influencer marketing – Pavani Naidu Digital Marketing, Branding Expert Pavani Pagidimarri Tue, 07 Feb 2023 09:35:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 influencer marketing – Pavani Naidu 32 32 A Guide to Instagram Influencer Marketing for Businesses Tue, 07 Feb 2023 09:33:40 +0000 Read More]]> Influencer Marketing

Over the past few years, influencer marketing has become increasingly popular and is now one of the most important marketing strategies on Instagram. Across all channels, influencer marketing was projected to be a more than $13 billion industry in 2021 and to surpass $16 billion in 2022. Let’s think about websites like Facebook, Youtube, and TikTok. With 68% of marketing professionals using Instagram for their influencer marketing campaigns, it is the social media platform with the fastest growth for influencer marketing.

Without a shadow of a doubt, to conduct effective campaigns, every company and social media firm must maximize this particular marketing strategy. It’s interesting to learn some background information about Instagram influencer marketing before diving in.

What Causes Influencer Marketing’s Popularity?

Influencer marketing moves away from the cliché of famous people endorsing products. The majority of influencers are regular people who have gained a following through their reviews and advocacy of brands they use.

All of the sparkle and glamour of TV commercials. The more famous the celebrity, the more popular the product. To be perfectly honest, that trend hasn’t stopped yet. However, Instagram gave average people a platform to highlight the real advantages of a business or product. More than celebrities who, in their opinion, did not even utilize the product, viewers chose to follow these influencers. Because of their enormous popularity, brands quickly appointed these influencers as their spokespeople.

In fact, given how quickly some influencers have become well-known over the years, they are now regarded as nothing less than celebrities. The growth of micro-influencers is the present trend that is dominating. These influencers have an audience of 2 to 10 thousand people. Even more than big-name influencers with millions of followers, Instagram users value these influencers’ honesty when it comes to their opinions.

How Do I Create a Successful Instagram Influencer Marketing Campaign?

It will be possible for you to plan and carry out an efficient influencer marketing campaign if you are aware of these guidelines. It must be said that results vary depending on the industry you’re working in. For instance, influencers have the biggest impact on cosmetics, makeup, and skincare goods. To carry out good marketing, it’s also critical to comprehend the primary industry.

How Can Basic Cost Be Evaluated?

Consider an influencer’s number of followers and engagement rate as a general rule. According to Hootsuite, this is the unwritten industry standard: $100 for every 10,000 followers. The deliverables, which include postings, stories, and reels, are also necessary, therefore this cost is not absolute.

Be prepared to haggle over the deliverables. Consider overhead expenses, logistics, and production costs as well. Reaching a trustworthy number will require you to list out each of these details in detail.

When it comes to a campaign, our recommendation is to always request a bundle offer. This enables you to arrive at a figure with which you are comfortable.

What Concerns the B2B Influencer Rate?

Instead of billing based on the volume of material, B2B influencers bill based on the time and effort required to complete the deliverables. These influencers typically provide a package deal that includes a variety of services. Depending on how many days are involved in their participation, rates can change.

Never forget to allocate money to promotions.

Through simplified adverts, the appropriate audiences must be targeted. You may gauge the scope of your influencer campaign by allocating a budget for advertising. Additionally, if the money works, it gives you the chance to hire several influencers. Ads play a significant role in influencer marketing and have the power to make or ruin a campaign.

How do you choose the best influencers for your campaign?

Your influencer marketing plan must match the right influencer with the correct sector to be effective. Determining your campaign becomes important in this situation. As a brand, you have established campaign goals and selected the appropriate influencers to work with you to get there.

Regardless, it is recommended that your influencer be somehow connected to the same sector. Evaluating the influencer’s content’s inventiveness and quality comes in as the second most crucial factor. The quality of social media material is everything. The effectiveness of your campaign is significantly influenced by the quality of the material and how it is presented, even when it comes to the largest influencers.

You may focus your search by having a firm awareness of these two factors. Finding the appropriate influencers is now the only choice left.

Looking for Hashtags with a Brand Connection

Your perfect influencer may already be a supporter of your brand. In circumstances like this, things become extremely simple. It is not necessary to further illustrate fundamental elements like brand details and brand voice in these circumstances.

Simply searching the appropriate brand hashtags will help you locate these influencers, and Instagram will take care of the rest. Working with micro-influencers can be a terrific approach for emerging and new firms to carry out a successful brand campaign.

