A friend who is far away sometimes feels much nearer, than one who is just beside… Friendship is magic…isn’t it…?

To become a social media socialite, LinkedIn connections takes your business to next level…

To get the opportunity to make connections, that can result in generating great leads with little follow up’s.

There is a LinkedIn strategy to get connections and to make others accept your connection request

  1. If anyone wants to connect, We firstly check the profile first, that shows whether a profile is frequently engaged with a meaningful content. The quality of the content symbolises the quality the person. This content shows whether or not to do business with …
  2. If we want to connect a highly engaged profile, we need to like and comment on the content posted by the profile, that makes our introduction to the new profile. By commenting, Interaction between two people increases.

There are 5 steps where everyone needs to follow to increase the LinkedIn connections

  1. Optimize your profile
  2. Connect daily to 10 new people relevant to your industry.
  3. Comment, like, share on the highly engaged profiles which introduces new people.
  4. Post the meaningful posts daily.
  5. Polls need to be done for engagement of people.

A big game-changer in helping you land an ample number of opportunities.

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