content marketing – Pavani Naidu Digital Marketing, Branding Expert Pavani Pagidimarri Wed, 09 Aug 2023 18:17:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 content marketing – Pavani Naidu 32 32 Difference between a content writing agency and a content marketing agency Wed, 09 Aug 2023 18:17:33 +0000 Read More]]> Content Writing Agency Vs. Content Marketing Agency

I. Introduction

Let’s start with a little mental exercise. Picture a busy marketplace; it’s brimming with vendors, each with their own unique product. You’re one of these vendors, your product is fantastic, and your stall looks great, but amidst all the hustle and bustle, it’s difficult to be heard. In this marketplace, ‘content’ is the loudspeaker that amplifies your voice, making it easier for customers to find you amongst the crowd.

But, to make the most of this loudspeaker, you need a skilled operator. This is where the terms ‘Content writing agency‘ and ‘Content marketing agency‘ come into play. Both handle your loudspeaker but in different ways. And herein lies the confusion. If you’ve ever found yourself tangled up in these two terms, unsure about what they mean and how they can serve your business, you’re not alone. It’s a common predicament for many business owners and marketers.

The good news? We’re here to iron out these wrinkles. By the end of this article, you’ll know what these agencies do, how they differ, and how to pick the one that’s the perfect fit for your business. But first, let’s understand what each agency does, starting with the content writing agency.

II. Unravelling the Content Writing Agency

What exactly does a content writing agency do? Imagine having a brilliant idea but finding it challenging to articulate it effectively. That’s precisely the juncture where a content writing agency steps in. They act as your dedicated linguists, meticulously crafting sentences to bring your ideas to life. They have the expertise to transform your thoughts into engaging blog posts, compelling web content, dynamic social media posts, and a plethora of other content types, ensuring your brand’s voice is heard loud and clear.

Take ‘Anveshan’, a new e-commerce company. They partnered with a content writing agency to curate their web content, churn out fascinating blogs on healthy, natural, chemical-free food products and brew up some fun social media posts. Not only did their website start looking much more attractive, but the agency’s compelling words also helped Anveshan connect better with its audience.

III. Decoding the Content Marketing Agency

A content marketing agency offers a more extensive spectrum of services that goes beyond the creation of engaging content. They’re your strategic partners, dedicated to using this compelling content as a tool to elevate your brand visibility. A key part of their strategy involves optimising the content for search engines (SEO) to attract the right audience organically. It’s not just about producing words that appeal to readers, but also ensuring these words appear in the right searches, attracting potential customers, and ultimately turning these leads into sales.

Consider ‘Digit’, a budding tech start-up. They roped in a Content Marketing Agency to ramp up their online visibility. The agency whipped up a comprehensive Strategy involving blogs, how-to guides, and even a few gadget reviews. They ensured that this content reached the right people at the right time. As a result, Digit saw an uptick in website traffic, a bunch of new leads, and even a significant rise in sales.

IV. Picking Apart the Differences

Okay, so what’s the real difference? Well, the distinction lies in the breadth of their services. A content writing agency is your wordsmith, perfecting your brand’s story one sentence at a time. A content marketing agency, on the other hand, takes this a step further by ensuring that this beautifully crafted story finds its way to the right people.

Now, why would you choose one over the other? Let’s understand it with an example, if you need to amp up the descriptions on your product listings, a content writing agency is your best bet. But if you’re looking to create, distribute, and track the performance of your content, a content marketing agency would serve you better.

V. Making the Choice: Content Writing Agency or Content Marketing Agency?

So, how do you decide between the two? Well, it purely depends on what you need, how much you’re willing to spend, and your current business size and capabilities. Ask yourself, do you need to polish your existing content or need a complete strategy for creating and distributing new content?

And remember, don’t shy away from quizzing potential agencies. Ask about their typical clientele, their experience in your industry, their big wins, and yes, don’t forget to sneak a peek at some of their previous work to get a feel of their quality.

VI. Conclusion

In simple terms, deciding between a content writing agency and a content marketing agency comes down to your unique business requirements. Only need high-quality writing? Go for a content writing agency. If you’re aiming for a broader strategy, encompassing the creation, distribution, and monitoring of your content, choose a content marketing agency.

Consider this – the choice isn’t necessarily a binary one. Your unique business needs could be better met by an agency that offers both content writing and content marketing services. After all, a compelling narrative becomes exponentially more potent when paired with an effective strategy that ensures it reaches the right audience. A hybrid agency could offer you the best of both worlds – expertly crafted content delivered through a well-devised marketing strategy.

Don’t worry if you need both – numerous agencies today offer a blend of these services. The key lies in understanding your needs and picking an agency that aligns with your goals. The end game is about crafting content that communicates effectively with your audience and propels your business forward.

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NFT Marketplace Development Guide: Cost Insights and Steps in Detail Fri, 21 Jul 2023 10:51:01 +0000 Read More]]> NFT Marketplace Development Guide: Cost Insights and Steps in Detail

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have transformed how we trade and perceive digital art, collectibles, and virtual real estate assets. Both individuals and companies alike are creating an NFT marketplace as demand increases – it would be wise for anyone starting such markets first to understand both costs associated with starting one as well as the development processes before embarking on this adventure. In this article, we will discuss the difficulties involved when planning to create your own NFT marketplace and NFT marketplace development cost, so read further for additional knowledge!

Steps to Create an NFT Marketplace

Below are effective steps to create an NFT marketplace:

Market Research

Before undertaking any venture to launch an NFT market, thorough market research must occur. Analyzing existing markets to gain an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as your target audience’s needs and interests, will enable your market to stand out amongst others while streamlining user experiences.

Outline Clear Goals and Specifications

The next step is to create an NFT market requires setting clear goals and specifications, from asset support like virtual art or music downloads or collectibles, considering features like user profiles, royalty methods, or bidding systems as potential capabilities to making the development process clear and comprehensible; writing these all down so your development process is clearly understood by everyone involved in its creation; then document all this work so it can be explained later.