Expanding Hashtag Search

What if you’re developing a brand right now? Or maybe there isn’t one yet? You can find the right influencers by broadening your search for industry-related keywords.

For instance, your major focus will be entrepreneurial influencers and coaches if you run a service-based business and are looking to market an offer for small business owners.

The Ultimate Email Marketing Guide for Beginners

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10 Things to Know Before Starting an Online Clothing Business Mon, 16 Jan 2023 18:48:18 +0000 Read More]]>  


Opening an online clothing store can be a great way of getting your unique and trendy designs out into the world. But with all the hype around e-commerce, it’s easy to forget that starting an online store isn’t as simple as designing stunning pieces and putting them up on a website. 

If you’re new to this world and don’t know where to start, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we’ll go over some essential things you should consider before launching your very own fashion business.

Things to Know

  1. Cost

When starting your own online clothing business, like men’s cotton crew tee, women’s apparel, print on demand, or any other niche, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what the startup costs will be. This includes the cost of designing, manufacturing, and shipping your products and promotion expenses such as advertising and marketing materials.

You should also consider any legal fees associated with setting up your business structure. For instance, registering a domain or buying the necessary hardware and software to run your website can quickly add up. 

  1. Funds

Finding adequate funding is one of the main hurdles when starting an online clothing store. Depending on how large you want your business to be, you may need some capital injection to get it off the ground.

You can tap into various sources such as personal savings, crowdfunding platforms, or venture capital firms specializing in e-commerce businesses. Alternatively, you can look into government grants or loans often available for small businesses. 

  1. Business Structure

The type of business structure you choose for your online clothing store will significantly impact its success. Common types include sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation, depending on your location and the size of operations required for your particular business model. 

It’s important to set up appropriate structures for taxation purposes, intellectual property protection, and potential liabilities down the road.

Additionally, having a good accountant who is knowledgeable about e-commerce regulations can go a long way in helping ensure proper compliance with local laws and regulations and reduce tax liabilities in the future if done properly from the start. 

  1. Brand Identity

It is important to create a unique brand identity that will allow for better recognition and trust from potential customers. Finding reliable suppliers who offer quality products at a competitive price is also helpful because it can make or break your business in the long run.

  1. Market

To succeed in this highly competitive field, it’s essential to understand who will most likely buy your products and why they would choose them over those offered by other companies in the space.

Researching consumer trends such as age demographics, location preferences, and shopping habits can help you better target potential customers. In addition, it also helps create effective marketing strategies tailored specifically towards them while also allowing you to adjust accordingly based on current market conditions or new opportunities that arise over time as well.   

  1. Audience

It’s important to know who exactly it is that you are selling clothes to when starting an online clothing business; this means figuring out things like age groups, gender identities/preferences, etc. lifestyle interests/habits. 

Even socio-economic backgrounds, if applicable, this knowledge will ultimately help inform more targeted marketing campaigns, which should result in higher conversion rates from potential customers into paying customers over time – remember, though— ‘know thy customer.’

  1. Marketing plan

Once you know who will be buying from your online store, coming up with an effective marketing plan becomes much easier – knowing which social media channels they use/respond best to help bring together an entire digital strategy tailored towards capturing their attention.

Additionally, traditional methods like print advertising still hold relevance today, especially when targeting specific demographics. 

Understanding what methods work best for each target audience allows marketers to make informed decisions regarding how best to allocate resources both digitally & traditionally. It’s also worth considering paid influencers, amongst others here too.

  1. Competitors

Knowing who else is out there selling similar clothing items is also essential, whether they’re established companies or small startups. 

Being aware of what they’re making/promoting/offering helps inform many aspects of your strategy – pricing models, product features & benefits, delivery services & customer service levels all come into play here. 

Hence, keeping tabs on these elements regularly allows entrepreneurs to stay ahead of their competitors.

  1. Keep Updated

Entrepreneurs should keep track of the latest trends in fashion, so they stay ahead of competitors by regularly introducing new products that appeal to existing customers and new ones.

  1. Customer Service

In today’s digital age, e-commerce success also depends heavily on customer experience/service, so entrepreneurs must ensure that they provide excellent support to their customers throughout the life cycle of their business.

