This module is a continuation of the previous module i.e. Introduction to Website. In this Module following things is covered:

  1. Introduction to Website Hosting and Domains
  2. Types of Hosting and Top Level Domains (TLDs)

Introduction to Website Hosting and Domain:

Website hosting –

It means a place in the web where all your data and information about your website is stored. It is also known as storing server for your website.

Consider an example of “Renting a shop”. If you are considering opening an offline showroom for clothes then you must need a store. For this, you will contact some individuals who provide shops at rent. The same goes for the hosting part. For opening a website, the information, HTML (HyperText Markup Language) files, texts, videos, images, themes, etc. are stored into a server and that is given by hosting companies.

Examples of some of the best web hosting companies:

Website Domains –

It means a website address; you must have seen the address like, etc. It must be register with a domain registrar.

Every Domain name is unique as there is only one You must have to register with a domain name that is unique and not taken by anyone else in the world.

Some examples of domain name providers:

  • GoDaddy
  • BigRock.
  • HostGator.
  • NameCheap.
  • BlueHost.

Types of Website Hosting and Top Level Domain (TLDs):

Now, we discuss the website hosting and top-level domains (TLDs), first of all, what the different types of website hosting are:

1. Shared Hosting:

It simply means different websites use the same server or hosting. This is the most preferable domain hosting, as moderate level traffic websites often use this type of hosting as it is the cheapest source of hosting.

The major disadvantage of this website hosting is that your website may become slow as different users are registering on the same hosting that is why the speed of the website becomes slow.

Hosting and Domain Services

2. Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting:

It is just the opposite of Shared hosting. In this, each website is hosted on a different server.

3. Dedicated Hosting:

According to GoDaddy,

“A dedicated hosting provides you with the best level of performance and optimal performance for all your applications because it allows the owner to have exclusive access to it and its resources. You can exert full control by tailoring it to fit your business, change configurations of the server, add new software – and more so, add a higher level of security if needed.”

4. Cloud Hosting:

It refers to the hosting that has limitless ability to cover high traffic on the website. In this, there are a group of servers known as cloud servers that worked together to host a server.

The main advantage of this hosting is that it can handle high traffic to the website and bit costly.  

Top Level Domains (TLDs):

It refers to the extensions and extensions are the names that suffix to the website address. The example of extensions is like.COM.IN,ORG, BIZ, BR, CA, CN, CO, CO.JP, COM.SG, COM.MY, EDU, ES, FR, INFO, MOBI, TECH, RU, UK, US.

These are the types of TLD and some of them are fully based on country codes for example.IN is for India that means the activities of such domains are observed by cyber laws of the same country.  

Now talk about the Domain and Sub-Domain:


The domain you may know now, the sub-domain as the name suggests it is the part of the main domain.

It is explained best by examples:

Suppose a website, let’s consider AARTISTO.COM,

The main domain is, and the subdomain can be NEWS.AARTISTO.COM, it is like another web page. They are used for specifying another unique category of the website.

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