Choose an Appropriate Development Approach

When it comes to NFT development, two strategies exist for you. Starting from scratch offers more freedom and customization opportunities; preexisting platforms offer faster launches with limited customization potential but require a larger financial commitment for additional features such as personalization. Budget constraints, timeline commitment, and technical knowledge all play key roles when selecting which approach will best serve your needs.

Join a Development Team

For a successful NFT Marketplace launch, it is imperative that an experienced development team comprising specialists with knowledge in blockchain, smart contracts, frontend programming, and backend programming collaborate together seamlessly in creating seamless user experiences while meeting both your goals and specifications. Identify someone with whom you share similar ideals!

Develop the User Interface

Interfaces must appeal to users while remaining easy for them to use and navigate, working closely with designers in designing an intuitive user interface that displays NFTs both visually and effectively – such as filtering/search options, product pages with comprehensive product listings or simplified checkout processes – is critical in order to retain customers and secure brand success.

Smart Contract Creation

Smart contracts serve as the cornerstone of NFT markets by streamlining the creation, ownership, and trading of NFTs. Professional smart contract developers may be hired to implement them on particular blockchain networks like Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain. They should include features for managing royalties, minting NFTs, and determining ownership rights, along with audit functions to evaluate the reliability and security of each contract.

Integrate a Payment Gateway

Integrate a reliable payment gateway into your NFT platform in order to facilitate seamless and safe transactions. Cryptocurrency gateways such as Coinbase Commerce or BitPay may enable customers to buy or sell NFTs using Ethereum and Bitcoin cryptocurrency; for greater customer reach, you could add conventional payment methods like PayPal and credit cards as well.

Take Precautionary Measures

As with any industry, security in NFT trading should always remain of primary concern. Take steps to safeguard user data, avoid hacker attacks and maintain market integrity by employing encryption technology or two-factor verification or conducting regular security audits – measures designed specifically to make NFT trading secure.

Extensively Test

Before it goes live for public consumption or use, an NFT Marketplace should go through extensive tests in order to detect and resolve any glitches or problems while simulating user scenarios to assess its capacity for handling large volumes. Once satisfied with its performance and usability, launch it via multiple marketing channels and begin marketing it as planned.

Final Thoughts

Establishing an NFT market can be both an exciting and profitable journey in digital assets. Before venturing down this path alone, conduct intensive research about your chosen industry – this way, with proper planning and execution, you could create an NFT marketplace while taking advantage of an ever-evolved sector!

Also Read: 5 Tips for Managing Small Business Finances

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Apply These 5 Secret Techniques for Smarter Digital Marketing Wed, 23 Nov 2022 08:36:25 +0000 Read More]]> Apply These 5 Secret Techniques for Smarter Digital Marketing


The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Apply These 5 Secret Techniques for Smarter Digital Marketing is the first book in a series of digital marketing books that will teach you how to use social media, SEO and other online marketing techniques. The book is designed for beginners and intermediate users who are looking to learn more about these powerful tools. This book will help you understand why it’s important to know how to apply these techniques and what they can do for your business. 

This book can be read by anyone who wants to get better at digital marketing or just wants to learn new things about it. Here are five secret techniques that will help your business stay ahead of the curve and achieve smarter digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of attracting, engaging and converting customers through online channels. Digital marketing involves a number of activities such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Email Marketing, Content Marketing, influencer marketing, email marketing, marketing automation and more.

Digital marketing channels include paid, owned, and earned media. Paid media is advertising bought by an organization. Owned media is the digital media that an organization owns, including websites, apps, and social media accounts. If you want to get more traffic from social media for your website, then Incrementors professional social media services can help you get your dream clients.

Importance of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways of promoting and advertising businesses in this digital era. It refers to the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. In other words, digital marketing is the use of electronic devices or media to reach and engage audiences. 


Digital marketing is crucial for organizations for a number of reasons.

First, it enables businesses to reach a larger audience more efficiently and at a lower cost than traditional marketing methods.

Second, digital marketing allows businesses to personalize their marketing messages to better match the interests and needs of their target audiences.

Third, digital marketing is more engaging than traditional marketing methods and can result in higher response rates and longer engagement times.

Finally, digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing methods in achieving marketing objectives such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and driving sales.

Digital marketing is essential for businesses of all sizes and industries. Whether you are a small business looking to start marketing your products or services online or a large corporation looking to improve your online marketing efforts, digital marketing is a necessary investment.

If you are unsure whether digital marketing is the right investment for your business, consider the following:

  • Digital marketing is less expensive than conventional marketing strategies
  • Digital marketing allows businesses to target more specific audiences.
  • Digital marketing is more engaging than traditional marketing methods, resulting in higher response rates and longer engagement times.
  • Digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing methods in achieving marketing objectives such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and driving sales.

What Are The Different Types Of Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a term that is broad and encompasses a number of different marketing disciplines that are all executed using digital technologies.

Here are the most common types of digital marketing include:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs) through the use of seo keyword research techniques.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC): a form of online advertising where businesses pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked on.
  • Social media marketing (SMM): the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote a business or brand.
  • Email marketing: the use of email to promote a product or service
  • Affiliate marketing: a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each customer they refer.
  • Content marketing: the creation and distribution of content such as articles, infographics, and videos that is intended to attract and engage customers.
  • Web design and development: the creation and maintenance of websites
  • Mobile marketing: the use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to promote a business or brand.
  • Digital marketing agency: a business that provides digital marketing services to other businesses.

       5 Secret Techniques for SMARTER DIGITAL MARKETING


1.Segment your audience.

One of the best ways to improve your digital marketing is to properly segment your audience. This means dividing them into specific groups based on factors like demographics, interests, or buyer personas. When you know who your audience is, you can better target them with relevant content and ads.

