The digital marketing industry is booming as more and more people are connected digitally. It is expected that the global digital marketing market will reach $385 billion by 2023. This translates into a CAGR of 46% for AR/VR and 62% for mobile advertising. The following statistics will give you an idea about how the world has transformed into a digital world:

The global digital marketing market is predicted to grow to $385 billion by 2023.

The global digital marketing market is predicted to grow to $385 billion by 2023. This growth rate is expected to be driven largely by the mobile advertising segment, which is forecasted to reach $80.4 billion by 2022 and make up nearly half of all revenue in the industry.

AR and VR are still growing at a fast pace with a CAGR of 46.6% and 62.1% respectively.

AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are still growing at a fast pace with a CAGR of 46.6% and 62.1% respectively.

AR is expected to grow at a CAGR of 46.6% till 2022 while VR will grow at a CAGR of 62.1% till 2022

Advertisers spent a record $333.25 billion on digital advertising in 2017, up 20% from the previous year.

Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience. It can be classified into three types: brand advertising, direct response advertising, and public service announcement (PSA).

In addition to these types of advertising, there are other types that are not exclusive to digital marketing such as political advertisements and film trailers.

Small businesses allocate about 25% of their marketing budget to digital marketing services. 

Small businesses allocate about 25% of their marketing budget to digital marketing services. This is an increase of 15% from 2017, which is a good sign for the future of digital marketing. The reason for this increase? The popularity of social media and mobile apps like Facebook and Instagram, which allow small business owners to reach customers on a global scale efficiently and effectively.

About 78% of small businesses are using social media. 

The main reasons small businesses use social media are to increase sales (54%), gain more traffic to the website (46%), and increase brand recognition and loyalty (45%).

In addition, about 78% of small businesses marketing use social media to promote their products or services.

The major reasons for using social media include to increase sales (54%), gaining more traffic to the website (46%), increasing brand recognition and loyalty (45%).

The major reasons for using social media include to increase sales (54%), gaining more traffic to the website (46%), increasing brand recognition and loyalty (45%).

Social media platforms are being used by businesses to achieve these goals because they can help you connect with your customers, allow you to market directly to them and create a community based on trust.

By 2020, the number of people using social media will reach 2.95 billion, i.e., over a third of the earth’s population will be using social media in some form or other.

By 2020, the number of people using social media will reach 2.95 billion, i.e., over a third of the earth’s population will be using social media in some form or other.

Users spend huge amounts of time on these platforms; with some spending more than two hours every day on their phone and others spending as much as eight hours!

The demographic breakdown of users is also quite interesting; while millennials lead in terms of usage, Gen Z is right behind them – accounting for 40% of daily active users (DAUs).

The average user spends around 1 hour and 40 minutes on Facebook DAILY! 

Did you know that the average user spends around 1 hour and 40 minutes on Facebook DAILY? That’s a lot of time spent looking at a screen, and if you’re like most people, it probably feels like a lot more than that.

But how much time do we spend on other social media platforms? The numbers are pretty staggering. According to Shareablee, the average user spends over 40 hours per month on Instagram, over 30 hours per month on YouTube and nearly 28 hours per month browsing through Twitter.

Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform with over 2 billion monthly active users as of Q1 2018 – including over 1 billion who visit daily! With such massive appeal among consumers worldwide, marketers need to use Facebook if they want their brands to reach their target audience effectively – especially when considering how much competition there is for attention across all other channels combined!

Over 8 billion videos or 100 million hours of videos are watched on Facebook daily!

Facebook’s video platform is the most popular among consumers. It’s also one of the best ways to reach your audience, so it’s worth trying out.

If you’re looking for a more in-depth look at all things digital marketing, check out our free guide: [Digital Marketing 101](

There are over 40 million active small business pages on Facebook!

How are small businesses using social media?

Small businesses are using social media as a way to market themselves, connect with their customers and engage in conversations.

This means that you can use your small business Facebook page or other social channels like Instagram and Twitter to share valuable content with your audience. You can also use these platforms for customer engagement by asking questions about their experiences with your products or services.

Cover photos are viewed over 70% more than profile pictures! 

You can use cover photos to give a visual representation of your brand. They’re also an excellent way to convey what you do and why people should care, so make sure it’s a high-quality image that clearly shows the value you provide.

Another important thing to consider is whether or not your cover photo is relevant to your business. If it’s not, there’s no point in using one at all!

It needs to be engaging too — if it doesn’t catch people’s attention, who cares? And last but certainly not least, don’t forget about appropriateness: make sure your cover photo isn’t going to offend anyone (elderly people especially).

21% of people use Twitter in order to get news and updates about politics, while 19% do it for entertainment purposes!

As a business owner, Twitter is a great platform for you to reach out your audience. It’s also a great tool for you to promote your brand, get more followers and engagement.

Twitter gives you the opportunity to have an online presence that has the potential of getting more traffic and sales leads.


All in all, social media is a powerful tool for marketing. It is important to understand how people use it and why they use it so that you can make the most of its potential.

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