A baby’s first steps, his giggles, the day they start school. These milestones are what parents live for. But for some families at Camp Lejeune, a dark question lurks: Could a hidden danger steal my child’s future?

A study analyzed 12,598 children who were born to mothers living or working at the base between 1968 and 1985. It concluded that exposure to polluted water during a mother’s pregnancy increased the risk of birth defects. It also increased cancer risk. But the scariest part is what we don’t know. There could be long-term problems with learning, and behavior issues someday.

It’s enough to make any parent worry. If you’re feeling scared and lost, you’re not alone. This blog will break down the health issues newborns and unborns can face. It will also cover what you can do to protect your child.

What Health Issues Are We Talking About?

1: Birth Defects

When a baby is born, it should be a time of joy. But, for families with a Camp Lejeune connection, worry can overshadow those happy moments. Studies have shown that mothers at Camp Lejeune who drank the contaminated water had a higher risk. Their babies were more likely to have serious birth defects. The most common are spina bifida (when the spine doesn’t close) and cleft lip or cleft palate. These conditions can lead to a lifetime of challenges for a child.

2: Childhood Cancers

No parent wants to hear the word “cancer,” especially when it’s about their child. Unfortunately, there is a link between Camp Lejeune contamination and certain childhood cancers. Leukemia and lymphoma are most associated with exposure. It happens in the womb or a child’s first year.

3:  Developmental Delays & Neurobehavioral Issues

As your child grows, you watch for their first words, taking those wobbly first steps. Yet, scientists are studying if Camp Lejeune exposure might harm brain development in children. This could mean learning disabilities. It could also mean attention problems, like ADHD, or conditions on the autism spectrum. While the research is still ongoing, the possibility is heartbreaking for many parents.

4: Weakened Immune Systems

Colds and ear infections are part of childhood. Could a Camp Lejeune connection mean more frequent sickness? Some parents fear contamination could weaken a child’s immune system. This makes fighting off infections harder. It can cause them to get sick throughout their lives. There’s also concern about an increased risk of autoimmune diseases later.

What Can Parents Do Now?

Regular checkups are important for all kids, but even more so if you have a Camp Lejeune connection. Be sure every doctor knows about your family’s history with the base. Don’t list it on a form – briefly explain if you lived or worked at Camp Lejeune, and when.

Talk to your doctor about any concerns, from learning difficulties to odd behaviors to getting sick unusually often. The sooner a potential problem is spotted, the sooner you can get the right help, regardless of whether it’s linked to Camp Lejeune.

It’s normal to feel angry, scared, or overwhelmed by uncertainty. Medical care, especially for complex conditions, can be incredibly expensive. The possibility of your child needing lifelong support is a scary financial burden on top of everything else.

Understandably, you might worry about how you’ll afford the best possible care. It’s important to know that legal options may be available for you. Experts estimate that a Camp Lejeune lawsuit payout per person could be substantial, depending on the severity of illness. Getting this information can bring some peace of mind, even if you’re unsure yet about taking legal action.

According to TorHoerman Law, victims can file a Camp Lejeune Justice Act claim either on their own or with a law firm’s assistance. The claim will be filed with the Navy JAG, which will take six months to review and adjudicate.

If the decision is not made within six months, you are available to file a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit in the US District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina.

Here, law firms can explain your legal options and help determine if filing a claim is right for you. It doesn’t cost anything to consult with these lawyers, and there’s no obligation.  Getting accurate information can allow you to make the best choices for your family’s future.

It’s Not Over

This situation is far from resolved. The health of Camp Lejeune children isn’t just a worry for the past – it’s about an uncertain future. We cannot wait decades for definitive proof of the long-term harm caused by Camp Lejeune contamination.

Even if you weren’t personally at Camp Lejeune, you can make a difference. Share this information with friends, family, and online communities. The more people know, the louder the demand for action will become.  Social media can be a powerful awareness tool.

How Much Is The Camp Lejeune Settlement For Parkinson’s Disease?

The largest settlement for Parkinson’s disease at Camp Lejeune is $400,000, and the average settlement is likely to be over $700,000.

Has Anyone Received Money From The Camp Lejeune Settlement?

As of March 2024, fifteen payouts have been distributed, totaling $3.6 million so far.

Do I Need A Lawyer For The Camp Lejeune Lawsuit?

You don’t need a lawyer to file a Camp Lejeune injury claim. But, it’s better to work with a lawyer. They may give you a better chance of getting compensation.

Who Were The Victims Of Camp Lejeune?

At least one million veterans, civilians, and their family members were exposed to polluted drinking water at Camp LeJeune from 1953 to 1987.

Ultimately, the children of Camp Lejeune didn’t ask for this burden. They deserve a future free from worry about unknown health risks. We owe them to never stop fighting for answers. Together, we can demand the best possible care and a brighter tomorrow for the hidden victims of Camp Lejeune.

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