2.Know your keywords

Keywords are essential for effective digital marketing. You need to know which keywords your target audience is using to search for information related to your products or services. By using the right keywords in your content and ads, you can reach more people who are interested in what you have to offer.

3.Make use of social media

Social media can be a powerful tool for digital marketing. By creating social media profiles for your business and using effective strategies, you can reach a large number of potential customers. Additionally, social media can help you build relationships with your target audience and create a loyal following.

4.Create great content

The creation of excellent content is one of the most crucial components of digital marketing. This content must be relevant to your target audience, engaging, and useful. If you can create high-quality content that people want to read, you’ll be well on your way to success.

5.Measure your results

In order to improve your digital marketing, you need to track your results. This means measuring the effectiveness of your campaigns and analyzing the data to see what’s working and what needs improvement. By measuring your results, you can make sure your efforts are having a positive impact on your business.


In conclusion, using these five secret techniques will help your digital marketing efforts be more successful. Utilizing these tactics will help you to reach your target audience, create engaging content, and track your results. Implementing these techniques will help you to achieve your marketing goals and grow your business.


Author BIO 

Kristin Harper is Incrementors’ Marketing Manager and Head of Growth at Incrementors. Incrementors is a multi-award winning digital marketing agency that assists clients in growing their businesses online by increasing traffic, leads, and sales. Incrementors specialises in providing clients with customised, tailored online marketing solutions that are highly specific to their needs.

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Importance of Content Management to Businesses Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:17:53 +0000 Read More]]> Importance of Content Management to Businesses

Content Curation Services

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Having a website is crucial in establishing your online presence. However, you must provide value for your customers to keep them returning. Content is one of the best ways to add value to your website. In the digital marketing industry, a time-tested adage goes, “Content is king.”

Creating content can help drive your website traffic and increase brand awareness. According to the 2018 Content Preferences Survey Report, 71% of customers look for a blog when purchasing a product or service. The survey also states that 49% of buyers use content to research and make purchase decisions. If you don’t have one yet, you could be losing customers to competitors who have a blog.

This is where a content management system can make a lot of sense. It makes updating and managing a website less stressful. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of a CMS and how to choose the best one for your business.

7 Benefits of Content Management System

Content management systems (CMS) provide businesses with the tools they need for updating and managing their content, even without coding knowledge. Without a CMS, updating your content can be time-consuming. Meanwhile, with a CMS, you can update and manage content within a single interface.

Here are some more benefits you can get from a content management system:

1. Gives Your Website a Consistent and Uniform Look

Website Content management

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Content management systems have a template you can choose from for your design. This will help boost your brand reputation and integrity. A uniform look will make your website look clean and professional. Also, it helps create a distinction beyond your blog and product pages.

Having a uniform design will help reinforce and control your brand image. It will make your website recognizable to both loyal customers and prospects. In addition, if you don’t want to use ready-made templates, CMS will help you design your own template. This will ensure that the overall look and function of your website delivers.

2. Cost-Effective and Affordable Solution

Maintaining a website can be expensive if it is a static one. You would have to call a web designer or developer from time to time to make frequent changes to your website, which adds up to your expenses. Aside from that, you will have to wait for a few days to see the actual updates on your website.

On the other hand, a CMS eliminates the need to rely on a web developer to make frequent website updates. You can make the changes yourself when you need them done. With a content management system, you can save time and money.

3. Makes Your Marketing Functions More Efficient

Content management systems offer a platform for writers, marketers, and designers to collaborate and share ideas regarding your content. In addition, CMS is not just designed for content and website management.

It also allows you to integrate marketing functions like lead generation, email marketing, social media, analytics, and search engine optimization. This comes in handy if you aim to serve customers on different channels.

In addition, CMS allows you to integrate your marketing automation software. You can feed the data back and forth to the concerned department. These platforms make it easy for your sales team to distribute their sales content more effectively. A CMS will help automate most marketing processes.

4. CMS Helps Improve Search Engine RankingsCMS for Content management

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Aside from marketing tools, content management systems offer several plugins to help improve your website rankings. They offer options such as page titles, meta descriptions, alt tags, and other website optimization elements for boosting Google rankings. With more than 80% of searches starting online, it is a must that your website should rank higher.

Content management systems can make links clickable and even recommend the best SEO practices. They help drive website traffic and convert leads and visitors into potential customers. A CMS will help your website optimize for three SEO ranking factors: content marketing, off-page SEO, and on-page SEO.

5. Does the Technical Stuff For You

Maybe you or your team members are not tech-savvy but still need to manage and update the content you will publish on your website. With a CMS, there is no need for coding knowledge. You do not need to know JavaScript, HTML, or CSS to update your content effectively. CMS platforms like WordPress are designed for users with no designing or programming experience.

Web content elements like images and text can easily be inserted and uploaded into specific pages and styled in a content editor similar to word processing software. The editing template offers basic image editing tools like cropping, flipping, color handling, and others. In addition, there are common text editing tools like choosing font styles, size, and formatting tools as well.

6.  Provides Additional Layer of Security

The last thing you would want to happen to your website is for it to be hacked. Statistics show that 30,000 websites are hacked daily, and 64% of companies have experienced at least one form of cyber attack. Websites, especially e-commerce ones, are often the target of hackers for the sensitive information in their databases.

Content management systems undergo consistent testing by developers and computer scientists to protect businesses from possible security threats. In addition, CMS platforms have tools and plug-ins that offer additional security and regular updates related to new threats. This gives your website an additional layer of security to protect sensitive information and data.

7. Streamlines Workflow

Content Structure

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As mentioned earlier, managing a website can be tedious, especially if done manually. Think about the effort that web developers and graphic designers will go through to ensure that all design elements stay uniform within a web page. With a CMS, they just have to plug in the content, and the platform will do the rest.