Responding quickly to inquiries and concerns is a good way of showing customer appreciation, leading to better reviews and greater loyalty towards the brand.

Final Thoughts

Starting an online clothing business is a great way to make money and be your boss, but you should know a few things before getting started. Make sure you do your research, have a solid plan, and are prepared for the challenges that come with running your own business. 

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to starting a successful online clothing business.

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Luxury Influencers: How to leverage social media without losing your brand exclusivity Thu, 06 Oct 2022 08:46:18 +0000 Read More]]> Luxury Influencers

For a long time, Luxury brands have been defined by their exclusivity and high price tags. But in the age of social media, luxury brands face a new challenge: how to stay exclusive when everyone has access to the same platforms and influencers.

One of the ways Luxury brands maintain their exclusivity is by partnering with niche influencers with smaller but more engaged followings. These influencers are often more expensive to work with, but they can be more effective in reaching and converting luxury buyers.

Another way luxury brands are keeping their exclusivity is by controlling the narrative around their products. They do this by investing in quality content and working with experienced creatives who understand their brand identity. It allows them to tell a cohesive story that resonates with their target audience and reinforces their position as a premium brand. 


The rise of luxury influencers 

As social media use has grown in recent years, a new breed of internet user has emerged: the luxury influencer. These users have large followings on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, and they use their influence to promote high-end products and services.

 While some luxury brands have been hesitant to embrace this new trend, others have seen the potential in partnering with luxury influencers. After all, these influencers already have an audience of people who are interested in luxury goods and services. By working with them, brands can reach a wider audience without compromising their exclusivity.

There are a few things to keep in mind when working with luxury influencers. 

First, it’s important to make sure that the influencer’s aesthetic is a good fit for your brand. You also want to be sure that their audience is aligned with your target market. It’s also important to work with influencers with an established following, as you don’t want to give away free products in exchange for a small number of followers. Remember that the value of influencers lies in their ability to provide a creative platform for luxury brands.

What makes luxury retail so unique? 

Luxury brands have long been associated with celebrity endorsements and using influencers to market their products. In recent years, however, luxury brands have been increasing their use of influencer marketing due to the rise of social media. Influencer marketing allows luxury brands to target a specific audience and create more relatable and authentic content than traditional advertising.

Luxury retailers are turning to influencer marketing because it is an efficient way to reach consumers interested in high-end products.

The success of luxury brands today depends on more than just their products and in-store service. On the contrary, they need to prioritize developing a digital customer experience that will help them become a household name among millennials and Generation Z. That’s because influencers in the luxury market do just that: they advocate brands in a genuine way that resonates with their target audiences. Unfortunately, this connection has seen many setbacks.

How luxury brands are using social media 

Luxury brands have long been known for their exclusivity and high prices. But in recent years, they have been turning to social media to reach a wider audience.

By partnering with luxury influencers on platforms like Instagram, these brands can tap into a new market of potential customers. While some may worry that this will lead to the dilution of their brand, luxury brands are careful to work with influencers who share their values and maintain a high level of quality.

As social media continues to grow in popularity, luxury brands are finding new and innovative ways to use it to reach more people without sacrificing what makes them special. 

What are the main benefits of collaborating with luxury influencers?

Luxury influencers are a powerful tool for luxury brands looking to reach new audiences and promote their products. Here are some of the main benefits of collaborating with luxury influencers: 

  • They have a large and engaged following. Luxury influencers typically have a large social media following, allowing brands to reach new audiences. 
  • Their followers trust them. Because luxury influencers are seen as experts in their field, their endorsements carry much weight with consumers. 
  • They can help increase brand awareness. When luxury influencers promote a product, they can help increase brand awareness and drive sales. 
  • They can help drive traffic to your website. Luxury influencers often have links to their websites on their social media profiles, allowing brands to drive traffic to their website. Influencers help luxury brands reach new audiences and drive sales.

From the brand’s perspective, below are the benefits of collaboration.

Make your brand seem desirable and attainable; on social media, customers are led to hope and then enticed to spend money.

Having influential people wear your products increases their desirability.

To maintain its relevance in the modern market, your brand must actively participate in the discussions taking place in digital media.

Advertisements in just the most influential journals, such as Vogue and Harpar’s Baazar, will reach only a select audience with the disposable income to buy your product.

They also appeal to a younger, hipper demographic that will continue to drive the market for the foreseeable future, thanks to the influencers’ efforts.

