What makes a great digital marketing agency?

Testimonials, range of digital marketing services and cultural fit are some of the factors, but there are many more! We also cover how to search for and find the right digital marketing agency.

For best results, bring the agency as part of your team, whenever possible and as appropriate, so they can act as good stewards of your business, with the same context and information you have and perhaps take away. A company trying to learn what you know wants to be an equal partner and motivated steward of your business – that’s when you know you’ve chosen a great partner.

10 Points To Find the Best Digital Marketing Agency


There is often a trade-off between specialization and “full-service” one-size-fits-all agencies, meaning an agency’s ability to provide multiple services based on client needs at the time or based on a larger, holistic strategy. .

Testimonials, Reviews, and Case Studies

Of course, you should always look for evidence. While there are good, competent agencies that suffer from the “cobbler’s child has no shoes” problem, a lack of provenance can be a red flag, meaning they are too busy serving their clients and are poor at their own marketing, or they rely heavily on word of mouth and referrals. However, even these agencies can gather some sort of concrete evidence.

Honesty, Transparency, Good-Natured Character

It’s hard to measure, and the industry is full of shady practices and agencies that act in their own best interests, not yours. But you can avoid that by talking to the agency and others who have experience working with them.

A Focus on Metrics

Any good digital marketing agency should focus on moving the needle for your organization, meaning an emphasis on KPIs and metrics.

Competency in Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing without a proper digital marketing strategy is wasteful and inefficient. While you may have that strategy in-house, there’s nothing worse than an agency that doesn’t understand your strategy or provide added value. Marketers already have enough, and agencies need to have skilled strategists who are competent and helpful in following the marketing plan and meeting the business needs.


Agencies that want to take on every task and marketing effort on their own rather than partnering with your internal team are only working in their own interests.


Always try to understand the value that one agency can offer over another – value is what matters most at the end of the day. For example, if a company equates social media management (simply posting content and monitoring social channels) to social media marketing (actually doing strategic work with your social media to bring in new business and tie in with your SEO efforts), you shouldn’t take these two price points as apples-to-apples.

Determine Your Budget

You can set your budget according to your needs. Even if you spend tons of money on your marketing, you need to understand that if your service or product is not good enough, your business will never take off.

If your only need is to increase your social media presence, you don’t need to spend on website design or Google ads. So, understand what you need and find the right digital marketing agency for the job.

Credibility and Legitimacy

Just like your competitors, a digital marketing agency will have its own competitors. And thousands of such agencies claim to be the best in their field. There are many companies in this industry who do not know how to do digital marketing. Don’t fall for their big words and beautiful website. Do your own homework.

Social Media Authority

Social media is now a big part of our lives. Almost everyone uses some form of social media such as Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn. That is why commercial companies have also decided to join the bandwagon.

Having a social media page needs you to post pictures of your company – events, employee outings, conferences, new offers, giveaways, and so on. It is the best way to stay engaged with your customers nowadays. 

Swavalambi Bharat Abhiyan (SBA)

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