scope of digital marketing – Pavani Naidu Digital Marketing, Branding Expert Pavani Pagidimarri Fri, 25 Mar 2022 16:45:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 scope of digital marketing – Pavani Naidu 32 32 Top 20 checklist while hiring digital marketing consultant in India Thu, 24 Mar 2022 13:21:08 +0000 Read More]]> Digital Marketing Consultant

Digital marketing takes full advantage of any traditional marketing medium. Not only that, you can do the right business in the field of digital marketing. Whether you are a content writer/creator, graphic designer, SEO analyst, or social media marketer, you may have different career options.

So, when choosing a digital marketing agency for your business, here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Repute

You want to go to a tried and tested agency that has proven results in support of their speech. Check them out online and ask co-workers for any suggestions.

2. Business expertise

They need to have the right tools and skills to know what your business needs.

3. Great team

A company can only be as good as its employees. When choosing an agency, you can work with a team that is efficient and fully committed to accomplishing your objectives. Do not settle for less than anything.

4. Strategy

They need to develop the right strategy for your business, tailored to your needs. The strategy acts as a blueprint for the whole process.

5. Progress

Stay up to date with the latest developments related to your digital marketing objectives. To know if you are making progress, you need to have achievable goals with deadlines and results. It will be slow, but there will be progress for a good digital marketing agency.

How to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

You know what digital marketing is if your business needs it and what to look for in a digital marketing agency. When to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency? Only if you know what you are looking for.

The first step towards that is to make sure you know what your needs are, i.e. what you want to achieve.

For example:

  • Social Media Management (Organic & Paid)
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • Content Curation
  • Analytics
  • Customer Service
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Affiliate Marketing, etc.

These are all great tools to help you attract more customers. You need to identify where your focus is. There are many great options – digital marketing for small businesses and large businesses.

Once you have done that, you need to follow the steps below to find the right fit for your digital marketing needs:

Decide on a Budget – How Much Money Are You willing to pay for the services of a specialized digital marketing agency?

Identify your needs – From the list above, what specific objectives are you trying to accomplish?

Start researching – Look on the Internet and ask friends and family who have used the agency to find options.

Compare – If you find a few good options, compare their prices, packages, experience, customers, and results.

Contact – When you finally decide on one, start by contacting them through their website.

Is Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency a Good Idea?

The purpose of this guide is to help you gain informed insights into the current and future of marketing. The world is changing minute by minute. Something popular a minute ago may lose its effectiveness in the next minute. So, instead of relying on the most expensive, traditional marketing tools, you should invest in digital marketing because it gives you real value and it will not diminish so quickly.

It is constantly evolving. Also, its results are targeted and accurate – giving you an accurate representation of whether or not your money returns.

Depending on your intentions and needs, progress and results will vary. This may take time, but once it is done, you will always be grateful for the right choice, at the right time.
Someone who runs a business already has a lot on their plate and the huge responsibility of managing the required online presence through constant web updates for social media, email marketing, and enhanced customer engagement can be a complex burden.

One of the many reasons to hire a digital marketing agency is that while investing in goodwill solves your problems, you can remove the unnecessary burden from your shoulders and focus on your primary responsibilities.


What is a checklist in digital marketing?

A marketing checklist is a type of marketing plan that outlines the various components of a marketing effort. The Marketing Checklist is a simple way to track various marketing activities and components, including goals and strategies.

What attracts you to the role of a consultant?

The first factor that attracts students to management advice is the diversity of work. As a consultant, you will work with a variety of colleagues and clients on a variety of projects. You will gain experience in fields, industries, and even countries as many consultancies offer travel opportunities.

What is onboarding in digital marketing?

Today, it is widely used to describe the process by which a company welcomes new opportunities or customers. Customer onboarding involves the use of marketing communications to welcome new customers to a business that aims to acquire loyalty and advocacy.



