Digital Marketing Made Simple – 360 Degree Free Digital Marketing Course

  • What is Search Engine Optimization?
  • How SEO help business to grow?
  • How is SEO different from digital marketing?
  • How to make SEO-optimized website?
  • Why Search Engine Optimization important?
  • How do search engines work for you?
  • Types of SEO (On-page, Off-page and Technical SEO)
  • Keyword Research and its prominence in digital marketing
  • High-quality SEO content creation and marketing
  • Link Building and how it helps to rank the website?
  • Different types of  SEO techniques White hat, black hat, and grey hat
  • Steps to create an effective SEO strategy for your website
  • Important SEO tools every digital markets must know
  • How to learn SEO online
  • Useful SEO tips in 2021


“Digital marketing is a form of direct marketing which links consumers with sellers electronically using interactive technologies like emails, websites, online forums and newsgroups, interactive television, mobile communications etcetera”.

  •  Kotler and Armstrong (2009)

I know the above definition more sound like bookish, so in simple terms, Digital Marketing is the marketing through internet.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a way bigger concept than actually, I think. It concludes various concepts like SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media, Designing Graphics, and Promotion through advertisements and many more.

History of Digital Marketing

Let’s learn about the history of digital marketing. Digital marketing is not so historical, but yes, it was first identified in the late 1990s.

  1. The first component that is the “Email Marketing” in digital marketing started in 1971, and Ray Tomlinson was the first person to build a platform in which you can send and receive the emails. (Retrieved from Hello World. “First Network Email sent by Ray Tomlinson”.
  2. In 1990, digital marketing was first considered in this year. At that time, web 1.0 was developed in that you can search across any information about anything, but it would not give you the option to share on the website.
  3. In 1993, the first clickable digital ads were introduced, and HotWired (First online Magazine) purchased a digital advertisement for their promotion.
  4. In 1994, Yahoo was introduced as the first search engine, in which you can search for different things by just typing a keyword.

Fact: Google that later invented, once they approach Yahoo to purchase the Google and Yahoo neglected the offer thinking that it would not capture the market. Now you can see who the ultimate winner is.

  • Then in 2002, LinkedIn a professional social media network introduced.
  • Later in 2003, WordPress and Myspace are introduced.
  • Later in the years like 2004, 2005, 2006 and in 2007, various concepts introduced like social media, Gmail, Cookies in the Google, Whatsapp, Google+ and many more introduced.

Difference between the Traditional and Digital marketing:

Traditional market communication means the communication which reaches the limited or local audience,

Whereas online market communication implies a business that invests in building a website through advertisements and various other forms to reach a large audience.



Traditional Market Communication

Online Market Communication




User Target








Return On




People Reach Method

Without Internet

With Internet





Traditional Marketing communication and Digital marketing communication are both beneficial for Branding. Conventional marketing would help you to gain Branding at the local area level, whereas digital marketing communication would help you to achieve Branding all over the world.

Why Digital Marketing Services?

As a Digital Marketer, I always received questions related to why Digital Marketing?  The answer is:

  • Cost Efficient:

Do you know, in traditional marketing like billboards on highways, how much they charge? You want believe me, they charge around 70k per day with no proper analysis of the audience, but in digital marketing we can market our product/services as low as 10 paise.

  • Results can be measured easily:

Digital marketing communication helps you to measure what type of customers, age groups, etc. would like your advertisement as by this you can easily track the results.

  • Interaction between marketer and audience:

In digital marketing communication, the interaction between advertiser and user is possible as with the help of various social media platforms.

  • Large Reach:

Digital marketing communication helps you to gain more customer reach as it is done at the global level.

 Do you know what digital marketing consists of?

Here are the different types of Digital Marketing Techniques to be used in marketing products on internet:

  1. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  2. Search engine marketing (SEM)
  3. Content marketing
  4. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  5. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
  6. Affiliate marketing
  7. Email marketing

Digital Marketing now-a-days is shining like a sun as it presence is everywhere, whether a company is manufacturing oriented or it’s a service oriented digital marketing helps in gaining more and more advantage due to this pandemic situation.

Taking services would help you gain more and more competitive advantage of your business and help you to generate more sales.

How to Earn with Digital Marketing

Let me take the most asked question, how do I Earn from Digital Marketing?

Some of the best methods to earn by learning digital marketing are as follows:


Blogs are the most readable source among the internet. Many users are there just for reading the blogs. You can also start your own website, I recommend you to buy a domain and hosting but you can start with blog-spot for free. Write genuine content in which you have expertise.

After gaining some traffic you can opt for the Google ad sense account and earn some good money.


Again, it is the most relevant and usable source for finding something. You can open up a YouTube channel for yourself and explain something what you like or your experience. You can easily get it monetized if your content is really good.

You just need to get 1000 subscribers and 4000 hour watch time in YouTube. Many famous YouTubers earn in crores like Carryminati, Nisha Madhulika, etc.

Digital Marketing Services:

It is one of the most genuine sources of earning money online. It includes many services such as SEO, SMM, ORM, Content creation, Web Designing, Digital Branding, etc.

You can contact us at for more information or read more about the digital marketing and ways to learn it.


It simply means working for many employers. You can sell something in which you are expert like creating videos, editing, copywriting, data entry, etc.

There are many website for such things like Upwork, freelance, etc.

Affiliate Marketing

Best way to earn money online without any hassle is called Affiliate Marketing. In this you just need to sign up with different website and learn more about its pricing. You can share your affiliate link with your friends and clients, and in return you will get some amount as commission.

Above are some of the methods to earn money online. There are many you can explore by checking my other website, i.e


I must say, you cannot afford to avoid digital marketing in the current market scenario, learn while practicing it is the best way to experience the taste of digital marketing‼

About Pavani Naidu

I am Pavani Naidu – The Founder of Aartisto Technologies started this company, completed my education in the field of computer as in from the beginning of my childhood, shown interest in computers and technologies. Also, to compete in the corporate work, I have done Masters in Law from NALSAR University of Law.

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