With a simple and smooth workflow, a CMS will help your team remain productive and focus on creating the content. The platform is user-friendly, so users can easily and efficiently publish their content. With content writing services, you can focus on growing your business and let the platform handle the content management tasks.

Choosing the Right CMS for Your Business

Content management system

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Choosing a content management system is a major decision and investment. There are many CMS providers out there. How do you know which one is right for your business? Here is a guide on selecting a CMS for your website:

Determine Your Current and Future Business Needs

What is your purpose for the CMS? Are you aiming to drive website traffic? Will you be putting content on different channels? Are you planning to write content in different languages? You should determine your current and future business needs to help you choose the right content management system for you.

Get Your Team on the Same PageContent management team

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Content management systems can impact different departments within your organization, so you would want to get their support. Get the backing of as many senior managers as possible. You need to make them understand the importance of a new CMS to the long-term success of your business. Hear what they have to say and be prepared for contrasting views.

Do Your Research

Once you have gotten the support of management, look for potential solution providers. Check reviews about the CMS to help you with your decision. If possible, contact previous clients to know about their experiences with the CMS. Remember that just because it worked for them does not mean it will work for you. Have a short list of companies and narrow down your choices.

Evaluate the Features

Different CMS providers offer various features, so carefully evaluate each. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the platform easy to use?
  • Will it scale with you when your business grows?
  • Do they offer customization?
  • Can you integrate most of the third-party apps you are using?

Answering these questions can help you choose the most suitable CMS solution for your business.


Content Management to Businesses

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Having a website can help you establish your online presence. But content creation is one thing; managing it is another. Your website content would not mean anything if you are not updating it regularly.  Therefore, you need to update it with fresh content. Investing in a CMS can help in updating and managing your content, making it a less tedious task.


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7 Steps For Content Development Process Mon, 11 Jul 2022 16:19:54 +0000 Read More]]> What is Content Development?

Content development is the process of creating content for a website from start to finish. You may also have heard of content creators. The term “content developer” is also used to refer to web developers, but in this article, we’re only focusing on content development – not design or programming.

Content development includes:

  • Strategy
  • Writing
  • Optimization (SEO)
  • Publishing
  • Promotion

Content development is interchangeable with content marketing. Web content can be anything from blog posts to infographics to videos.

Some agencies and online content producers only handle one or two steps of the content marketing process. For example, they manage writing but don’t develop, publish, or promote strategies. However, an effective content development strategy is more than just writing or SEO.

Good content can only get you so far – without the right strategy or the wrong advertising methods, no one is going to see the webpage you spent weeks developing. At Inter, we offer a turn-key content development solution focused on long-form blog content designed to increase search traffic. It’s hard work, but the benefits of content marketing are undeniable.

7 Steps For Content Development Process

If you’re looking for a DIY solution to content marketing, check out our seven-step process for content development.

Gather Information

The first step in content development is always to gather as much information as possible.

When we work with companies, we collect information about the following:

  • Target demographics
  • Key competitors
  • Past site performance
  • Site goals
  • Other information unique to the individual client

We’re kind of data crazy, so the more information and statistics, the better.

Google Analytics and Search Console are great tools for viewing on-site data. SEMRush is our go-to tool for keyword analysis. Ahrefs is hard to beat when it comes to backlink analysis. Moz is another useful tool for looking at domain authority. We also ask questions about brand voice, marketing goals, expectations and more.

The reason for collecting so much information is so that we can make data-driven decisions about which topics to cover.

Blog Topic Analysis

After gathering as much information as possible, it’s time to break it down into actionable information.

One of the most useful pieces of information to look at is competitor performance. We look at which pages on the competitor’s site are driving the most organic traffic. We look at the backlink profile, length and quality of those pages to determine if they can outperform the competition.


In the strategic phase of content marketing, we create a content strategy and editorial calendar.

Exact distributions will vary depending on the client’s business and growth goals. However, our default choice is to write two or more 2,000-word articles for each client each month. Competition and search volumes vary from one industry to the next, and each major research tool has its own system for determining competition.


The writing level is pretty self-explanatory. Here you write as much content as possible.

That means the longer, the better. Longer content ranks better and attracts more backlinks, perhaps because it covers more information and related topics.

Don’t focus on keywords or other ranking markers during the writing phase. Remember that people need to read and enjoy the content first. Search engines should be an afterthought during the writing process.

Optimize & Publish

After the writing phase, we move on to search engine optimization and publishing. Here we consider readability, word count, relevant keywords, and more to make content more attractive to search engines (and people!).

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, learn about TF-IDF, one of our favorite optimization methods. It seems complicated. And it is. But it is very useful in helping Google find out whether or not you are covering all the relevant topics in your content.


There are hundreds of ways to promote quality content, but the most obvious is social media. You can also consider republishing sites, and don’t forget about good email.

The reason for the promotion is not just to get more eyeballs on the article; This leads to more backlinks, which are as good as gold in the SEO industry.

That said never pay for backlinks. It’s not worth it and you’ll get hit with a Google penalty.

Review & Repeat

Content development is never “done.” It is an ongoing process that begins as soon as it is completed. That’s why we review our content marketing efforts for each website monthly.

If our efforts are successful, we will follow the same path for future content. If we’re not seeing results, it’s time to move on to a new content development strategy. If you’re not sure what to analyze, this guide to analyzing your marketing strategy can help.



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How To Become A Content Marketing Specialist Fri, 08 Jul 2022 17:13:51 +0000 Read More]]> Who is a Content Marketing Specialist?

Content marketing professionals are creative visionaries who help businesses deliver compelling content that gives web browsers a compelling reason to visit a website. As a rule of thumb for SEO, as users read a site’s content, they indirectly increase its value, resulting in site growth and an increase in page rank.

Content marketing professionals often work with other digital marketing professionals, such as SEO experts and design professionals, to find interesting perspectives, create compelling topics, and craft their content to appeal to a wide audience. If you’re a beginner in digital marketing and want to specialize, check out our digital marketing certifications from top universities.

