In the last several decades, how consumers interact with brands has completely changed. What once was done in person by visiting physical stores is now predominantly done online. Did you know that in the US, there are more online ads than traditional ones? It indicates that brands today know that their target audience is online, searching for their services and reaching out only to those who they feel will fulfill their needs. 

A well-planned digital marketing strategy is in the marketing plan of almost every business. Consequently, digital marketers are much sought-after today as they are the ones who bring more customers. If you’ve been wondering why I should learn digital marketing today, the facts and reasons mentioned below will convince you. 


Huge Demand for Digital Marketing Specialists

The digital marketing field is growing at a rate of around 30% per year! As a result, the demand for digital marketers is at an all-time high. 

In 2021 alone, the advertising and marketing sector saw 225,000 people. These were employed in different digital advertising businesses. This growth is mainly because companies have begun understanding the need to promote themselves online. 

If you want to kickstart a career in this domain, enrolling in online digital marketing courses on websites like Udemy and LinkedIn will be beneficial. They have a variety of business courses that cover techniques to build a successful brand and marketing campaigns. These will help you learn the intricacies of search engine optimization, inbound marketing, content, and social media marketing.

Endless career opportunities 

This reason will make everyone questioning why I should learn digital marketing in 2023 fully satisfied. According to a recent LinkedIn report, the digital marketing domain has a whopping 86,000 job openings. The most sought-after roles include those related to content strategy, social media, analytics, and SEO. 

The digital marketing sector is a broad one, and so, the number of related jobs is also very high. In fact, this domain is currently facing a shortage of qualified marketing professionals. So, we can safely say that this is one area where right now is the ideal time to get started.

Ability to Strategize High Ranking Content

The pandemic increased the usage of content by 207%, and now creating quality content is key to better website ranking. Do you know that 82% of content marketers actively invest in it? The reasons are obvious. 

Effectively marketing content creates brand awareness, helps users connect with your services, and ultimately leads to conversions.

Engaging content also drives traction on social media. Varied content, such as blogs, articles, podcasts, and infographics, showcase your brand and its expertise. All of this leads to a great ROI over a period. 

More Content Is Being Created Today Than Before 

Still wondering why I should learn digital marketing in 2023? Well, this fact will blow your mind. 70 percent of content marketers today make more content than they did just a year ago. In other words, this field is alive with content, content, and more content. 

The main reason for this growth is that content marketing has become a cornerstone of every digital marketing strategy. Google rewards businesses that publish content showcasing the writer’s expertise, trustworthiness, and authority. It’s the type of content that helps users make informed decisions. 

In simple words, content is the lifeblood upon which social media and the web thrive. That’s why intelligent marketers everywhere focus on churning out the best quality content.

Digital Marketing Is Cost-Effective

Digital marketing is a proven way to increase business visibility while keeping costs low. Compared to traditional techniques of marketing like print ads, radio spots, TV ads, and billboards, digital marketing does not come with a hefty price tag. 

Starting it is as simple as changing some elements on your website to raise its likelihood of ranking well. Moreover, it also targets exactly those customers who need your services. So, you don’t just throw away your money on making ads for the masses, unlike radio and television ads. 

Today, over 87% of Americans have become avid internet users. This naturally implies that the potential of reaching out to them through online marketing is immense.

Convenient Working Hours 

Of all the fields, digital marketing stands out with its highly flexible working environment. Whether you want to work from home, in a hybrid setting, or from an office, it has roles suited to the preferences of almost everyone. This is yet another reason that will convince all those asking why I should learn digital marketing

You will be surprised to know that the flexible working environment in digital marketing had begun even before the pandemic. It’s very rare for you not to find a job that does not allow you to work at your convenience. As long as you have a PC or a smartphone and a robust internet connection, you can work from almost anywhere.

Improve the Reputation of Businesses

By enhancing visibility and producing valuable content, digital marketing professionals help build a brand reputation. If carried out properly with the right tools and techniques, it not only boosts the customer base but also makes them loyal. 

Tools like Facebook Insights and Google Analytics allow marketing professionals to target their efforts toward particular demographics and consumer behavior. It increases the chances of connecting with the right audience, being responsive to their needs, and engaging with them in real-time.

Summing up

Hopefully, the facts mentioned above will make you aware of the immense potential of digital marketing. They would have also adequately satisfied those hesitant to venture into the domain. You will no longer ask why I should learn digital marketing when you have such convincing statistics at your disposal.

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