Email Marketing – Pavani Naidu Digital Marketing, Branding Expert Pavani Pagidimarri Sat, 13 Apr 2024 15:22:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Email Marketing – Pavani Naidu 32 32 Is Email Scraping A Legal Process? Fri, 29 Dec 2023 18:38:44 +0000 Read More]]> In an age where digital marketing is paramount, methods like email scraping often come into the spotlight. Email scraping is a method used by marketers and businesses to collect email addresses from various online sources. This practice is often seen as a way to quickly build a large database of potential contacts for email marketing campaigns. While it is often mired in legal and ethical debates, there are aspects of email scraping that, when conducted lawfully and ethically, can offer substantial benefits. This article aims to explore the concept of email scraping, its tools, purposes, and most importantly, its legal implications.

What Is an Email Scraper Tool?

An email scraper tool is software designed to extract email addresses from websites and other online platforms. These tools can scan webpages, forums, social media platforms, and other digital landscapes to collect email addresses. They typically work by:

  • Identifying Email Patterns. Email scrapers look for standard patterns that match email addresses, such as sequences of characters followed by an “@” symbol and a domain.
  • Extracting and Compiling Lists. The tool then extracts these addresses and compiles them into a list that can be used for various purposes, including marketing and lead generation.

When choosing a hunter email extractor, pay attention to its features and capabilities. Atomic Email Hunter from Atompark is the perfect tool for those who want to get great results in a short time. Explore all the features of the tool for free for 7 days.

Why Do You Need an Email Scraper?

Scraping emails can be motivated by several factors, particularly in fields like marketing, sales, and market research. Reasons for using an email scraper include:

  • Efficient Lead Generation. Legally collected email addresses can significantly aid in developing a list of potential leads interested in your products or services.
  • Market Research. Understanding market trends and consumer preferences is crucial for any business. Email scraping can assist in gathering relevant data legally for comprehensive market analysis.
  • Enhanced Networking Opportunities. For professional networking, especially in B2B scenarios, email scraping can provide valuable contacts, given it respects privacy laws and consent.
  • Resource Optimization. Automated data collection via email scraping can save considerable time and effort compared to manual methods.

Is Email Scraping Legal?

The legality of email scraping is a nuanced subject and varies depending on the jurisdiction and the methods used. Here are some points that highlight how email scraping can be aligned with legal standards:

  • Compliance with Data Protection Laws. In regions with stringent data protection laws like the GDPR in the EU or the CAN-SPAM Act in the US, it is vital to ensure that email scraping practices comply with these regulations. This often involves obtaining explicit consent from individuals before their email addresses are collected and used.
  • Adhering to Website Terms and Conditions. Many websites outline terms prohibiting the scraping of their data. Respecting these terms is crucial to avoid legal repercussions.
  • Ethical Considerations and Transparency. Ethical scraping involves being transparent about how the collected data will be used and ensuring that the privacy and preferences of individuals are respected.


While email scraping sits in a complex legal landscape, understanding how to navigate its use lawfully and ethically can unlock numerous benefits for businesses. It’s about striking a balance between leveraging technology for business growth and respecting the legal frameworks and ethical considerations that protect individual privacy. By adhering to legal standards and best practices, email scraping can be a valuable tool in the arsenal of digital marketing and data analysis.

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7 Effective E-mail marketing tools and strategies Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:53:58 +0000 Read More]]> 7 Effective E-mail marketing tools and strategies

Sending promotional emails to a group of individuals is referred to as email marketing, which is a type of digital advertising. Building a relationship with consumers, boosting customer loyalty, raising brand recognition, and promoting sales are the objectives of email marketing.

Alt-text: 7 Effective Email marketing tools and strategies

Comparing email marketing to other marketing channels, it gives a high return on investment (ROI) and is a cost-efficient method of reaching a big audience. Additionally, it is very quantifiable, enabling companies to monitor the results of their marketing initiatives and modify their plans as necessary.

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Creating a tailored message or offer and distributing it to the list of subscribers are common steps in the email marketing process. Businesses may use a variety of tactics to grow their email subscriber lists, including giving out freebies or discounts in return for email addresses, marketing their newsletter on social media and their own website, and utilizing pop-ups and sign-up forms.

Businesses may develop email campaigns that contain a variety of communications, including newsletters, updates on products, special deals, and invites to events, after the email list has been formed. Email messages should have interesting, educational, and interest-related information.

Because it is the first thing the receiver sees and what decides whether or not they will open the email, the subject line is also a crucial component of an email.

Businesses can personalize emails by adding the receiver’s name or other details to boost the likelihood that the recipient will open it. Additionally, they may divide up their email list into segments and deliver targeted communications to particular subscriber groups depending on their choices or actions.

However, with the abundance of email marketing tools available, choosing the right one for your business can be a daunting task. In this article, we’ll take a look at seven effective email marketing tools and strategies to help you get started.


