How to write SEO friendly blog posts

SEO friendly blog posts

Writing blog posts that are optimized for search engines and users is a skill. And like any other skill, it can be improved through practice. Despite what most people think, it is not a complicated process. Here are some simple steps to follow to make sure you publish everything you publish on your website or SEO Friendly Blog.

Adjusting the title of the post, blog layout, text formatting, titles, and columns is easy and play an important role in the rankings.

In this post, you will learn about all my blog posts about the 10 step process I follow to improve SEO.


10 Tips for Writing SEO Friendly Blog Posts

Think before you start writing

Any time you initially think about what to write in your blog post, it is time you save later in the process.

Daily, I read many articles related to SEO and marketing from various digital marketing blogs. If I find a topic or topic of interest to one of my future blogs, I will copy the URL and title to my notes.

Create the structure of the blog post

The next step is to write the structure of your SEO friendly blog post. In terms of structure, you need to define different parts of the post.

Writing a blog post can be made easier by dividing it into different parts. Writing 200 words to cover a specific part of a post is faster and more efficient than trying to write large parts.

Create title and URL

Deciding on the title and URL of your blog post is the next step. I know some bloggers like to do this step first and then create a blog framework, but I found it easier to come up with a title once you are well aware of what the post will cover.

Use the titles correctly

There is only one h1 tag on the page – this is usually the <title> of the post, however, it does not have to be the same.

What matters is that there is only one H1 tag and a title that contains your target keywords.

Use captions in step mode – the title of the post should be h1 tag and then h2 in the main sections and h3 in the subsections.

Keep your paragraphs brief

Do not throw large columns on one side and press the Publish button. Most of your readers have a good chance of being on mobile, so make it easy for them to read the content.

Add links when it makes sense

Whenever you write a new section, try to ‘link it’ with the blog posts already published on your SEO friendly blog by adding internal links.

Internal linking is a very effective and easy to follow SEO technique that has several benefits:

  • This is a great way to give users the option to click the link and read more about the topic.
  • This is one of the techniques you can use to reduce the bounce rate and keep users more time on your website.

Do make use of keywords

Having your target keywords (and variations) in your blog posts will not get you in trouble it is recommended to do so.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, filling out the keywords is not recommended.

In other words, do not include keywords in the text to do so, but only do so when reading is normal.

Optimize the length of your blog post

Studies show that long posts perform better in search and that they get more likes and hints on social media.

While this is true, it does not mean that short posts do not rank well. What matters most is not the quality and quantity of the content.

Optimize your meta description

In point 3 above, I talked about improving the title and URL of a post; Improving the length of your meta description is equally important.

An explanatory tag is a summary of a post less than 200 characters long. Google may choose to display your description in the results, which should be informative and encourage users to click on your link and visit your blog.

Upgrade your images and other media elements

Images, maps, infographics, videos, statistics, and other media elements make the blog post very interesting to read and improve the quality of the content.

Although Google has made it clear that they still do not understand the context of an image or video (when crawling a page), many webmasters still fail to follow the rules for making their images SEO optimized.


What are SEO friendly blog keywords?

Your SEO keywords are the keywords and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site through search engines. A website that is optimized for search engines “speaks the same language” as its potential visitor site with keywords for SEO that will help search engines connect to your site.

What is SEO Friendly?
Making a website SEO-friendly means that Google and other search engines can efficiently crawl every page of the website, effectively interpret the content, and index their database. Once indexed, they can provide the most relevant and valuable web pages to their users based on the topics they are looking for.

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