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Digital Marketing Professional of the Year Award for 2021 Goes to Edward Asare Tue, 14 Dec 2021 19:33:43 +0000 Read More]]> Digital Marketing Professional

Edward Asari was named Digital Professional of the Year in the 3rd edition of the 2021 National Communication Awards.

The award aims to honor and recognize his keen achievements as a sophisticated digital marketer with a wealth of experience and fame.

Edward’s Career

He is a Digital Marketing and Social Media Manager with expertise in Content Writing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Blogging, PR, Corporate Communications, and publicizing.

Edward graduated from the University of Ghana with a BA in Economics with Information Studies. He completed his high school education at Accra Academy, where he specialized in Business.

Edward Asari has been a Digital Marketer at UBA Ghana limited since 2016. He has worked for Media General Ltd, Peduase Valley Resort, Ankobrah Beach Resort, Glofert, Redpear,, and now UBA Ghana Ltd. He has also taught Digital Marketing on a part-time basis at Stepup Business School and has also given astounding speeches on Digital Marketing at various Conferences.

Edward in his own words defines digital marketing as “Digital Marketing is simply using online channels to reach potential customers for a product or service. It could be textual, visual or pictorial.”

Edward Asari is a pioneer in the field of digital marketing, and his excellent understanding of how businesses make money using social media and the web has given him numerous awards, recognition, and admiration. His outstanding achievements as a digital marketer are, He started and grew the social media pages of various companies to over 10k in under three months. He has verified clients’ social media pages by setting up their pages and positioning the pages to be eligible for verification. He has also spoken at numerous Digital Marketing Conferences with invites from Dubai and other exclusive places.

Edward’s Achievements

It wasn’t the first time he was recognized for his work when he won the NCA Digital Marketing Specialist award at the Labadi Beach Hotel on Saturday night.

At the 2020 Ghana Youth Excellence Awards, he was awarded the 2020 Digital Influencer of the Year award and was nominated for the Youth Blogger of the Year and Digital Marketer of the Year awards.

Edward’s reaction after winning the award

A cheerful Edward Asari, who works as a digital marketer at UBA Ghana Limited, said when he received his plague and gave his acceptance speech:

“I am very grateful for this award and this is not a small thing for me. I am humbled and encouraged by the fact that what I do is being recognized by people”. Edward Asare is also a veteran blogger who owns and operates his blog site


In 2021, Edward’s blog site ( was placed in the Top 50 Blogs organized by Avance Media in Ghana. He started his blog last in 2020 and it was developed by his high school pal Nana Osafo-Bosompem. Edwardfirmly believes that each and everyone in this world has a story to tell; the good, bad and ugly. He mainly focused on highlighting the journey of people in attaining their successes. He believes in giving people their flowers while they can see them.

He debuted at number 49 with a vibrant website (

Facebook (Verified – 16k followers)
Instagram (10.8K followers)
Twitter (45.5k followers)
LinkedIn (22.2k followers)


It takes a LinkedIn pro to fully understand and comprehend the actions of a company or an individual in positioning themselves by the process of conceiving a brand image that possesses a competitive advantage. Edward Asari is one such mastermind.

Being a graduate of the University of Ghana, Asari is an expert in the fields of corporate communications, public relations, digital media consulting, and copywriting.

The various job roles performed by the Digital Professional of the Year 2021 award winner, Mr. Edward Asari:

  • Digital Marketer
  • Content Strategist
  • Social Media Manager
  • Google Ad word Expert
  • Email Marketer
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Blogger
  • Trendsetter on Twitter (has a team of Twitter influencers)
  • Bulk SMS service
  • Copywriting
  • Publicist
  • Corporate Communications

As a professional social media manager, editor, and influencer, Edward Asari has a solid track record in social media marketing, consisting of strategic placement for branding, support, growth, and awareness.

He is also a great singer and a lover of music.

Edward Asari has a wide range and number of followers on all major social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn with verified accounts.

Edward Asare has been a professional trailblazer in various fields such as digital marketing and also in the understanding of how businesses can capitalize, manipulate and use social media for their benefit to increase their profits.




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