Count 1 to 6 and that’s how much a user will wait to let the browser load your website. Yes, you have only six seconds to hold on to the probability of conversion. According to a study by SOASTA and Google, a page that takes longer than 6 seconds to load, experiences a bounce rate increased by 100 times, and the probability of conversion drop by 95%. The figures are too intense considering all that is based on the page speed of your website. Technically, your custom website design would sink if the website doesn’t load quickly.  The speed of your website also influences SEO and the ranking of your business on Google SERPs. After Google introduced mobile-first index and page speed insights, the loading time of your page can drastically influence your business. To keep your business floating here are a few basic tips to implement on your website structure. 

Optimized Oversized Images:

Oversized images and high-resolution pictures directly influence the page sizing and hence influence the page loading speed as well. Additionally, oftentimes high-resolution images don’t look good because of the low pixel density across phone devices. So how would you manage the right image size without compromising the quality? 

The first tip is to optimize your images by compressing them into light and website-friendly sizes. The good thing about compression is that it doesn’t mess with the picture quality. To maintain the integrity of the compressed image you should compress it in the size you want and there is also an option in photoshop to save the image version for the website. Every compressed image should be under 150KB.

Pick the Right Format: 

Typical for ecommerce websites development, it is important to pick the right format of the images. As mentioned above, loading the heavy images includes the loading time. If your website includes a lot of products, images, and visuals you should be very careful about the format you choose. 

Following is an overview of the format and their dedicated use in the visuals of the websites:

For animations, you use the standard format of GIF
For logos and large backgrounds, SVG is the best choice
For visuals such as photos, screenshots, and similar assets JPG is the standard format.
For details and transparency in the image of both logos and flat images, you should go for PNG format. 

Cache Storage:  

For a browser to render your page correctly with all the content, it requires downloading the files such as HTML, CSS, javascript, and so on. If the browser is required to download the files every time it will slow down the speed. The simple solution to this problem is storing cache. Web browsers save content on the folder called cache and recall them when needed. Fortunately, you have control over managing and storing the cache concerning the amount and duration of the resource. These reserves are stored in the browser’s cache called .htaccess also known as the site’s root directory.  Additionally, on the server-side, every server has a cached version of your page. Here the tip is to manage and store your page cache smartly. You can leverage the storage of static resources such as images and HTML files. 

With better cache storage decisions you can easily implement a long-term solution of page loading speed. 

Compressing Code: 

Poor coding is one of the major factors affecting the performance of your web page loading time. Additionally, now google page speed sights also pick up the unmannered coding of the web pages. Complicated coding is something you should handle at the first glance.  In order to deal with the code problem, the spectrum of solutions is wide. For example, minifying the coded file solves a lot of coding issues. Minifying code refers to simplifying the unnecessary codes such as comments, whites spaces, and unnecessary rules. it combines all the elements into a single file for the browser to download faster. It is easily achievable by using several free tools. 

Remove Render Blocking: 

Render blocking (also known as parser blocking) elements refers to a stylesheet or a script that blocks the rendering of your page visuals till the asset is fully downloaded. Several experts think it’s a good practice that all the visuals appear at the same time.  However, the practice drastically influences the page load speed as till the assets are fully downloaded. if you are one of the people using render-blocking elements, you should stop immediately. The majority of the assets can be turned into non-render blocking elements except for the few according to your main stylesheet. Some of the render solutions you can implement include asynchronous loading and deferred loading. 

Avoid Shared IPs:

Several basic hosting plans use shared IP resulting in delays as the server takes time to retrieve the correct website to show the user. Using the same IP with more than one website is definitely a deal-breaker. Instead what you can do is buy a dedicated IP address for your website or you can host your site on a content delivery network (CDN)  

An Overview of Tips to Speed Up Your Website Loading 

  • Compress the images to website friendly size
  • Pick the right format for the visuals 
  • Use cache storage
  • Compress your code using online tools 
  • Make sure there is no error in the coding 
  • Minify the code to solve issues. 
  • Avoid using scripts and defer Javascript execution too much 
  • Avoid using shared IP addresses

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