Greater visibility and name recognition can be yours thanks to the power of social media (and the influencers who populate it).

Using an influencer marketing strategy in this way guarantees exposure to untapped markets and increased conversion rates.

Increased revenue is the direct result of a well-developed influencer marketing campaign.

One way to do this is to have influential people (influencers) promote your products to their followers, and another is to work with influencers to design limited-edition capsule collections that are sure to be a hit with shoppers.

How to find the right luxury influencer for your brand 

As a brand, it’s important to find an influencer who is the right match for you. Here are some tips on how to find the right luxury influencer for your brand:

  1. Do your research. Look at the different options and compare them side-by-side. Consider factors such as their reach, engagement, and aesthetics.
  2. Consider your budget. Luxury influencers can be expensive, so be sure to consider your budget when making your choice.
  3. Pick an influencer who aligns with your brand values. It is someone who will be representing your brand, so their values must align with yours.
  4. Make sure there is chemistry. In addition to being a good fit for your brand, it’s also important that you get along well with the influencer you choose.
  5. Do your research on the influencer’s content and audience. This is important to ensure that their content aligns with your brand and that they have an engaged audience.
  6. Be open to trial and error. While choosing an influencer who is a good fit for your brand is important, sometimes the best influencers aren’t available when you want them. So, if you can’t find someone available when you want them, try again later. You may be surprised that they have become available.
  7. Know what you want from the influencer, and then give them the freedom to create. If you’re working with an influencer who has a specific audience in mind, don’t tell them how to reach that audience (e. g. don’t tell them that you want the video to be funny). Let them do what they do best, and then put their video on your social media channels.
  8. Collaboration: Be open to collaborating with other brands that are aligned with yours. It can help you find influencers with audiences that are a good fit for your brand.
  9. Quality Content: Make sure your brand produces high-quality content regularly. Influencers are less likely to collaborate with brands that don’t have a consistent and high-quality content stream.
  10. Fund the influencer’s work: Be prepared to fund the influencer’s work to ensure they keep your brand in mind when creating content.

Luxury Influencer Marketing 

Best ways to put your luxury influencer marketing plan into action


  1. Keep an eye on the hashtags and mentions of your brand on social media: You can find potential business influencers by keeping an eye on what your audience says.For instance, you might not have known that a certain influencer used one of your luxury items over and over again until the account of the influencer was mentioned alongside yours. The same thing could happen to a well-known person.
  2. Don’t pass up these chances to get your brand in front of the right people. Don’t just think about your post: Many influencers are already changing how they work with brands.It’s much more profitable to make long-term partnerships than to post on just one social network at a time. It happens because the audience sees that the influencer really uses the brand and starts to feel more and more motivated to buy it.
  3. Think about how each social network is different: To find the best influencers, you need to know which social network you want to be more present on (YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok or Instagram). Even though Instagram gets 70% of influencer marketing budgets, some brands may see more value in travel content on TikTok (for reaching a younger audience) or YouTube.
  4. Let your influencers do what they want: Once you’ve found an influencer whose style, reach, editorial line, engagement, and audience are a good fit for your brand, also it’s important to learn how to check them out. You can give them information about your product and what’s important for a particular campaign, but remember that they know their audience much better than anyone else.
    So, they know how their followers want them to talk.
    If the content is too “out of the box,” it won’t feel real, and people won’t care as much about it.
  5. Pick an omnichannel strategy: If you want a marketing plan with a lot of reach and impact, you must use influencers and ambassadors on social media.
    You must have a structure in place to assist users who are sent to you by influencers.
    It includes interesting social networking sites, integrations between various service channels to make communication easy and smooth, and a robust omnichannel strategy to engage and keep users who found your brand in these ways.

The challenges of social media for luxury brands 

Luxury brands have long been defined by their exclusivity and premium pricing. But in the age of social media, luxury brands are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain that air of exclusivity while also trying to leverage the power of social media. 

One of the biggest challenges for luxury brands is managing their online presence in a way that doesn’t dilute their brand or make them seem too accessible. After all, what makes a luxury brand so special is its unattainability.

 But at the same time, luxury brands must be active on social media to stay relevant and top-of-mind with consumers. They need to find a way to create interesting and engaging content without coming across as try-hard or desperate.