How to Become a Content Marketing Specialist?

The steps below provide a comprehensive guide to becoming a content marketing specialist in 2020.

Know your role

Content marketing isn’t just about turning out random content. Instead, it’s a dynamic process that involves understanding your target audience and creating the right type of content that can provide value to them at different stages of their journey.

It’s important to dig deep into the company’s digital marketing strategy that you’re creating content for and fully understand their motivation behind requiring that content. Therefore, a basic knowledge of digital marketing always helps a content marketing expert chart relevant content that adds value to the customer.

Fine-tune your writing skills

A content marketing professional is expected to be comfortable with words that include words that appeal to a diverse audience. Therefore, one of the primary things to do when moving into this role is to develop writing skills that are hard to find and hard to replace.

Hence, it is essential to be well versed in various topics and write semantically and grammatically appropriate content. You can use grammar tools like Grammarly, The Hemingway Editor or Trust My Paper to check your content.

Create a personal blog

Starting a personal blog is one of the best ways to practice writing. Creating a blog helps you improve your writing skills, and if you’re a regular, you’ll understand that you can’t just write on a variety of topics, but also write in a way that provides value to the specific audience that needs it from you.

Besides honing your writing skills, blogging can also help you expose your work to potential clients or employers. Good role models play an important role in getting hired as a content marketing professional. It also leaves room for researching SEO best practices, and you can gain experience with different SEO tools.

Research Keywords

Keywords play an important role in determining the visibility of your content. The difference between a website that gets tons of organic searches and one that gets none is in the keywords used.

A content marketing expert must create a virtual persona of their audience, measure the keywords they are searching for, and then use key research tools to determine their analytics. Analyzing the competition’s content marketing strategies is also beneficial.

Popular niche research tools are freely available online to help you determine popularity (profitable niche), find relevant markets, rank better in search engines for specific topics, increase traffic to your site and promote your products and/or services. By improving your marketing performance.

It’s usually a good practice to research your audience’s intent by researching various search queries. Information, navigation, transaction etc.

Read and research

Research can make or break a content. As a content marketing expert, the following analysis should be included in your research:

  • The company you work for and the product you write about.

It’s important to understand the uniqueness of the product you’re writing about, and how it provides value to prospective buyers.

  • Your competitors

You need to identify the competition to your product, and analyze how they are positioning their products, what type of content they’re producing, and the content gaps they’ve left open that you can fill.

  • Your audience

The best content marketers truly understand their customers and create content they want. Statistics can be used to understand buyer motivations, the types of content they like to consume, and what separates a successful product from an audience that doesn’t.

Learn SEO copywriting

SEO copywriting is the process of writing content that search engines can understand. An important part of this includes keyword research, other important SEO concepts include link building, adding keywords to title tags and page URL, adding LSI keywords to your content, adding ALT text to images, etc.

Having a basic knowledge of SEO skills ensures that your content gets the exposure it deserves as it shows up higher in search results.

To summarise

Therefore, becoming a content marketing expert is a great option, especially for people who are already proficient in digital marketing concepts or want to explore further. Having adequate knowledge of digital marketing will further enhance your chances in this field.

We hope this guide on how to become a content marketing expert has helped you.



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Write for Us – SEO, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing Mon, 20 Jun 2022 16:12:01 +0000 Read More]]> SEO, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

Guest Blogging Opportunity

Are you a digital marketer and want to write for us?

Pavaninaidu provies a platform to Join the Best Contributors Group on the Digital Marketing Blog! We are always looking for creative and innovative digital marketing bloggers as our contributors. As a digital marketing expert we are supposed to be more creative and more informative and here is an opportunity to become a contributor to the Digital Marketing Blog, we need to bring a new perspective to our readers.

Guest Blogging or Guest Posts help you to build a strong backlink to your website along with making the world aware of your products and services from different source over the internet. This method is strong when you have wonderful writing skills and you can actually tap into the layers of the readers brain.

What will you get if you write for us on our Portal?

Let me start with what you will get:

Articles will be shared with 15K + subscribers of our blog. We do email campaigns to increase post reach.

Posts on social media to increase the visibility of your post on our blog (average posts are 50-70K per post)

If you need any help with the social media advertising of your content, we will do the same.

We open the door to guest contributions for all content marketing and SEO executives on our blog.

Before you start this page to find out the contact email address, listen to what we have to say! We have something important to share.

Every contributor must follow the below mandatory rules.

  1. We accept only high-quality and in-depth content (this goes without saying!)
  2. The article should be at least 2500-words long
  3. We only publish content around content marketing and SEO
  4. Your content should be filled with at least 4-to 5 related images. Avoid using stock images as much as you can
  5. Add relevant quotes, graphs, charts, etc.

What we are not looking for:

  1. Another rotating, monotonous and random guest post about digital marketing. We do not like generic content
  2. Content that cannot be acted upon in the end
  3. Content area with zero social resources or resources to support claims
  4. Content is written only for quotes but not for content marketing and SEO communities

What we are looking for:

  1. Stories! – We would love to read your experiences, learning, and feedback
  2. The ‘human touch’ in your writing
  3. New to serve the content marketing and SEO communities
  4. There will some fee involved if you want us to add your link as part of the guest blogging and in that case we provide upto 3 do-follow links.

Writing ”Digital Marketing” or ”SEO” Guest Articles Guideline

Unique content

Your content must be unique with at least 800 words.

Not just based on “duplicate content” (which should not be published anywhere),

We like this type of content:

  1. Step-by-Step Guides – Posts written for beginners
  2. Case studies – Your research or analysis is based on accurate data
  3. Evergreen Education Content – Post explaining some SEO concepts with examples and valuable tips

Link Insertion

Pavaninaidu team has begun to accept guest articles, and we invite digital marketing experts to contribute their stories, ideas, and voice to our audience.
We also accept Link Insertion into existing blogs as well and that involves little fee for our cup of coffee for maintaining this blog and monitoring the content on continuous basis.

