An office without organization is a difficult place to work. The feeling of having too many things to do and not enough time is tough on anyone, but fortunately, there are lots of tips and tricks you can use to keep your office organized.

Organize Your Desk

If your desk is cluttered, it can be difficult to stay focused and be productive. Follow these tips to help you organize your desk and create a space that promotes productivity:

  1. Start by decluttering your desk. Get rid of any unnecessary items and tidy up any papers or other materials that are taking up space.
  2. Create a system for organizing your desk. This might include using desk organizer trays or dividers to sort papers, setting up a filing system, or investing in some storage containers.
  3. Make sure you have the necessary supplies on hand. This includes pens, paper, stapler, etc. Having everything you need within reach will help you stay organized and avoid having to search for things constantly.
  4. Keep your desk clean and tidy on a daily basis. Put away any items that are not being used and make sure all surfaces are free of dust and debris.
  5. Take some time to personalize your space. Add some items that make you happy or help you stay motivated. This could be anything from photos to plants to art supplies.


When it comes to getting your office organized, one of the most important things you can do is declutter. That means getting rid of anything that you don’t need or use on a regular basis. This can be a tough task, but it’s worth it in the end.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Start with a clean slate. Before you start decluttering, take everything out of your office so you can see what you’re working with. This will help you decide what needs to stay and what can go.
  2. Create a system. Once you’ve decluttered, it’s important to have a system in place so that your office stays organized. That might mean investing in some storage containers or creating a filing system for your paperwork.
  3. Get rid of distractions. One of the biggest culprits of office clutter is distractions like personal mementos or unfinished projects. If something isn’t serving a purpose or helping you be productive, get rid of it!
  4. Set aside time each week to declutter. Even if your office is mostly organized, it’s important to set aside some time each week to go through and get rid of anything that’s no longer needed. This will help prevent your space from becoming cluttered again in the future.

Get an Office Plant

An office plant can do more than just spruce up a cubicle; it can also help improve air quality and boost your mood. But before you go out and buy a fiddle leaf fig or snake plant, there are a few things to consider.

First, think about the amount of sunlight in your office. If it’s on the darker side, opt for a low-light plant like arrowhead vine or Chinese evergreen. If your office is on the brighter side, you have more options; some sun-loving plants include peace lily, snake plant, and rubber tree.

Once you’ve selected a plant, it’s important to choose the right pot. Not only should it be the right size for your plant (you don’t want it to be too big or too small), but it should also have drainage holes to prevent overwatering. And if you really want to get organized, label your pots with the name and care instructions of your plant!

Create an Inbox for All Communication

Assuming you’re using Gmail, create a new inbox for all communication related to work. You can do this by creating a new label and applying it to all of your work-related emails. This will help you keep your work email separate from your personal email and make it easier to find important messages.

If you’re not using Gmail, you can still create a separate inbox for work communication by setting up filters in your email client. For example, in Outlook you can create a rule that moves all messages with a certain keyword in the subject line to a specific folder. This is a great way to keep your work email organized and easy to access.

Use Containers for Supplies and Files

If you’re anything like the majority of people, your office is probably a catch-all for supplies, files, and other miscellaneous items. This can make it difficult to find what you need when you need it and can create an overall feeling of chaos. A great way to combat this is to use containers.

Labeled storage bins or baskets are perfect for holding pens, paper clips, and other small office supplies. This way, they’re always within reach, and you don’t have to go digging through a drawer every time you need a pen. For files and larger items, consider using rolling carts with drawers or shelves. This will help keep your desk clear and give you easy access to everything you need.

Label Everything Clearly

In any office, whether at home or in a professional setting, it is important to label everything clearly. This includes file folders, binders, books, and other materials. By labeling everything, you can easily find what you need and avoid wasting time searching through piles of papers.

In addition to labeling everything, it is also important to keep a tidy workspace. A cluttered desk can lead to a cluttered mind, so make sure to take the time to organize your desk on a regular basis. Having an organized office will help you be more productive and efficient in your work.

Store Files and Documents in the Cloud

Organizing your office doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little bit of planning and some creativity, you can create a space that works for you and your business. One way to do this is to store files and documents in the cloud.

There are many benefits to storing files in the cloud. First, it frees up space on your computer or server. Second, it allows you to access your documents from anywhere – all you need is an internet connection. And third, it makes sharing and collaborating on documents much easier.

If you’re not sure how to get started, there are plenty of resources available online. You can also talk to your IT department or provider about what options are available to you. Once you have a plan in place, implementing it will be easy – and your office will be more organized than ever before!

Set Up a Weekly or Monthly Checklist

Assuming you have a general idea of what needs to be done in your office on a daily basis, it’s helpful to create a more specific checklist of tasks to complete each week or month. This will ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that your office remains organized on a long-term basis.

Some items that could be included on your weekly or monthly checklist:

  • Dust all surfaces
  • Wipe down electronics
  • Vacuum/mop floors
  • Empty trash cans/recycling bins
  • Clean windows/mirrors
  • Restock supplies (e.g., paper, toner, pens)
  • Organize paperwork/files
  • Address any outstanding items from the previous week/month

Create a Planner to Stay on Track

If you’re looking to get your office more organized, one of the best things you can do is create a planner to help you stay on track. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy – a simple notebook or even just a sheet of paper will do. Write down everything you need to get done in the next week, month, or year, and then break it down into smaller tasks that you can complete each day. Checking items off your list as you go will help you stay motivated and on track.

If you find that you’re constantly forgetting to do certain tasks, try setting up reminders. You can use a physical planner with stickers or post-it notes, or set up alerts on your computer or phone. Seeing these reminders every day will help ensure that you don’t forget anything important.

Finally, make sure to schedule some time each week (or even each day) to review your planner and see what’s coming up in the future. This will help you stay ahead of the game and make sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

And Also Read : Organized Tips & Ideas