 It’s a delicate balance that can be achieved with careful planning and execution

Assessing luxury influencer’s engagement and reach

As the luxury market continues to grow, so does the number of luxury influencers. With so many choices, choosing the right one for your brand can be difficult. Here are some tips for assessing an influencer’s engagement and reach:

  • Look at the overall engagement rate. It is the number of people interacting with a post divided by the total number of followers. A high engagement rate shows that people are interested in what the influencer has to say and are more likely to take action after seeing a post.
  • Check out the quality of the comments. Are people leaving thoughtful, insightful comments or just generic emojis? The former indicates that they’re really engaged with the content and are more likely to remember your brand after seeing it mentioned on an influencer’s page.
  • Look at the number of posts per day. If an influencer only posts one photo or video a week, they’re probably not going to have a ton of reach. On the other hand, if they post constantly, you don’t want to be  the tenth brand mentioned in their feed. 
  • Look at the diversity. Look at how many different types of posts they make and what topics they cover. If they only post about fitness, your brand might not want to work with them. 
  • Check out their followers’ demographics. If the followers seem like they would be interested in your product or service, you’ll want to work with this influencer. 
  • Make sure the influencer is active on social media. If they are active on social media, that’s a good indication that they will be responsive to your brand’s messages. 
  • Evaluate their engagement rate. If the influencer has a low engagement rate, you might want to think twice about working with them.
  • Look at the influencer’s follower-to-following ratio. If they have a high follower-to-following ratio, that means their followers are actively interested in what they have to say.
  • Check out the influencer’s level of engagement with other brands. If they are engaged with other brands, that’s a good indication that they will respond to your brand. 
  • Check out the influencer’s engagement rate on Instagram Stories. If they have low engagement on Instagram stories, it might be a sign that they only pay attention to their own messages.


As the world of social media continues to evolve, so too must the way luxury brands approach it. While social media can be a great way to connect with potential customers and create a more personal connection, it’s important not to lose sight of what makes your brand unique and exclusive.It is also important to take help from an influencer marketing agency.

The key is to strike a balance between maintaining your brand’s exclusivity and using social media to its full potential. For example, you might consider using influencers to promote your brand on social media. But make sure you choose influencers who align with your brand values and who will help you reach your target audience without alienating your existing customer base.


About the Author:
Vishaka works in the digital marketing team of Kalakar House. She likes to write about topics related to digital and influencer marketing.

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12 Media Kit Examples from Top Influencers & Entrepreneurs Thu, 19 May 2022 19:07:55 +0000 Read More]]> Media Kit

Media Kit/ press kit is a mini portfolio that contains the professional representation of your business and its brand assets. Traditionally, media kits were sent to media companies for advertising and PR opportunities. But today, businesses have digitized their press tools and made them accessible to the public on the press page of their website.

Why Do You Need a Media Kit?

Journalists often cheat on multiple stories and time is limited. If they make it easy for you to find information about yourself, grab a logo or photo and run it with the story, you will have a better chance of getting free expression.

Losing opportunities is easy. If you make it too hard for the writer, they can go to your competitor and highlight them. Have your press kit ready so you can get them when opportunities come.

What to put in Media Kit?

Each media kit is unique and the contents depend on your experience and the special elements of your launch. To find out what to put in your press kit, you need to look at your business through the eyes of a journalist.

  • Biographies of Staff and Leadership
  • Photos
  • Company History
  • Recent Press Releases
  • List of Industry Awards
  • Other Noteworthy News Stories About Your Brand
  • Image of Logo
  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
  • Contact Information for the PR Department

12 Media Kit Examples

Unitel Voice

Unitel Voice gives a clean look to their press Kit page. Notice how they list some of the rules for how to brand their brand. It builds brand consistency no matter who they mention or what coverage they get.


AWeber’s Electronic Media Kit page offers different media kits for different purposes. For those who want to publish something about the company online, they have a web press kit, and for those who want to publish in print, they provide separate files.

Design Roast

Design Roast does a good job of adding some basic “about” information to their Media Kit page and then providing additional details via download.


OptinMonster presents some basic facts in the form of a web page and outlines some of its employees. They also list various parts of their media kit, including press releases and other media coverage.


Happyfox puts its logo and wordmark on top of its Media Kit page so they are easily recognizable by users. They then add a call to action via the “Download Media Kit” on the left side of the page and a button explaining that it contains EPK logos, screenshots, photos, and video.


