Law Firm Website

As a law firm, you need to reach out to clients and help them in fighting for their justice. Reaching your clients or wider audiences, you need to have a well-designed website that represents your brand. And what would be the best solution than building a law firm website with WordPress.

 Having a website for your law firm is very crucial. After all, it represents and puts your brand as professional among the crowd of thousands. Besides, law is extensive and sensitive which can get overwhelming for both lawyers as well as audiences. So, it is of utmost importance to have a clean and sleek website that effectively serves its purpose and builds a long-lasting trust. 

WordPress is indeed a great platform which is being widely used by different law firms globally to design their website. This is because of ample themes and design layouts to choose from, besides being friendly on the pocket. And with multiple plug-ins available, law firms can create and deliver a unique experience for their clients.

But how to get started with WordPress for law websites?

Step 1: Start with domain name

The starting point for building a law firm website with WordPress is to get started with domain name. In simple terms, it is the address of your website through which users will locate you across search engines. The simplest way and perhaps the best way is use .com as a domain name. If for some reason this domain is not available, you can use variations but make sure these variations are representative of your brand and the services you offer.

Step 2: Define your web hosting platform

Once you decide on your domain name, the next step is to define your hosting platform. With WordPress, it is necessary to purchase a hosting platform or else your website won’t be created. So, all you need to do is sign up for a hosting platform and install WordPress. Once this step is done, you need to decide on a theme which again requires you to purchase a theme from WordPress.

For instance, SiteGround is perhaps one of the most versatile hosting platforms available that you can use for building a law firm website from WordPress. Besides, free domain name, it offers extensive support and a free SSL certification which ensures your website smoothly.

Step 3: Install WordPress

Once you register with a hosting platform, you will get an email to download a web hosting service. Once you are logged in, you need to visit the script section and locate WordPress. And click on it and just follow the steps and then you are done with installing WordPress.

Step 4: Deciding on themes

Once you install a theme, the next step is to decide on the theme. There are plenty of responsive themes available across WordPress. These themes are highly customisable which can be built according to your business requirements. Moreover, with these themes, you don’t have to worry about building a law firm website from WordPress from scratch.  All you need to do is download the theme, edit as per your requirements, add the content, and launch your website.

One of the most popular themes used by many firms across the globe is Lawyer Base which is not only well-designed, but also comes with better plug-ins which helps you design better menu and navigation options. Similarly, another theme like Lawyer & Attorney which is multi-purpose theme which allows you to customize every aspect of your design and website fright from header to footer and in between. Besides, it also includes modern design aspects as well which matches needs of your business effectively.

Step 5: Downloading and installing free plug-ins

Once you download and edit the theme, the next step is to download and install all the correct plug-ins. These plug-ins are already available and can be downloaded with just clicks. However, different themes require different plug-ins and the same will be indicated in your notification dashboard.

All you need to do is download, install, and then activate all those plug-ins which will help your website to run smoothly and conduct your business activities.

Step 6: Upload content to the website

Once all themes and plug-ins are downloaded and activated, the next step in building a law firm website from WordPress is to upload demo content. Once all your content is uploaded, you can customize any pages across the website to match the needs of your business. The advantage of using WordPress is that it comes with a visual composer which makes it way easier to edit and customize your content. In addition, using the plus icons will allow you to replace or even add some additional elements across any page of your website which makes the whole process simple and clean.

Once the process of uploading a website is done, WordPress will send you a notification. And when you receive notification, you can replace demo content with your website’s original content.

And congratulations, you created a website for your law firm.

Final thoughts

Law firms and the law industry itself has become so competitive where establishing and differentiating law firms has become more than important. And the best way to do so is through websites. Further, Pandemic has driven the online mode of business with more and more law firms moving towards digitalisation. If you don’t have a website, your business will get lost in the crowd.

But not to worry, the best way to get started with building a law firm website from WordPress. And without a doubt, WordPress is the best tool available at your disposal. Designing a website through WordPress is not hard and with correct guidance, you can create a marvelous website that represents your brand the correct way.

All you need to do is to install WordPress, select domain name, and identify the best hosting platform. Once it is done, the next step is to identify the theme, customize it, add plug-ins, and upload your content. And you’re done.


With above strategies and tips, you can create a website which not only represents your brand, but also ensures you sustain market by reaching wider audiences across.

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