One of the most well-liked email marketing platforms accessible today is Mailchimp. It is the perfect option for new users and small enterprises because it has a user-friendly design and a wealth of functionality. You can build email lists, automate your email marketing campaigns, and generate and deliver email campaigns with Mailchimp.


Its drag-and-drop email builder, which enables you to generate aesthetically beautiful emails without any coding knowledge, is one of Mailchimp’s main features. To make your emails more relevant to your readers, you may segment your email list and personalize them.


HubSpot is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that gives businesses access to a number of tools to draw in, keep, and delight consumers. With the help of its robust email marketing tool, you can design and deliver personalized email campaigns, monitor their effectiveness, and automate your email marketing activities.

You can split your email list into multiple categories using HubSpot’s email marketing platform, such as engagement, behavior, and demographics. Additionally, you may test several versions of your emails using its A/B testing function to see which one works better.

Regular Contact

A solution for email marketing created specifically for small businesses is called Constant Contact. It has a number of tools that make it simple to build email lists, automate email marketing campaigns, and generate and deliver email campaigns.

Constant Contact’s adaptable email templates are one of its distinguishing features since they let you make emails that are aesthetically attractive without any design experience. To make your emails more relevant to your readers, you may segment your email list and personalize them.


ConvertKit is an email marketing solution made specifically for writers, bloggers, and other content producers. It is the perfect option for individuals who wish to develop an engaged audience because of its features oriented toward content producers.

One of ConvertKit’s unique features is its automation tools, which let you design sophisticated email sequences that are depending on the actions of your subscribers. To make your emails more relevant to your readers, you may segment your email list and personalize them.


A variety of solutions are available through the marketing automation platform ActiveCampaign to assist companies in acquiring, retaining, and engaging clients. With the help of its robust email marketing tool, you can design and deliver personalized email campaigns, monitor their effectiveness, and automate your email marketing activities.

You may divide your email list into multiple categories using ActiveCampaign’s email marketing platform, including demographics, behavior, and engagement. Additionally, you may test several versions of your emails using its A/B testing function to see which one works better.


GetResponse is a comprehensive marketing platform that gives businesses access to a number of tools to expand their customer base and boost conversion rates. With the help of its robust email marketing tool, you can design and deliver personalized email campaigns, monitor their effectiveness, and automate your email marketing activities.

You can divide your email list into multiple categories using GetResponse’s email marketing platform, including interaction, behavior, and demographics. Additionally, you may test several versions of your emails using its A/B testing function to see which one works better.


Typically, the term “drip” refers to an email campaign in which a number of pre-written emails are automatically delivered to a selected list of subscribers over a certain amount of time. This strategy is frequently used to cultivate leads or consumers and gradually increase interaction.

Drip campaigns are often started when a subscriber performs a certain action or behavior, such as signing up for a newsletter or completing a purchase. The drip campaign’s messages are often created to progressively increase subscriber trust, offer value, and motivate them to do a certain action, like making another purchase or upgrading to a premium membership.


In conclusion, a variety of email marketing tools and techniques are available to assist organizations in enhancing their email campaigns and interacting with their audience. Businesses may automate their email campaigns, produce aesthetically beautiful emails with personalized content, and measure their success metrics by utilizing solutions like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and HubSpot.

Additionally, putting tactics like segmentation, A/B testing, and drip campaigns into practice may assist companies in sending subscribers customized and pertinent communications, enhancing open and click-through rates, and eventually boosting conversions and income.




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The Ultimate Email Marketing Guide for Beginners Wed, 11 Jan 2023 12:18:26 +0000 Read More]]> What is email marketing?

Email marketing is described as a type of digital marketing that uses emails to advertise goods and services to new and current clients.

Email marketing is a crucial channel that both B2C and B2B businesses use to increase brand recognition, client loyalty, and conversion rates.

Why is email marketing important?

One of the most lucrative direct marketing methods is email marketing, with Statista estimating that global email revenue would reach $17.9 billion by 2027. That is a sizable number of businesses using email effectively!

Let’s examine three of email marketing’s key components for your company.

Data gathering

Data collecting is one of the main reasons firms use email.

Getting email subscribers is a terrific approach to consentingly acquire personal data from people who are interested in your business while third-party cookies are phased out.

Businesses must abide by data privacy laws like the GDPR or CCPA because customers want to secure their personal information. First-party data is gathered through email in a way that increases brand recognition and loyalty.

Inbound Marketing

By providing pertinent information, email can also assist you in attracting prospects and leads. What are some ways that email marketing can support your overall inbound marketing plan?

Prospects that have already expressed interest in your business, product, or service can be communicated with via email. By choosing to subscribe to a newsletter, they accomplish this.

