with a company that has a positive online presence. Customers rely on search engines and social media platforms to find trustworthy businesses, and when someone wants to make an informed decision about whether or not they want to do business with you, they will look you up online.

How Can Online Reputation Management Help My Business?

Online reputation management is a way to protect your business from negative reviews and comments on major review sites like Yelp, Google Reviews, TripAdvisor, and more. By monitoring your brand’s name online, you can keep tabs on what people are saying about you so that you can act quickly to fix any problems or issues before they become bigger concerns.

4 Reasons Your Small Business Needs Online Reputation

Online reputation management (ORM) is no longer an option for companies of any size. There are now nearly 3.5 billion websites in existence, which means there are at least three billion potential ways your business could be negatively portrayed online—or, for that matter, positively perceived. What’s more, 75 percent of customers search online before purchasing a product or service.

What is Brand Monitoring?

Brand monitoring is an important part of online reputation management. If someone has a bad experience with your business, they may start writing reviews that reflect poorly on your brand. By monitoring these reviews, you can identify problems before they grow out of control and do serious damage to your company’s image. With today’s technological advancements, it’s easier than ever to keep tabs on what people are saying about you.

Why Should I Monitor My Brand?

When it comes to business, you can’t afford to lose customers. If your company’s products or services get a bad rap online, even one individual negative review could be enough to scare off potential clients for good. Negative comments can cost thousands of dollars in missed sales.

Blog Content Preparation

The first step in managing your online reputation is to investigate your competitors’ sites. What kind of reviews do they have? Does their site look reputable or spammy? How many reviews do they have? How far back are those reviews? You’ll want to take all of these factors into consideration as you decide how to manage your own online reputation.

online reputation management
Personal branding abstract concept vector illustration. Self-positioning, individual brand strategy, build and promote your personal brand, social media profile, blog, reputation abstract metaphor.

Review Sites

Before your business launches, make sure you thoroughly research any review sites you plan to focus on (i.e., Yelp, Angie’s List, Google+ Local) and register for accounts with them. A few weeks after launch, have a meeting with one of your employees who handles marketing to discuss which review sites will be most effective for your business and how they can monitor these sites regularly.


In any community-based website or forum, you can submit a link to your site or company as a way of getting yourself out there. Don’t post your content right away, though—you want to make sure your link is relevant and well-received first. Participate in discussions and help others solve their problems before promoting yourself or pushing your own agenda.The great thing about blogging is that you can include your site’s home page URL along with some quality content. All three of these items will increase search engine traffic to your site. When more people visit your site, your website statistics will show up higher in Google rankings. Furthermore, you may find that people are attracted to your personal brand if they read some of your writing or start following you on social media sites like Twitter or Facebook.


Press Releases

It can be difficult to get positive news about your business out there, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore writing press releases. Press releases are a great way to get free publicity for your company. Not only do they offer quick exposure, but they also give you an opportunity to establish expertise in an industry, making it easier for customers and clients to find you online. Be sure to include keywords related to your business when writing your press release so that it gets picked up by more targeted news sites.

Competitors Sites

A method of online reputation management is to fight any bad reviews with good ones. Open a business account on reputable forums and create a few posts about your business. In your posts, be sure to include keywords that will help other people find you (e.g., excellent customer service). Once these posts are live, other forum users can quote or mention them in their responses to your negative reviews.

Social Media Sites

A good reputation is your best asset, but it’s not always easy to cultivate. The first step in managing your online reputation is being active online. Look for opportunities to increase your visibility—whether that means blogging or commenting on other sites, posting to Facebook and Twitter regularly, getting involved in LinkedIn groups, or participating in industry-specific forums—and you’ll start building a positive presence for yourself that will serve as a bulwark against damaging reviews later on.

online reputation management
Tiny people customers rating online with reputation system program. Seller reputation system, top rated product, customer feedback rate concept. Bright vibrant violet vector isolated illustration

For what reason Do You Need to Manage Your Online Reputation

As we now know, building an effective online presence is all about creating high-quality content and driving traffic to it. But what happens when you achieve those goals and suddenly find yourself facing a negative online review? It’s inevitable that at some point your customers will be upset with you or your product, and they may want to express their frustration publicly.

