Email Marketing

More than ever, we need to find the best ways to reach out to existing customers. Now that first-party data is more important than ever, email marketing provides a solid, integrated strategy within your broader marketing efforts.

As with all other areas of your business marketing, including tracking the return on investment (ROI) from your social media campaigns, measuring email marketing success is critical to your success.

Use the following metrics to evaluate the success and health of your email marketing efforts. Rank your data and work to improve it monthly until it’s down to a perfectly executed science.

Email Marketing Metrics: The Essentials

Use the following metrics to evaluate the success and health of your email marketing efforts. Rank your data and work on improving it monthly until it’s fully operational.

Clickthrough Rate

Click-through rates give you a detailed understanding of how many subscribers are engaging with your content and what type of content they want to consume, whether it’s a blog post or a product offer. These are the insights that can really help you adjust and improve your email marketing efforts.

Conversion Rate

Tracking your conversion rate is a logical progression from measuring clicks. A well-designed marketing email should always have a call-to-action (CTA), now is the time to measure whether or not your subscribers took action! Whether your CTA is to download a brochure or subscribe to a podcast, your conversion rate will help you determine how well you’re reaching your goals.

Subscriber List Activity

It is important to track both the growth and decline of your subscriber lists. List growth is essential because it expands your reach and increases the likelihood that subscribers will engage with your emails and ultimately convert. However, subscriber list decay is inevitable. According to HubSpot, email marketing databases naturally shrink by about 22.5% each year.

Bounce Rate

A classic email marketing metric, bounce rate is the percentage of emails that are undeliverable to subscribers and are sent back to your email service provider.

Hard bounces: Messages that are permanently rejected because the wrong email address or the recipient’s server blocked your server.

Soft Bounces: Messages that are temporarily rejected because the recipient’s inbox is full, the server is down, or the email exceeds a size limit set by the recipient or email service provider.

Email Forwarding

The rate at which your subscribers share and forward your emails to their own contacts is valuable insight for several reasons; This will tell you the extent to which subscribers were entertained or engaged by your email content and the extended reach the content can enjoy.


The level of understanding you can gain by analyzing how subscribers interact with your emails is far more detailed and meaningful than whether they opened it in the first place or not. If a recipient engages with your email, you can rest assured that you’re well on your way to achieving your email marketing goals.

Engagement based on time and day

Everyone wants to know the optimal day and the best time of the week to send their marketing emails; It makes sense to give your campaign a better fighting chance. In reality, there is no magic time or golden time, which varies based on many factors, from industry to geography to customer personality. That’s why it’s worth testing your success!

Time spent engaging with email content

When it comes to content marketing, we can measure how long a user is engaged with the content on a particular web page using Google Analytics. With email marketing, length of engagement with email content is equally important, and the longer a subscriber spends reading your email, the better.

Device Type and Email Client

A key principle of email campaign design is to test how the email looks on both mobile devices and different email clients, from a creative and content-centric perspective.

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