Which extra services can you offer with a wide-format printer?

You might be undecided about getting hold of a wide or large format printer. After all, in the current financial climate, keeping expenses to a minimum is probably your priority – and any new purchase like this will have to undergo a very strict assessment before you can justify it. Of course, you will know your customer base and their needs, but adding a wide-format printer to your inventory will mean you can offer several new services to your customers.
Create banners for events and promotions
This is probably the first thing that springs to mind, and top-quality units from suppliers like Soyang Europe can easily take on jobs like these. Because they can print vinyl and fabric as well as metal, glass, and wood, the options are pretty much endless whether the banner is for a:

  • Product launch,
  • Grand opening,
  • Special offer, or
  • Party, meeting, or convention
    And you should have all of the bases covered.


As wide-format printers can print on so many different mediums, you will also be able to print signage for businesses. You can create a high-quality sign with the business name and logo so a company can make the right first impression to visiting customers or internal signage for departments like health and safety notices.

Architectural drawings

Perhaps a little left field and not commonplace, but by being able to print detailed large-format blueprints and drawings, you can offer this service to architects and construction companies around the country. The same would be true when printing blueprints for product manufacture or electrical engineering.


This one is a little more mainstream, and this does not just mean posters for bedroom walls (although that could be a very lucrative market, too). There are posters for billboards and large format posters for bus stops and train stations. These would typically be advertising new products or, more frequently, blockbuster movies or the latest hit TV show on one of the big streaming platforms.


Again, this one is a little left-field but works along the same principle as producing posters. This can be bespoke wallpaper in limited edition runs or having a custom pattern printed on a medium not normally used for wallpaper, like vinyl, to give homes a unique look.

Vehicle wraps and graphics

The ability to print on vinyl means you can also create colorful vehicle wraps and graphics. These are useful for making a fleet of cars look like they belong to the same company. Regardless of make or model. They are also a way for car owners to give their ride a unique look.

Final thoughts

Buying something like a wide format printer might sound like a big expense (although they are not likely to be as bulky or expensive as you thought). However, this worry will almost certainly be eclipsed by the increase in services you can offer clients. This can include the usual things like posters, banners, and signage, but it could also include blueprints or wallpaper, vehicle wraps, and graphics.


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