Be sure to back up your claims with the best relevant links to valuable resources.

Digital Marketing Guest Post Topics that we Accept

Currently, “PavaniNaidu Team” covers all digital marketing topics but here we accept guest articles based on the following broad ideas:

  • SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • SEO Services
  • SEO Software
  • Product Reviews
  • Pay For Performance SEO
  • Content Marketing
  • Web Design
  • WordPress, Wix, Shopify Services/Solutions
  • Start-up Marketing
  • Digital Advertising
  • Freelancing
  • Email Marketing
  • SMB’s Enterprises
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Social Media



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Case Study on Coca-Cola, The 6 Best Marketing Strategies Fri, 31 Dec 2021 15:37:33 +0000 Read More]]> Case Study on Coca-Cola

From the star-studded ‘Coca-Cola’ drink to the Inca Cola in North and South America, to Vita in Africa and thumbs up in India, Coca-Cola has a portfolio of over 3500 products. Because it is present in more than 200 countries and is distributed to an average of 1.9 billion people daily, Coca-Cola is listed as the most valuable brand in the world, with 94% of the world’s population recognizing the red and white Coca-Cola brand logo. In addition, Coca-Cola products make up 3.1% of all beverages consumed worldwide. All of this is due to its excellent marketing strategy, which we will discuss in this article about Coca Cola marketing strategy.

Coca-Cola –

  • The market capitalization is $ 192.8 billion (as of May 2016).
  • Annual dividend increased for 53 consecutive years.
  • With a revenue of over $ 44.29 billion, it is not just a company, it is an economy.

The world knew and tasted Coca-Cola products. In fact, of the 55 billion services of all kinds of beverages consumed every day (except water), 1.7 billion are Coca-Cola branded/licensed beverages.

Marketing history

Market Research in the Beginning

It all started 130 years ago, in 1886, during the Civil War, a Confederate Colonel John Pemberton wanted to create his version of Coca wine (cola containing alcohol and cocaine) and sent his son-in-law Louise Newman to conduct market research. Samples for local pharmacy (Jacobs Pharmacy). Then this is not a new idea. The original idea for coca wines was invented by the Parisian chemist Angelo Mariani.

Pemberton’s model was sold for 5 cents a glass and customer comments were conveyed to him by his nephew. So, by the end of this year, Pemberton is ready with a unique recipe to suit the tastes of the customers.

Coca-Cola Marketing Strategy in the Beginning

Pemberton soon had to convert it to non-alcohol because of the laws in force in Atlanta. When the product was introduced, it was marketed by Pemberton as a “brain tonic” and “soothing drink” (anti-alcohol), claiming to cure headaches, anxiety, depression, indigestion, and addiction. Cocaine was removed from coke in 1903.

The name and original (current) trademark symbol were the ideas of ​​Pemberton’s accountant Frank Robinson, who designed the logo in his handwriting. To date, Coca-Cola’s best strategy is not to change the logo.

The formula was sold to Asa G. Candler (in 1889), who converted it into a soda drink, and real marketing began. The candle is a marketer. He distributed thousands of acclaimed Coca-Cola glass coupons, souvenir calendars, watches, and more.

He painted the barrels of syrup red to distinguish Coca-Cola from the others.

Various syrup factories opened outside Atlanta, and in 1895 Candler declared that Coca-Cola was drunk in every state and territory in the United States.

The Idea of the Bottle

In Candler’s time, Coca-Cola was sold only by soda springs. But two innovative ideas, Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph b. Whitehead defended Candler’s exclusive rights (for just $ 1) to the sale of bottled Coca – Cola.

But Coca-Cola is so popular in the United States that it is subject to counterfeiting. Early advertising campaigns such as “Demand the genuine” and “Accept no substitutes” helped the brand somewhat, but there was a need to differentiate. So, in 1916, a unique bottle of Coca-Cola was designed by Indiana’s Terre Haute Root Glass Company. The trademark bottle design has not changed until now.

Coca-Cola Worldwide

In 1919, Candler sold the company to Robert Woodruff, whose goal was to make Coca-Cola available to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Bottle factories were set up around the world & Coca-Cola became the first truly global brand.

Robert Woodruff had some other tactics as well. When measuring the company, he focused on maintaining the best quality. He wanted to establish Coca-Cola as a premium product that received more attention than its competitors. And succeeded in it. Coca-Cola grew rapidly around the world.

Coca-Cola Marketing Strategies

Coca-Cola’s global popularity was the result of such simple and exciting marketing strategies


You can see the consistency from the logo to the bottle design & the price of the drink (price 5 cents from 1886 to 1959). Coca-Cola keeps it simple, each slogan revolves around the two words ‘happiness’ and ‘happiness’.


From star bottles to calendars, watches, and other unrelated items, Candler started the trend of looking at Coca-Cola everywhere. The company has been following the same branding strategy to date. Coca-Cola is everywhere, so it has the most famous logo in the world.


Coca-Cola does not position itself as a product. It was and it was the ‘experience’ of joy and happiness.

Franchise model

The bottle rights were sold to different local entrepreneurs, which continues to this day. Therefore, Coca-cola is not a giant company, it is an organization of many small companies reporting to one large company.

Personalization & Socialization

Unlike other large companies, Coca-Cola maintains its position as a social brand. It speaks to users. Coca-Cola is no longer a company. It is now a part of us. With its iconic advertising ideas like “I want to buy a coke in the world” & “Share a coke”, it has maintained a special place in the hearts of its users.


Coca-Cola took the first step to diversify its portfolio in 1960 with the acquisition of Minute Maid, after its global presence. It now operates in all but 2 countries worldwide with a portfolio of over 3500 brands.