Increase your following on Social Media:

It seems like every day there’s a new social media tool or platform. Whether you’re using Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, or others—these sites help you reach out to your customers and attract new ones. Even if your company doesn’t have an official presence on every platform yet, it probably should—and there are many reasons for that. The biggest benefit of connecting with customers via social media is that it makes customer service faster and easier.

Making Public Relations

The best way to promote your company or product is through word of mouth. Good Public Relations can earn you free advertising, while bad PR may tarnish your reputation and drive customers away. Make sure that everyone is talking about you in a positive light! The first step to achieving great PR is understanding how it works. This guide should help. First, you need to understand that there are two types of public relations: Hard PR and Soft PR.


The first step in any successful online reputation management (ORM) campaign is conducting an internal audit, to assess what your company does well, and where it can improve. Having an expert third party handle your ORM efforts is always preferable; however, if you’re managing your own campaign, begin by defining your target audience. Targeting anyone and everyone won’t work—you need to know specifically who you’re targeting in order to determine how best to manage their perception of your business.


Once you’ve figured out who you are, it’s time to move on to planning. It may seem like an obvious stage in your business-building plan, but many startup owners overlook it—it’s common for entrepreneurs to start promoting their services before they’ve even determined how they will find clients. Make sure you set aside time during these early stages of planning to map out exactly how your company will get off the ground; there are lots of tools that can help with that process.

What is online reputation management?

Online reputation management (ORM) is a process used to promote positive content and remove negative content about your company, brand or individual online. It’s vital for businesses and professionals to protect their reputation online because digital information lives forever – or at least, much longer than it would in a physical world – and poor reviews can spread like wildfire.

What is online reputation management in digital marketing?

Online reputation management (ORM) is an activity where business owners, brands and individuals implement services to monitor, influence and protect their online reputation. The term refers to efforts to influence or alter what an Internet user might find if they search for a company, organization or individual using engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo.

What are the best strategies to manage online reputation?

Well, to be honest, there isn’t one simple answer to that question. The best strategy will vary depending on who you are, what your business does, and how much time you can devote to managing your online reputation. Many of our clients come to us wanting the one trick to increase their online presence or rankings in search engines like Google.

What is online reputation management with example?

Online reputation management is a powerful way for a business to ensure that their digital footprint reflects who they are as a company. It doesn’t matter if you have been in business for decades or just launched your first product, there is always room for improvement in how your business interacts with customers. Online reputation management is about making sure that both new and existing customers can interact with your company as smoothly as possible by reading all of your content as it should be read – from customer reviews to articles written about you.

What is the first step in reputation management?

The first step in any online reputation management campaign is to become aware of what’s already out there about your business. Spend a few hours doing a search on Google and other major search engines. Look for people who have mentioned your business in a positive light, as well as anyone who has had a negative experience with your company. Also look for issues with your company’s name or product lines; if you find any, make sure to address them immediately.

What is reputation management plan?

A reputation management plan is used by companies to monitor social media platforms in order to keep their online presence up to date. It monitors how consumers are reacting to business practices and identifies areas of improvement. Whether you’re developing your first reputation management strategy or refining an existing one, it’s essential that you establish concrete goals for what you want to achieve through your online efforts before moving forward with any changes or new additions.

How do I improve my reputation management?

Making sure you have a strong online reputation is essential for your company’s success. Protecting your company’s image takes on greater importance when dealing with new customers who are unfamiliar with you or looking to you for information. The more people learn about your company, the more successful it will be in earning their trust and reaching its full potential.

What is the process of reputation management?

The process of reputation management begins with a thorough assessment of an organization’s online presence. This includes a review of a business's social media profiles and websites, as well as its online listings on sites like Yelp and Google Local. Defined as the art and science of protecting and enhancing your reputation, brand, product, or service through positive methods, reputational management is typically thought to be synonymous with public relations.



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