Squarespace opens with its most recent press coverage. It can attract new media or give journalists ideas about what is already covered.


Expensify gets the right point and shows what they did by listing the entire collection of their latest news releases. Journalists realize a story idea about their company, the details on this page provide a lot of insight into the developments within the company.


Starry Magazine has a dedicated page for members. This web service startup company has a kit that you can download, but it also lists the email address if you have additional questions.

Worldwide Supply

Especially in the early days, when creating your press kit with models, you need to keep the focus as simple as possible. Take a look at how global distribution attracts interest.


Evernote makes it great for journalists to add headlines and explain the purpose of their page. There is no confusion as to what people will find in the Digital Media Kit on this page.


Zendesk creates an interactive experience for their press kit. The user is taken to a new land called “Brandland”, where they learn about the brand, explore resources, or enlist the help of a help center.


Treehouse offers its Press Kit in an easy-to-download PDF document. You will find information on how to use branding images, name and company details, and history.



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Best Influencer Marketing Platforms in India Fri, 04 Mar 2022 17:54:20 +0000 Read More]]> What is Influencer Marketing?

It rises from the brands’ perception of power, peer influence, and customer recommendations on other types of marketing.

As social media is so popular these days, consumers are accumulating it in large numbers and giving voice to their opinions regarding brands and products. This is where brands operate, realizing that people are greatly affected by the second message coming from concept leaders.

This has led many brands to identify the best influencers in their respective fields and interact with them, thus better reaching their audience.

Best Influencer Marketing Platforms


Ainfluencer is a 100% free, do-it-yourself marketplace for Instagram Influencer marketing that connects small businesses such as e-commerce with all kinds of influencers or creators. It’s completely free to start your campaign and as a business, you will not pay anything directly to Ainfluencer.


Plixxo is one of the most influential marketing sites in India with over 26,000 influencers. Launched by POPxo founder Priyanka Gill, it caters to influencers and brands alike. Bloggers, YouTubers, celebrities, Instagram influencers, and on-premises influencers can register on the site to access paid campaigns.


OPA is the new miracle that has hit digital brands with a storm. With its low pricing and the largest network of over 50,000 influencers, it has become very popular within a year. OPA has adapted Influencer Marketing for Lakme, Marico, Godrej, Wow, Plum, Sugar Cosmetics, The Man Company, and many more brands.

Proud of the site of over 25,000 social media influencers and bloggers, it helps you find the right influence for your brand. With ‘Influencer Discovery’, you can get an influential hawk’s eye view and determine if it is the right fit for your brand.


PulpKey is an influential marketing platform based in India where brands and creators collaborate to tell stories. Here, you can sign in as a brand/agency or creator/talent manager.

PulpKey also seeks to address issues related to advertising by consumers and distrust between consumers and brands. Their list of decent reputable clients includes Wego, HelloDhobi, Hypstar, Bombay Shaving Company, Happn, and many more.


Bangalore-based Winkl helps bloggers, influencers, and content creators create their media kits, show their work to their peers, get feedback, and connect with brands to work on brand collaborations.


Brand Mentions is a social media tracking tool that helps you collaborate with the best influencers and the best website. This site allows you to search for any brand, product, or keyword and it displays a list of the most influential people on any social media channel (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many more).

Eleve Media

Eleve Media conceives of brand campaign strategies and supports them with effective advocacy solutions to provide a high-quality engagement for the brand. It performs many functions such as identifying the right persons by location, location, access, and other measurements.

It also enables the brand to provide content enhancement, scaling influence, effective measurement, and campaign analysis and consulting services across sites.


StarNgage is the world’s most influential marketing platform in India, helping brands to analyze, customize, manage, and quantify word-of-mouth marketing campaigns on Instagram.

With StarNgage, brands can partner to attract Instagram influencers and engage customers by providing relevant, effective, and personalized visual experiences. They also monitor, analyze and rate thousands of Instagram profiles that ensure the success of Instagram campaigns.


Qoruz is a stop-shop influential marketing platform with a highly customizable Influencer search engine, data-driven campaign planning interface, and robust, real-time reporting.

Here are some of Qoruz’s unique features: (a) a large database of Indian influencers, (b) Direct access to influencer contact information, and (c) Paid vs Organic Campaign Analysis Dashboard.