Coca-Cola Marketing Facts

  • Logo & bottle design has not changed from the beginning.
  • In its first year, Coca-Cola sold an average of 9 drinks a day.
  • Norman Rockwell Coke created the art for advertising.
  • Coca-cola plays a major role in shaping our image of Santa Claus.
  • In the 1980s, the company launched the “Coke in the Morning” campaign to win over coffee drinkers.
  • In 1923, the company began selling bottles in six packages, which became common practice in the beverage industry.
  • Recently, it was reported that Verizon has bought Yahoo for about $ 5 billion, which is more or less the same amount that Coca-Cola spends on its advertising.
  • Coca-Cola employs more than 123,200 people in many countries.



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20 best B2B Marketing Strategies to Start Today Wed, 24 Nov 2021 15:03:04 +0000 Read More]]> The Most Effective B2B Marketing Strategies

A new report that collects data from hundreds of B2B marketing experts has highlighted how the majority of B2B marketing teams across the country operate. In this post, you will find out how B2B marketers plan, execute and budget their marketing plans. So you can be sure that in 2022 your strategy or magnification will be in line with your competition.

20 B2B Marketing Strategies to Start Today

1. Have a Formal Marketing Plan

In a significant and encouraging change from the data published in our B2B Marketing Composition Report, more and more B2B groups are using systematic programs to guide their branding and marketing. 66% of B2B marketers announced this year that they will be using a formal marketing plan, strategy, and proactive approach to tactics, rather than an occasional and reactionary approach to the market.

2. Partner with a Marketing Agency

63% of B2B marketers claim to use a content marketing agency to handle some or all of their marketing plans. Small to Medium Enterprises (SMBs) cannot create the entire marketing sector locally, strategic marketers, certified professionals, and subscribers to the various tools and platforms that drive the marketing program, a company Often the way to go.

3. Use Retainer vs. Project Contracts

According to last year’s B2B Marketing Composition report, most outsourced marketing efforts are carried out by retainers. More and more companies are taking advantage of retainers, realizing that the nature of most digital marketing projects is long-term and ongoing.

This requires continuous technical work such as web optimization and local SEO, which is the process of using a company’s geographical location to rank a business higher than its local competitors.

4. Spend 10% of Revenue on Marketing

Senior leadership and marketers have differing views on the objectives of the marketing system. The board expects marketing to reduce customer acquisition costs. Marketers, on the other hand, believe it is important to focus on developing and implementing strategies that stimulate brand awareness and positioning.

5. Consider Account-Based Marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) is the practice of designing sales and marketing strategies for a particular account that can have a major impact on the ROI. ABM does not care about the thousands of followers you get on Twitter. This concludes the important deal, which helps you build your basement quickly and efficiently.

6. Ride the Rise of Mobile

More than half of the world’s Internet traffic comes from mobile devices, so if you do not implement the mobile-first strategy, you are ignoring more than 50% of your potential leads.

There are more than 5 billion mobile users worldwide and you can achieve that through mobile marketing strategies. Now that mobile has become the primary channel for media consumption; Businesses need to take advantage of opportunities for new traffic and data collection.

7. Automation and Martech adaptation

There are numerous technologies and innovations to make the lives of marketers easier. Of course, these martech tools can also be used to enhance existing marketing campaigns.

Marketing automation tools help you achieve your opportunities and personalize communications. If you still do it in the old school, recurring, mundane tasks can add more value to your business in the long run.

8. Create Visual Content

Adding pictures and videos to your content can help promote brand awareness and brand remembrance. According to many studies, visual memory is stronger than audio or text. When people ask for information, they only remember 10% after three days. But when you add pictures to the same information, after three days they will remember 65% of it.

9. Harness the Power of Big Data

Big data algorithms and advanced data analysis make it possible for marketers to deliver consistent omnipotent customer experiences across all platforms and channels. Big data is revolutionizing the way we market. It enhances the quality of your sales leads, enhances customer experience with every touch, and helps managers make better business decisions.

10. Create More Relevant Content

Marketing content should create a conversation about personal challenges and issues for the buyer.

11. Go Multichannel

Buyers are likely to call everyone who looks appropriate if there are only a few. This highlights the need for our marketing messages to be accessible across an array of mediums, not just email.

12. Develop Strategic Marketing Objectives

Low-income companies (57%) consider the marketing team as an extension of the sales system, and not a strategic asset to the company, compared to high-income B2B companies (37%).

For high-performance B2B marketing companies, they create digital marketing objectives, not sales plans that convey their company’s business strategy to differentiate their brand in the market.

13. Identify a Senior Marketing Advocate

Nearly two-thirds of all B2B marketers think they need a senior lawyer or champion to succeed in marketing over the next 3-5 years.

This person will not only represent marketing and customer voice in the executive table but also influence and collaborate with other companies to drive business strategy and sales through marketing, establishing marketing as a competitive advantage and revenue stream for the company.

14. Develop and Invest in Marketing ROI Metrics

The ability to measure results and demonstrate that B2B marketing contributes to the grassroots and drives business growth can help change the perception that marketing is a competitive advantage rather than a cost center for companies. But almost 60% of B2B marketers say they do not have the appropriate measurement tools to prove their ROI effectively.

15. Build Relationships with IT and Finance

High-income B2B companies believe it is essential to successfully implement their marketing strategies, to measure performance, to manage marketing costs, and to develop close relationships with other companies within the business, such as IT and finance.

16. Create Content that Addresses Your Customer Journey

What distinguishes high-performing marketing companies and marketers from their average counterparts is that they develop a deeper understanding of their customers, including their biggest pain points and challenges, content requirements, and preferences.

17. Create a Brand Identity and Personality via Content

High-revenue B2B companies focus on their marketing efforts to create and maintain a consistent brand identity at every online and offline touchpoint, creating a seamless, positive experience across all areas of the company where the customer touches and interacts.

