Pay For Performance SEO

Pay for performance SEO or performance-based SEO is simply a payment model that pays for SEO only when you see specific results. Agencies that offer this type of SEO service generally focus on setting goals based on first-rate key rankings, traffic, or revenue.

This can be very good – especially for those who have been burned by SEO agencies in the past. Paying only when you reach certain target numbers and KPIs seems very attractive because it is not lost. You never have to deal with paying for bad results again! However, in any case, that seems too good to be true, there is a level of risk that is not worth it.

Are All Pay for Performance SEO Agencies Shady?

No, not all Pay for performance SEO agencies use spammy techniques. I agree at first that even in “traditional” SEO agencies, you will find dubious tricks. Ultimately, the problem with pay-performance agencies is the pay system. It promotes quick results without any consequences. Combine this problem with your time, money, and website rankings, and this can be very dangerous when evaluating SEO as a payoff for results.

Good SEO Takes Time

It takes about 4-12 months to integrate a healthy SEO campaign with your company. Because Pay for performance SEO agencies are profitable in terms of results, they are more likely to not do anything for up to a year. Because of this, many Pays for performance SEO agencies seek out “black hat SEO” or spamming techniques such as spinning content and upgrading with precision-matched anchor text.

These methods provide instant, bulk ranking barriers, so the agency gets paid for reaching the measurements specified in the contract. But in the end, this spam activity website will be fined by Google – almost guaranteed. Penalties range from shortening several hundred keywords to complete site deletion – your website could not be found on Google’s search results pages. For this good SEO takes time.

Pay for Performance SEO Tactic

Vanity Keywords

One trick that Pay for performance SEO agencies can use is to target only the longest, zero-size keywords to show rapid growth to their clients. While it is good to target keywords with a long tail when it is part of a larger key strategy, focusing on small changes and traffic results will usually result in zero search volume.

Keyword Stuffing

Another trick is to impose keywords. This involves placing unnaturally relevant or inappropriate keywords on the page. Read the following sentence:

You could say this is not a natural phrase, and Google can.

Abusive Link Building & PBNs

PBNs (Private Blog Networks) is a controversial topic in the SEO industry. They usually have outdated websites that people can find or buy to send links to their websites. Since they were once live sites, they are empowered and can share link juice.

People love them because they are the shortcut to getting the right number of high-quality backlinks you want without hard work. Also, since you own the site, you have complete control over the anchor text and the surrounding content.

Pay on Results versus Partnerships

One of the drivers of a successful SEO campaign is working with your company as your partner. When you focus only on the results, your SEO agency cannot serve as consultants and partners. This removes many of their value. There is no active participation and little emotional investment between the two parties when the relationship is based on results. It can promote “me versus you” or the company and agency relationship. Ask yourself how you feel and whether this pattern inspires confidence in you. If it does not, do not continue the relationship with the agency that is compatible with that print.



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