Swavalambi Bharat Abhiyan(SBA) observed its second anniversary on January 12, signaling substantial advancements in rejuvenating India’s entrepreneurial ethos and tackling issues related to unemployment and poverty. A press conference was organized on 15th January at Haryana Bhawan in New Delhi.

The press conference was addressed by Dr. Ashwani Mahajan ji, All India co-convenor of Swadeshi Jagran Manch and Archama Meena ji, All India co-women chief and co-coordinator of the Abhiyan.

In the press conference, information was provided about the two-year journey of 32 organizations involved in the Swavalambi Bharat Abhiyan, the objective, planning, implementation and success of the campaign, the establishment of Swavalamnam Kendras across the country and the Entrepreneurship Award organized at Bharat Mandapam on March 2.

Volunteer Registration Campaign for Swavalambi Bharat Abhiyan marks a pivotal moment in our collective journey towards fostering self-reliance and entrepreneurial spirit in our nation. The overwhelming response from individuals across diverse backgrounds and regions is a testament to the shared commitment to building a resilient and empowered India.

As we bring this campaign to a close, the enthusiastic participation of volunteers echoes the belief that positive change is a collaborative effort. Each registered volunteer becomes a cornerstone in the foundation of Swavalambi Bharat, contributing their skills, passion, and dedication to the cause.

This campaign’s success is not merely measured in numbers but in the potential it unlocks for transformative impact. The volunteers who have joined our ranks are the driving force behind the realization of our vision for a self-sufficient India, where innovation, entrepreneurship, and community empowerment thrive.

To all the volunteers who have stepped forward, your enthusiasm is the driving force that propels us forward. Your commitment to Swavalambi Bharat Abhiyan is an investment in a brighter, more self-reliant future for our nation. As we move forward, united in purpose, let us continue to amplify the spirit of Swavalamban and collectively shape a better tomorrow for India. Thank you for being the catalysts of change, and let us march ahead hand in hand towards a Swavalambi Bharat. Visit mysba.co.in/volunteer to register yourself as volunteer of Swavalambi Bharat Abhiyan

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