Because of the nature of using email for inbound marketing, your leads are warmer because they are more interested in and eager on doing business with you. As inbound email lists often contain fewer members, it also means that the Return on Investment is higher and that costs may be lower.


Email allows for the segmentation and personalization of information and messaging because you are aware of your audience. This implies that you can organize lists in various ways by those who:

  • Manifest your interest in a specific good or service.
  • possess certain tastes, such as a love of cats!
  • Share a common base of operations
  • Are a specific age and gender

Writing a prospecting email that produces responses will be easier the more you are aware of your clients or prospects. It’s not about flooding your lists; instead, use discretion when choosing the frequency and make sure to A/B test your content and subject lines to determine what works best.

How to do email marketing: Step-by-step guide

How do you create and carry out an email marketing campaign now that you are aware of the importance of email and how to establish and grow your email lists?

Making a list

The size and calibre of the subscriber list are the primary success factors when creating an email campaign. Consider making lists that are divided up by type. You can do it according to the audience, preference, or category, but try to avoid putting all of your contacts in one pot and hope for the best.

Consider the consumers or prospects you wish to work with and why. then use Excel or your email marketing programme to compile an email list. Each list should be clearly labelled so you can quickly find it again and measure performance.

In the realm of email marketing, it’s important for beginners to explore various strategies. If you’re curious about the effectiveness of email scraping, you might find the insights shared in the article “does email scraping work” quite enlightening.

Choose an email marketing tool

There is many different email marketing solutions available. As a result, you must do your homework and select the ideal one for your company.

Some programmes are free to use initially but charge based on the number of contacts in your database after that. This is why maintaining control over your lists is crucial because you’ll be paying for each one; be ready to regularly examine your lists.

Plan an email workflow

An automated workflow is a set of emails sent in a certain sequence to nurture leads or direct customers to take specific actions. To put one up, follow these simple steps:

  • Set a goal for your workflow, such as getting more prospects to sign up for a free trial.
  • EEstablish enrollment criteria to determine who will enter the workflow based on the settings you select. Anybody who downloaded a specific ebook, for instance.
  • Choose your email assets, which may include a call to action (CTA) that directs recipients to a blog or a customised landing page for a free trial sign-up.

Plan a calendar

Similar to an editorial or social media calendar is an email calendar. To target prospects and consumers, consistent frequency and audience planning are necessary.

Set goals for each campaign and decide how frequently you want to communicate with certain segments or groups. You can determine who and when you are targeting by tracking the date of your email marketing efforts.

When transmitting, you should also keep the dates and times in mind. Depending on your target, some will be more effective than others, such as during a commute or first thing in the morning. See what works for your lists by putting these to the test.

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How to Write A Marketing Email Fri, 30 Dec 2022 18:15:55 +0000 Read More]]> Marketing Email

In only the last few years, marketing email has advanced significantly. But you know what’s sort of amusing with all the fancy new functionality brands are using? An email that is well-written and in plain text can perform just as well—if not better—than one that is elaborately designed and packed with features.

How to Write A Marketing Email

Use actionable language

Employing actionable language in email subject lines doesn’t always mean using verbs, but it certainly helps. For instance, OpenTable sent me with the subject line “Take Mom to Brunch.” One approach to effectively employ actionable language in email subject lines is to include a verb (such as “take,” “download,” “reserve,” “ask,” or “purchase”) so that the reader is aware of what they can do as soon as they open the email.

Personalize when possible

Highly segmented emails typically perform better than non-personalized emails in terms of open and clickthrough rates, for example. According to Direct Marketing Association research, segmented and targeted emails earned 58% of all income for the marketers polled, and emails delivered to certain target selections were responsible for 36% of sales.

Prioritize clarity, and only then think about “catchiness.”

Create a subject line that is both clear and appealing.

Clarity should always, always, always come first in marketing text. If you can make your subject line snappy, humorous, cute, whimsical, or anything else after you’ve written a clear subject line, go for it. Never, however, compromise clarity for amusement.

Align your subject line copy and email copy

You may already be aware of how important it is for the offer on your landing page and the wording in your call to action to match. Making your email subject line and the email message is no different.

Determine relevance

The language of the email message should aim to build relevance through personalization, just like the subject line should.

Again, convincing readers that what’s inside your email message is relevant to them requires more than just a dynamic name tag. Use the email’s opening to introduce yourself and how you know each other.

Write in the second person

When writing in the second person, the pronouns “you,” “your,” and “yours” must be used. For example, “Before you leave in the morning, remember to bring your jacket.” It implies that you write with the reader—not yourself—in mind.

Be concise

Trying to fit the entire story into the email is one of the worst blunders email copywriters can do. Consider the last time you opened a marketing email from your inbox. Did you read every word there? Most likely not. It’s more likely that you quickly skim the text for key ideas so you can understand the main points and determine whether you want to take any further action.

