how to become a wikipedia writer – Pavani Naidu Digital Marketing, Branding Expert Pavani Pagidimarri Wed, 03 Aug 2022 19:44:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 how to become a wikipedia writer – Pavani Naidu 32 32 Is there an approval process for Wikipedia? 11 Points to Consider Wed, 03 Aug 2022 19:44:29 +0000 Read More]]> Approval Process for Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a great tool for learning about topics that are difficult to find information on. However, there are some important things you should know before writing an article on Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is an international, non-profit organization.

Wikipedia is an international, non-profit organization. It’s not a credential-based organization and its contributors are not credentialed experts. For example, there are no requirements for becoming an editor on the site. You don’t need to have studied law or medicine; you just need to know how to write well (and perhaps some other languages).

Wikipedia does have an approval process for new editors—but it’s not one where anyone has any say over who gets approved or not! This means that anyone can create an account on Wikipedia and start contributing content before they’ve been vetted by the community first. In fact, most users will never get through this initial round of review anyway because their contributions aren’t controversial enough for people’s attention—but even if your edits do make waves among other editors who disagree with them (which happens), nobody will be able to stop your page from being created until someone takes action against it.*

Wikipedia does not approve articles in an editorial sense.

The Wikipedia community is a collection of people who are interested in writing, editing and discussing articles. These people may be experts in their particular field, or they could simply be passionate about the subject matter of an article.

There is no single editor or administrator who can say “yes” or “no” to an article before it’s published on Wikipedia. Instead, every article has to go through a number of different approval processes before being published on our site:

  • A peer review process (usually done by other editors), which checks if your content accurately represents reality; if it doesn’t meet these standards then you’ll get feedback from other users so that you can make changes necessary for accuracy before submitting again. This process helps ensure that only high-quality information reaches users!
  • A few editors will get involved during this stage—they’ll provide feedback where needed but aren’t allowed themselves

to change any text unless there’s consensus among them first.*

Wikipedia is a community of expert volunteers.

Wikipedia is a community of expert volunteers, who work together to create and maintain the encyclopedia. Wikipedia’s articles are written by experts in their field, and peer review among community members ensures that articles are reliable; this also means that any errors can be easily corrected. When you contribute to an article on Wikipedia, you’re actually contributing knowledge about the subject matter in question.

The Wikimedia Foundation was founded in 2003 as a nonprofit organization with no corporate shareholders or board members involved. It receives donations from people like you who want to support this important project by contributing money or time toward its ongoing development efforts through fundraising campaigns such as Give A Dollar Today!

You need to carefully get into the details of your topic before you write.

You need to carefully get into the details of your topic before you write. You should know what others have written about your topic, and you should also be able to tell if they’re wrong or right. For example, if someone writes that Aristotle was a student of Plato’s Academy, then it’s likely that they’re mistaken; but if someone says he didn’t go to any school at all but just taught himself through intuition and observation until he became famous for his philosophy about how humans should live their lives (which sounds more like an autobiography than anything I’d recommend reading), then that might be accurate enough information for this section on Wikipedia!

How do we know who our audience is? Well…

Wikipedia is not credential-based.

Wikipedia is not credential-based. Credentials are not needed to write for Wikipedia, edit for Wikipedia, read for Wikipedia or comment on articles in the English language.

This means that you can start contributing immediately if you have a computer and an internet connection at home or at work; there are no requirements beyond knowing how to use Google Translate or translate into your native language (if applicable).

You need to have a second source that gives you credibility as a subject matter expert.

You need to have a second source that gives you credibility as a subject matter expert. Cites are the only way to prove that you are an expert on your topic, and they help others see the quality of your research.

Even if there’s no official approval process for Wikipedia, it’s still important to cite sources that support what you write because without citations, readers won’t know where those ideas came from or how reliable they are. When writing about controversial topics like climate change or politics, using multiple sources helps readers understand why certain opinions might be more accurate than others—and also makes sure everyone has equal access to information (which should be true regardless).

You must be willing to do research on your topic and have a detailed knowledge of it.

You need to be willing to do research on your topic and have a detailed knowledge of it. For example, if you are writing about the history of baseball and want to add an article about baseball’s first black player, then you will need to know what Jackie Robinson did for his team.

You also need to make sure that your writing is easy for readers (including other editors) as well as easy for Google search engines—this means using words that are commonly used in English but also making sure they’re spelled correctly and grammatically correct.

You will never be able to please everyone on your topic, so learn how to disagree with people who are wrong in a polite way.

You will never be able to please everyone on your topic, so learn how to disagree with people who are wrong in a polite way. This might mean not arguing with them at all; it could also mean politely explaining why you disagree and giving links where they can find more information if they’d like it. It’s up to you how far you go with this approach!

Everyone has a right to their opinion, but they do not have the right to dictate what is posted on Wikipedia.

You can’t get away with just making things up. The first source of information you use needs to be credible and accurate, or the entire article could be called into question. For example, if your main source is a blog post written by someone else who has no expertise in the subject matter, their opinion will not be as valuable as yours—and it would probably also lead readers away from learning more about your topic by sending them to another site where they can find more information and experts on the same topic.

You need to have a second source that gives you credibility as a subject matter expert: good sources include books or articles written by other people who have studied something similar (for example, “How To Make A Successful Business Out Of Your Home”). And finally: If possible, try getting access to some kind of training seminar where people talk about their experiences working in different fields related specifically toward what interests them most currently (i

Every edit needs a citation from an unbiased source.

The first and most important step to editing Wikipedia is to make sure that you have done your research. Citing sources will help ensure that your edits are fact-based, accurate and unbiased.

Citations can be found in the article text or in footnotes at the bottom of pages. They should include an author’s name, title and publication date (if possible), along with a URL where the article can be accessed online for further reading or research purposes. The citation should also include specific details about what was researched: what language it was written in; where it appeared; who wrote it; when it was published; how many people read this work before publishing their own version of this work on another website such as Amazon Books or Barnes & Noble Booksellers store locations nationwide throughout America!

Anyone can write for Wikipedia all you need is expertise on your topic and dedication for writing about it

Wikipedia is a collaborative encyclopedia that anyone can edit, so there’s no need for approval. What you do need to do is make sure you have a good understanding of your topic, cite your sources properly and back up your claims with evidence.

You should also be honest and respectful of other people’s opinions; as well as being able to accept criticism on the subject matter (which will come up), learning from it helps improve your writing skills over time!


It’s clear that the process of writing Wikipedia articles isn’t easy. But it doesn’t mean you cannot do it either. Just know what you are getting into before you start working on your topic and keep in mind that most important thing, don’t be afraid to ask questions if something doesn’t make sense or seems wrong in any way.

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