18. Align and Build Ongoing Partnerships with Sales

Silos marketing between sales and marketing companies continues to be one of the biggest barriers to success. More than half of all B2B marketers surveyed in a joint study by ANA and GfK believe that optimal alignment between sales and marketing will help improve marketing contribution and their ROI demonstration potential.

19. Acquire Digital Marketing and Technology Competencies

B2B marketers hope to continue to accelerate the widespread acceptance of digital and mobile consumers and to develop digital marketing and technology capabilities that most marketers do not currently have.

20. Create Interactive Marketing Campaigns

Over the past few years, marketing campaigns with interactive content have continued to gain popularity. Anyone can write a blog post, and reading a blog post after a blog post can be boring and new types of content are always exciting.

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The best 20 Killer Content Marketing Ideas Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:29:28 +0000 Read More]]> What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the deliberate creation and development of content to attract new opportunities and nurture them at the forefront.

This includes any kind of message you use to attract, educate, inform, persuade and motivate the opportunity to become a customer.

The goal of content marketing does not have to be instant sales, but rather the leading generation combined with strong brand recognition.

These types of marketing can be provided through blogs, newsletters, ebooks, forums/discussion boards, videos (businesses create more and more webinars), social media channels, and more.

In short, content marketing is about creating high-quality content to attract customers and customers and transforming them into engaged followers who spread the word about your products and services.

Content marketing has many benefits, and can help you increase:

Traffic: You direct traffic from followers on search engines, social media, email, or link-sharing sites.

Sales: Content marketing is not only the best way to drive traffic, it is also the best way to drive traffic (potential customers).

Email Subscribers: If you’re writing articles, you can motivate people on your registration page to choose (this is the best place for them to do this – do not try to get it from them anywhere else)

31 Content Marketing Ideas

Now that we know what content marketing is and why it is so useful for your business, take a look at our 31 content marketing ideas.

1. What questions do your customers ask?

Possible questions may come from several sources, including:

  • Search queries that drive organic traffic;
  • Internal search queries;
  • Your sales team;
  • Your customer service team;
  • Your R&D team.

If you can ask questions from members of other departments within your organization, you or your team can reduce the creative burden and hire them to create content.

2. What pain points do your clients experience?

When you talk to your sales team, ask about the specific seizures they sell (unless you have already captured these in your buyer’s persona). Content created around epilepsy is more likely to resonate with your prospective clients because it naturally builds good relationships by talking about their experiences.

3. What background knowledge do customers need to use your product or service?

Go back many steps and get the background knowledge that customers need to succeed in your offer.

Take MailShake, an email marketing automation program. If you are thinking about the types of education that clients need, you’ll probably think of things like creating email campaigns, scheduling messages, and automating responses.

4. What gaps are there in the education and resources available in your industry?

What are similar gaps in your industry? What resources will your customers benefit from (they may not know they need it)? Finding and exploiting these gaps can go a long way in creating not only awareness-level curiosity but also thought leadership.

5. What knowledge is second nature to you that your customers do not know?

This is one of my favorite questions when it comes to TOFU content ideas. Most companies are sitting on a wealth of internal knowledge that they do not realize they have. This is the inherent challenge of expertise: once you are advanced enough, most beginners forget more about your chosen subject than they first knew.

6. Where is your industry heading, and what future trends can you comment on?

People like to follow experts. Want to work with them. Also, one of the quickest ways to position yourself as an officer is to think about issues that you expect will affect your industry and provide your audience with guidance on how they should be prepared or react.

7. What is wrong with others in your industry, and how can you set a record straight without hitting it?

Do not use content to trash your competitors. But look for opportunities to use it to differentiate yourself, to communicate or reinforce your value concept.

8. How are your products or services layered to your competitors?

At the evaluation stage, your prospects compare you to your competitors. Why not help them with comparative content?

9. Are there any specialties in your staff, facilities, or community involvement? Can you turn it into benefits for your customers?

Do not engage in community service for the sole purpose of creating content. But if you have exceptional staff or facilities, or you are active in your community – i.e. your local area, networks in your industry, or other subgroups – use it to stimulate content efforts that celebrate these different factors.

10. What objections do your customers have and how would you respond?

Some estimates say that 20% of buyers do not want to hear about sales until they are at the point of purchase, such content reduces the chances of your company going unnoticed due to sales objections.

11. How do your customers benefit from your products or services, and what stories can you tell about their success?

This is a clear opportunity for case studies. But many companies think of case studies as one-and-done pieces of content. Once you have captured your customer success story, there are many ways to extend its value.

12. What kind of criticism / social praise do you get, and why do people say that about you?

You may already be using the reviews and compliments you receive as evidence on your sales network or as a social resource on your website. But one underestimated opportunity to use this goodwill is to create content that explains why you get such bad reviews.

13. How do you take the risk in making a purchase decision with your company?

Show opportunities that you understand the risk they take when buying from someone new and that you have taken the necessary steps to ensure that their fears are unnecessary.

14. What do new customers need to know from you to get their first moment as soon as possible?

Content that supports this requirement includes:

  • Demo or tutorial content;
  • Onboarding videos;
  • Training emails for new customers;
  • Checklist PDFs.

15. What are the biggest mistakes new customers make when using your product or service?

Your new customers are going to make a mistake. When they do, they get frustrated. Narrow down their learning curve by creating content that solves potential problems in advance and using it when customers often encounter problems.

  1. Identify the most important requirements of your company and the marketing or business metrics associated with them.
  2. Map these measurements for appropriate funnel positions and the types of content commonly used to support them.
  3. Use the questions in the sections above to create new ideas specific to the funnel levels you have selected. If you already have ideas, prioritize your list according to the target funnel level and the resources needed to implement each idea.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the content you create using this process at least once a quarter and make sure that some effort is allocated to each funnel level associated with your overall sales process.
  5. Constantly trying to capture not only new ideas but new stimuli that you think or encounter will help further stimulate your future brainwashing sessions.

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