Use actionable language in your call-to-action

There are also calls to action in emails. The good ones, that is. Your email’s call to action should, first and foremost, be very simple to recognize. Remember: Emails are frequently skimmed. Your call to action is the one thing you want the reader to focus on.

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Email Marketing Tips & Examples for 2024 Sat, 17 Dec 2022 20:56:30 +0000 Read More]]> Email Marketing

In 2023, data privacy will become more important to marketers as people protect their personal information and only share it with companies they trust. Additionally, the demise of third-party cookies will make it harder for marketers to target customers with ads, so they need a channel that enables first-party data (and consensus) collection. Welcome to the wonderful world of email marketing. Email marketing is a form of marketing where you can make customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a soft sell to educate your audience about the value of your brand or engage them between purchases.

Email Marketing Tips

Use Personalization

The truth is, personalization works. Merkle’s Customer Engagement Report 2022 found that 80% of business leaders said consumers spend more (34 percent more on average) when they personalize their experience.

Despite the success of personalization, customers feel that companies are not living up to their expectations, according to Salesforce’s ‘State of the Connected Customer’.

Write a catchy subject line

The power of the right subject line in your email marketing cannot be underestimated. It’s the first thing a person sees in their inbox, so it’s worth taking the time to write something relevant and attention-grabbing.

  • Add Emojis – People are used to using emojis, so include ones that are relevant or emphasize your topic.
  • Use powerful language – stay away from weak or clichéd language. Try to include words that trigger or call to action.
  • Get personal – use a name in the subject line as we mentioned above or mention something that resonates e.g. Past purchases or eBook downloads

Audit and clean your email lists

You should already be aware of the demise of third-party cookies at Google in 2024 and the introduction of Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP). This makes the way you capture and use data more important to ensure the security of customer information.

Email is a great example of that important first-party data source – consensual information – and you should do everything you can to protect that data. It is important to look at your database and clean it up.

Use omnichannel marketing

In 2023 and beyond, omnichannel marketing is a growing trend for companies of all sizes.

But what is omnichannel marketing? Simply put, it utilizes each marketing channel to its full potential and creates a seamless experience as the customer moves from one channel to another.

Include relevant links

Once someone clicks on your email, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to get to where they want to go.

Don’t just send a prospect or customer to the ether of your website. Make sure to create relevant and personalized landing pages that follow the email content.

Consider interactivity

Add interactivity to your email marketing by inviting people to swipe, click, tap or view. It can be a countdown clock, video, or GIF. The point is that your email makes someone inhabit it.

This email from Google Local Guides includes a GIF feature that shows the recipient how to effectively take an image.

Have a good UI and UX

Creating a seamless experience for a prospect or customer across all your channels is essential. That means user experience (UX) and your user interface (UI) should be taken into account when adding links to your emails.

Use Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be very useful in your email marketing. There are tools like writing assistant Rytr and delivery platform Sendgrid that automate certain processes to help increase engagement and revenue.

AI will help you use advanced computer science techniques and computational firepower to derive insights from big data and customer data (which includes customer behavior). Tools can help you write email copy, clean lists, improve send times, and send automated newsletters.

Look at examples of emails from your industry & competitors

The best way to create an effective email marketing campaign is to look at successful ones that are getting responses within your industry or competitors.

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What Best Skills Do You Need to Be an Email Marketing Specialist? Tue, 22 Nov 2022 13:35:21 +0000 Read More]]> Email Marketing Specialist

Email marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy, but knowing where to start can be difficult.

By reading this guide, you’ll learn a list of email marketing skills you need to learn and improve in order to send successful campaigns and set up high-performing strategies.

Skills need to be an Email Marketing Specialist

Strategic Thinking

A good email marketer understands the fundamentals and how email marketing efforts add value to the entire business.

We all know about the ROI email marketing delivers and how much $1 can get back.

But really, email marketing should have its own strategy. A strategy that brings results, not just a bulk email sent once a month.

Automating Lead Nurturing and Lifecycle Emails

Email marketing isn’t just about sending newsletters and special offers.

Automating lead nurturing processes is one of the best things you can do to save time and get more ROI from your email campaigns.

List Management and Segmentation

As an email marketer, there is no doubt that you need to develop advanced skills on how to manage your communications.

Today’s marketers know that if the number of email lists is small, the best data and experience is for contacts.

They segment their database based on contact tags and custom fields to avoid spamming and email duplication. This helps them send more relevant emails in their campaigns, resulting in higher open rates and click-through rates.


Email copywriting is one of the most important skills a marketer should have.

Tons of emails vie for contacts’ attention every day – good copywriting skills make the difference between a successful campaign and one that ends up in spam.

An email marketer should know how to write subject lines that increase email open rates.

Analytics and Testing

Today’s email marketers need to understand the most important metrics and how to measure the effectiveness of their email campaigns.