Is influencer marketing effective in India?

The Indian Influencer marketing industry is growing rapidly. Its total revenue by the end of 2021 has reached Rs 900 crore. Social media influencers work wonders for brands in creating the best value and the right position.

What brands use influencers?

Many brands use Influencer Marketing to reach their target audience. Big brands like Motorola, Adidas, Pepsi, and Dunkin’ Donuts all use influential marketing. Adidas has been using Influencer Marketing to promote its products for many years. They use Influencer Marketing to target younger audiences through Instagram.

What is influencer marketing strategy?

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that uses influencers to promote a brand to a larger market. Influencers are opinion leaders with a social following platform. They appear to be experts or reliable sources of information.



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Best 10 Influencer Marketing Company In India Wed, 19 Jan 2022 17:48:46 +0000 Read More]]> Influencer Marketing

The term “influencer marketing” is making a splash in the marketing world. Brands need to stand apart from others and the quest to gain a unique place in the minds of audiences makes them work with influencers. It is preferred among digital marketers and creates a new trend in the world of marketing.

Many companies invest significantly in campaigns to influence the use of resources and improve their visibility. Many consumers who stay away from traditional marketing choose social media sites or channels where influential marketing concept emerges.

Many consumers follow influencers and trust their credibility because they are ordinary people like them. They affect them on a specific basis and increase the number of followers on social media channels.

Best 10 Influencer Marketing Company

It is one of the leading marketing projects in India. They aim to connect brands with the best influencers in different categories. With over 25,000 social media influencers and bloggers, it helps to find the right influence for the brand.

It has a rich influence network aimed at high involvement rates and performance analysis. Influencer marketing in India has grown tenfold and its growth is huge. Help, you find the right kind of influencer networks for your brands according to your specifications.


Influencer Marketing Platform: This is a new company with a low price and a huge network of 50,000 influencers. It has done influencer marketing for brands like Lakme, Kama Ayurveda, Maico, Godrej. Brands use OPA due to low and stable pricing, consistent work, and scaling in barter contracts.


It is one of the best influential marketing sites in India. It claims to work with multiple clients such as Microsoft, Paypal, and AXA. This not only allows the audience to hunt down influencers but also to explore more details about them. This will help small and medium-sized businesses find influencers and market their products effortlessly.


With over 26,000 influencers, it is one of the most effective influential marketing platforms in India. Launched by POPxo Founder, it deals with influencers and top bloggers.

It is a great platform to create significant and exciting campaigns for digital media and top influencers. It also promotes Instagram influencers and celebrities campaigns.


India’s Most Important Influential Sites, which identifies and explores the best influencers in more than 20 categories.

It helps to automate tasks and provides a hassle-free process of influential marketing. They list influencers, monetize content, and automate tasks. This saves time and helps create more impactful campaigns.


It is a creative and technology-based Influencer marketing company. It collaborates with Internet influencers, enhances their creativity, and creates engaging content that the audience can understand.

Millennials are turning to social media channels, and they rely more on influencers than traditional celebrities. Influencers have a significant impact on followers, and their credibility makes the audience follow them.


Initially, a social media marketing company manages all social media activities from all accounts on one site. It includes the tools needed to create compelling content and run campaigns successfully.

From accessing all the tools and creators for the first reporting and influential marketing needs, monitoring has become an influential marketing platform.


It is an all-in-one influencer marketing platform and social media marketing tool. It helps to execute campaigns, connect with influencers, understand the target audience and create accurate and reliable results. It helps to find the right influencers with a huge database of over 6 million influencers, 300K brands.


It is an influential marketing platform in India that prides itself on providing comprehensive and influential marketing solutions that allow brands to work independently. It streamlines the campaign management process. It is a powerful influencer that enables CRM to function at high levels.

It works with Instagram and Youtube with a database of 150K Influencers. It streamlines every step of the campaign through automated methods and ensures effective results.

Eleve Media

It is an influential marketing platform in India that represents brand campaign strategies and offers practical solutions for high engagement and conversion rates.

It helps to find the right kind of people with the right concept of implementing successful campaigns, increasing brand buzz, and expanding the range of brand knowledge.

Importantly, it helps to identify the right kind of influencers according to the brand and create a meaningful impact. They have collaborated with clients like Coca-Cola, Amazon, Nestle, Samsung, Honda, etc.



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