Here we talk about email marketing KPIs that will help you track your success and predict future performance.

Email Design and Visuals

More and more people are using phones to read their emails. This means your emails should be responsive.

Responsive email means your email is readable and looks good on all devices.

By default, most email software, such as Automizy, provide responsive email builders to design responsive HTML emails that are compatible with different screen sizes.

Email Protection and Authentication

Sending emails does not happen in a vacuum.

You need to learn the technical jargon of email sending and delivery.

Understanding the back-end processes involved in ensuring that email gets delivered on time can make your life much easier.

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The Best Practical Guide to Email Marketing Metrics Wed, 16 Nov 2022 02:02:35 +0000 Read More]]> Email Marketing

More than ever, we need to find the best ways to reach out to existing customers. Now that first-party data is more important than ever, email marketing provides a solid, integrated strategy within your broader marketing efforts.

As with all other areas of your business marketing, including tracking the return on investment (ROI) from your social media campaigns, measuring email marketing success is critical to your success.

Use the following metrics to evaluate the success and health of your email marketing efforts. Rank your data and work to improve it monthly until it’s down to a perfectly executed science.

Email Marketing Metrics: The Essentials

Use the following metrics to evaluate the success and health of your email marketing efforts. Rank your data and work on improving it monthly until it’s fully operational.

Clickthrough Rate

Click-through rates give you a detailed understanding of how many subscribers are engaging with your content and what type of content they want to consume, whether it’s a blog post or a product offer. These are the insights that can really help you adjust and improve your email marketing efforts.

Conversion Rate

Tracking your conversion rate is a logical progression from measuring clicks. A well-designed marketing email should always have a call-to-action (CTA), now is the time to measure whether or not your subscribers took action! Whether your CTA is to download a brochure or subscribe to a podcast, your conversion rate will help you determine how well you’re reaching your goals.

Subscriber List Activity

It is important to track both the growth and decline of your subscriber lists. List growth is essential because it expands your reach and increases the likelihood that subscribers will engage with your emails and ultimately convert. However, subscriber list decay is inevitable. According to HubSpot, email marketing databases naturally shrink by about 22.5% each year.

Bounce Rate

A classic email marketing metric, bounce rate is the percentage of emails that are undeliverable to subscribers and are sent back to your email service provider.

Hard bounces: Messages that are permanently rejected because the wrong email address or the recipient’s server blocked your server.

Soft Bounces: Messages that are temporarily rejected because the recipient’s inbox is full, the server is down, or the email exceeds a size limit set by the recipient or email service provider.

Email Forwarding

The rate at which your subscribers share and forward your emails to their own contacts is valuable insight for several reasons; This will tell you the extent to which subscribers were entertained or engaged by your email content and the extended reach the content can enjoy.


The level of understanding you can gain by analyzing how subscribers interact with your emails is far more detailed and meaningful than whether they opened it in the first place or not. If a recipient engages with your email, you can rest assured that you’re well on your way to achieving your email marketing goals.

Engagement based on time and day

Everyone wants to know the optimal day and the best time of the week to send their marketing emails; It makes sense to give your campaign a better fighting chance. In reality, there is no magic time or golden time, which varies based on many factors, from industry to geography to customer personality. That’s why it’s worth testing your success!

Time spent engaging with email content

When it comes to content marketing, we can measure how long a user is engaged with the content on a particular web page using Google Analytics. With email marketing, length of engagement with email content is equally important, and the longer a subscriber spends reading your email, the better.

Device Type and Email Client

A key principle of email campaign design is to test how the email looks on both mobile devices and different email clients, from a creative and content-centric perspective.

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How Behavioral Targeting Personalizes Your Email Marketing Thu, 22 Sep 2022 18:03:15 +0000 Read More]]> Email marketing is one of the many types of digital marketing. It is an extremely personal and specialized form of marketing that has immense potential for lead conversions.
Email marketing can be bolstered with the use of behavioral targeting (discussed in next section). Today we are going to check out how behavioral targeting personalizes email marketing and what benefits that brings.

What is Behavioral Targeting?
Behavioral targeting is the act of evaluating a person’s online behavior on your platform such as an app, website or online store to gauge their interests and preferences in order to market to them in ways that they are more receptive to.
For example, a person who frequently browses in the DIY (do it yourself) home repairs section of your store would be more receptive to advertisements about tools such as hammers, nails, drills, etc., etc.
It is an incredibly effective method of increasing user engagement and converting leads. It allows companies and their marketing teams to run segmented/targeted campaigns. According to HubSpot, using segmented campaigns can result in a whopping 760%  increase in revenue.
Since 64% of all small companies use email marketing as their main marketing method, they can benefit immensely by employing behavioral targeting.

How to Personalize Emails Using Behavioral Targeting?
Emails can be personalized based on the data that has been collected for behavioral targeting. The data collected can include:
⦁ Time spent by the user on specific pages on the company’s website.
⦁ Any queries that were filed through email or the website.
⦁ Products/services that were previously bought by the user.
⦁ Ads that users interacted with or completely ignored.
⦁ User age and gender.
And quite a lot of other data. Using the information gathered, marketers can proceed to divide their customer base into segments. Each segment caters to people who have particular interests.
Once categories dealing with different buyer personas have been created, marketers can proceed to send emails that are related to the interests and motivations of each segment.
And that is what personalized emails are; exposing your customers to things they are or may be interested in.

Benefits of Behavioral Targeting
Behavioral targeting as we already mentioned is very effective. It has many benefits and results in a win-win situation for both customers and companies. The customers get to be happy with their purchase and the company gets to make a profit.
Here are some benefits of using behavioral targeting for personalized email marketing.

⦁ Improve Engagement
Getting people to engage with your company is the first step in converting them into loyal customers. People need to be sufficiently interested in your company before they will be willing to engage with it at any level.
A targeted email works wonders in that regard. Compared to an unsolicited and targeted email, a targeted and personalized message can usually bring an interested party right to your website.
You can use a creative summarizing tool to condense such targeted emails. Using such tools ensures that the quality of writing is good and the material is engaging. Which is a necessity of email marketing.
Email engagement is one of the top metrics that is used to measure content performance. Approximately 90% of the companies track it for that purpose. Hence, being able to increase it using behavioral targeting is a huge benefit.

⦁ Increase Lead Conversion Rate
Traditionally, lead conversion is thought to be when an interested party makes a purchase and converts into a customer. Usually, the purchase is done after a bit of…recce by the customer.
However, in digital marketing, lead conversion applies to any action that moves the interested party further along the sales funnel until they finally become a buyer.
Using this definition, just getting someone to sign up on your platform or subscribe to your newsletter counts as “lead conversion”.
Behavioral targeting in emails allows marketers to craft such mails that compel the intended audience to either sign up or buy a service/product.
Just asking them to fill out a form or complete a survey using personalized emails can get a lot of results. If they do end up doing these actions, you will only get more data to personalize the mails even further.

⦁ Reduce Bounce
Bounce in email marketing is when an email is either not opened at all or opened for a few seconds before being discarded.
A high bounce rate is bad for email marketing as email services can take it as a sign that your company is spewing spam. And they will automatically put your mails in the spam folders rather than displaying them in the main and primary inbox.
Personalized emails can massively reduce the bounce rate. When the subject and content of the mail is interesting to the recipient, they will take the time to read it and maybe even follow the call-to-actions (CTAs) present in the email.
Email open rate is rated at 19.8% across all industries. However, targeted mails can increase that number.

⦁ Increase ROI
ROI stands for Return on Investment. It refers to the amount of profit you earn compared to the investment you make in any business venture.
A better ROI signifies that the investment was small while the profit was large. A poor ROI signifies that the investment was large but the profit was small or nonexistent.
Marketing campaigns require huge investments. But the profit is never guaranteed.

However, email marketing has very good ROI. Pair that with behavioral targeting and you have a very nice combination. According to an “” report from 2015, 77% of ROI comes from targeted campaigns.

That is a huge number and should tell you how advantageous personalized and targeted emails are.

Where to Use Behavioral Targeting Emails?

There are a number of use cases where emails are very effective. Here are a few scenarios where you can use personalized emails.

⦁ Checking up on Abandoned Carts
For a variety of reasons, people tend to not abandon their online shopping carts. However, what this tells the marketers is that the person is interested enough in the products that they almost made the conscious decision to buy them.
Sending them an email, that reminds them of the cart and provides a small discount on the products is a very effective method for boosting lead conversions.
A small thing to note is that you shouldn’t wait too long before following up on an abandoned cart. Usually sending an email on the next day gets a favorable response. Waiting too long, however, can result in a useless email, as by that time the person may have already solved their issues for which they needed the product.

⦁ Following Up on People Who Browse but Don’t Buy
You may notice that some people visit your website and browse through your catalogue quite frequently, but they don’t buy anything.
You can send them an email and offer them some bundle, package or a discount on the products they frequent the most.
You can even use this opportunity to try and up-sell those products and convince the prospective buyer to purchase a better version of the product.

⦁ Offer Custom Packages and Prices

We have seen that offering discounts on abandoned carts and frequently browsed products is very effective. But there is another way to utilize this.
Behavioral targeting enables you to create very specific audience/buyer personas. You can send custom emails to people who fall into these categories. These emails should offer them packages or deals that are not normally available on your site.

You can include discounts, “buy one get one free” deals, or even bundles that cost less than the sum of their parts.
Following up these offers with a catchy text that goes something like “Only for you, follow this link to avail this incredible offer…” or something along those lines, can really boost your lead conversion.

And there you have it.
Now you know what behavioral targeting is, how it can be used for personalizing emails and some use cases where you can apply it and reap the benefits.
It is important to note that you should never go too deep into profiling your clients. They can easily get spooked if you show them that you know so much about them.
To mitigate this, you should always be transparent about your data collection methods.
Clarify in your mails that the data is collected only from your own platform. This can prevent raising privacy concerns. Always stick to ethical sources when collecting data.

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Warning: You’re Losing Money by Not Using Email Marketing Tools Thu, 30 Jun 2022 09:18:34 +0000 Read More]]> Money and time are both essential for your business. In this article, you will get mind-blowing myth busters about email marketing that can sail off your business while getting the most of your time and money.

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Warning: You’re Losing Money by Not Using Email Marketing Tools Marketing is a way for you to reach out to your prospects.

In 2021, the global market earned 4 trillion dollars through retail in eCommerce. So have you asked yourself what in the world did the eCommerce industry do to profit that much?

Let’s just put it this way, most income earners in eCommerce started small in the business.

These startup companies learned about taking their brand online. Though the competition is steep, millions have begun to notice them. Eventually, these consumers purchased their products online as well.

How did they do it? Email marketing is one of their marketing strategies that made it possible.

More than 70 percent of marketers focused on personalized email marketing rather than random and bulk sends.

As you know, 80 percent of consumers prefer email with a personal touch and the correct email at the right time. That’s how online marketers play the game.

I bet you are curious!

So here are the reasons why you are losing money in this digital era without the use of email marketing tools.

Why You’re Losing Money by Not Using Email Marketing Tools

1. You’re wasting time manually sending emails to hundreds to thousands of email recipients.

Every business swears by this quote: “time is money.” The amount of time spent on work equates to money for the cost of labor or another conversion generated.

Email marketing tools are meant to make work easier and faster. These tools address issues such as sending hundreds to thousands of emails daily, essential to gain more leads and conversions. But if you’re manually sending them, you are wasting your precious time.

Automating the sending of emails to multiple recipients will allow you to accomplish this task in no time. It will also allow you to focus on other tasks crucial to your business’s success.

2. You’re paying someone to do the manual work for you.        

There is nothing wrong with manual work, but note that we live in a digital age where technology lives among us daily. We have our phones to tick at work and home.

Manual work is arduous. It takes a lot of your time doing repetitive tasks, but that won’t add much to your goals of earning big. Dedicate yourself to getting better results without giving yourself tons of work.

Working efficiently, for example, is adding automation to your daily email sends. Doing this gives you more time to plan and make decisions that can help more people. Not only that, you get to have fun with all of the chaos around you. Do you know what I mean?

Paying someone to do the manual work, such as your email campaigns, is not bad at all, but you are not working smart. Give justice to your money. Email marketing resources pointed out one thing; time is money.


Because you have to handle the books, the timekeeping for manual labor, and to note, what if your employee got sick and won’t be able to do the job for you? Those are only some of the mishaps of manual work.

Jive into the technology. Automation is the key. Suppose you don’t know how to ask. There are hundreds of email marketing resources that you can look into and get your yay to being yay!

Here are the reasons why your business will benefit more from email automation.

  • Personal approach: What this means is that when sending emails, you use first-name bases. Marketers have seen the growth of their prospects’ interaction when sending emails with a personal touch with a 26 percent open rate.
  • Segmented Emails: Emails are getting noticed when it is relevant to your prospect’s interest, purchase behavior, and demographics. You will get more clicks and a higher conversion rate in return.
  • Transactional Emails: If you have heard about pop-ups saying “Subscribe here” when you visit a website, that, my friend, is transactional emails. It allows visitors of your website, such as blogs or newsletters, to subscribe to your content. You will get so excited to generate 6x times more of what you have now!
  • Purchase Cycle: Here is another benefit of automation that will benefit you when you can reach out to your customer for their next purchase. Make a plan for a month of the year when you estimate what day your customer would probably purchase again.
  • Drip campaigns: This type of automation can keep your customers engaged with you. If you can see that your prospect is not yet ready to buy your product but is interested, this can also benefit you.

The best thing about automation is that you don’t need to do this daily. But you only need to make a plan.

Schedule your messages and your following action.

Take note of the holidays and your customer’s birthday. Then make sure that you will get ready to receive a higher ROI.

Exciting, isn’t it?

3. You didn’t know that paying for tools will save you from paying for labor.

Tools can help you save up time when you do your email marketing.

$42 ROI in every dollar that you spent. That was the income generated by one of the lavish email marketers in town in 2019. That is how much you could earn when paying for tools for your email marketing campaigns.

Isn’t that huge?

You are not only saving up for labor when you pay for email marketing tools, but you gained more than you have hoped for, at least.

4. You’re not using free email marketing tools either.

Marketers use email marketing to nurture leads and help the company maintain the relationship between a company and its prospects.

One of the email marketing tips is using “free” tools.

Yes, you do not need to pay for tools such as your email automation. Yet if you love it, you can subscribe for a year or a monthly plan to get more sends, get added perks, or get more tools to help you with your marketing campaigns.

Suppose you are unsure. Better test the waters. Take the free email marketing tools and see how your company grows.

Software companies provide a 30-day trial period when you want to check out their tools. You don’t need to add your credit card details to do so. Also, you can stop subscribing when you are not into it.

5. You don’t know how to find leads fast.

Leads are the bread and butter of your company. Without them, your company won’t survive.

Time is gold, so better find those leads fast. There are so many email marketing resources that you can look into when you want to learn how to generate leads through email marketing.

Here are some apps you can use to generate leads and boost your revenue.

  • Mailchimp: Build emails, ads, landing pages, and postcards from one place.
  • AWeber: There is new in this company, and if you want to save, this software company is best for you. They have a free plan that allows you to use tools for email marketing and automation and much more.
  • HubSpot: This software company has two hubs from which you can choose. They have a marketing and sales hub. You can get your marketing campaigns and your sales all from one place.
  • ActiveCampaign: This software company allows you to reach, nurture, convert and grow your company with their system.
  • GetResponse: This company has a free plan for all new businesses. You may want to check this out.
  • ConvertKit: This company focuses on creators. ConvertKit can be your playground if you have the same niche as theirs.
  • Campaign Monitor: If you prefer adding images to your emails, this software company may help you.
  • Drip:This software company is not only based on email but also on SMS sends. That is hitting two birds with one stone.
  • Constant Contact:If you have a robust and unique market wanting to bring your heritage with you, then this software company is just for you.
  • Zoho Campaigns: This software company has a unique flow, such as a drag and drop workflow. This company is for you if you are always on a tight schedule.

Look how much you can save with email marketing. Plus, perks like social media posting on top of your email automation gig.

6. You can’t find out and analyze your email engagements.

You own your business. Naturally, you check how your business is doing using statistics and analytics.

With analytics in each email engagement, you will get the zest if your email messages work or not.

These analytics can help you plan your next steps to find those customers that belong to your niche.

Still don’t know the terms that you need to monitor your metrics? Read on.

There are eight ways how to check your KPIs and Metrics:

  • Click through rate: this is the essential metric used by most marketers because this can quickly help you check if your emails work or not.
  • Bounce rate: Email bounce determines your reputation when sending out your campaigns. That’s why it is best practice to clean your list and remove invalid emails. The more likely your email will go to your customer’s spam folder if you keep using invalid emails.
  • Conversion rate: conversion rate is how your prospect completed your target, such as purchasing your product or finishing your lead generation application list.
  • Email sharing: this metric is also essential in growing your lead list. You may not see it as necessary, but you get new contacts when people share your email on their social media channels.
  • List growth rate: Everything also grows your email list. Whether you like it or not, it will come to the point that new emails will decay on your list. Keep on growing and adding emails to your list to keep your lead list growing.
  • Open rate: This metric measures the number of people who open your email. You will get to know more if your emails are noticeable. If you have a higher open rate, the more likely consumers will buy your product.
  • Overall ROI: This metric will help your team understand your company’s total revenue when you do email marketing.
  • Unsubscribe rate: This is the metric you may want to be watchful of. If you have a higher unsubscribe rate, people won’t bother reading your email.

7. You can’t analyze your conversion rate.

Conversion rate is one of the metrics you can look into if you want to know how many people visited your online store and bought from it.

If you still don’t know how to convert it, use this formula: no. of people complete your desired goal x 100

 total no. of emails sent

Please refer to this sample below: You sent one thousand emails to your prospects to subscribe to your newsletter by completing a questionnaire. After 24 hours, you only got 200 replies. That means your conversation rate is at twenty percent.

200 X 100


= 20% rate

That means that’s good, but you can do much better. At this point, you are automating your responses to your customers while building a list of new contacts to generate leads. You plan your next steps by having these metrics answer the question, “How is your business, pal?”

You can decide that automation is the next big thing for your company


Email marketing is the best way to run your business and give you what you deserve. You can tick your email by sending some photos. Of course, make sure that you have edited it well. If your background doesn’t thrill you, why not try a transparent background for a change.

Email marketing has grown over the years. It will keep growing like you and your business. I hope this article gave you new insights and a newer way to view automation better.

In the end, the decision will always start and ends with you. So make an informed and intelligent decision now!

“Yen Pedrajas is the full-time lead of SEO at Removal.AI– an AI-powered background remover tool used to automatically remove background from images. She is also an eCommerce and digital marketing enthusiast who loves to share and write new insights and perspectives about marketing and growth hacking for startup businesses.”
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