data – Pavani Naidu Digital Marketing, Branding Expert Pavani Pagidimarri Tue, 11 Apr 2023 16:06:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 data – Pavani Naidu 32 32 Why your company needs an ORM service Tue, 11 Apr 2023 16:04:39 +0000 Read More]]> Why your company needs an ORM service


An Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a service that allows developers to save and retrieve data from a database in an object-oriented fashion, rather than dealing with the underlying database directly.

If you’re like most companies, you have a lot of data. This data is spread across a variety of different databases and applications, making it difficult to keep track of everything. An ORM service can help you organize and manage your data, making it easier to find and use.

Why You Need an ORM Service:

1. Improve Data Quality:

An ORM service can help you improve the quality of your data by providing a consistent way to access and update it. This means that you can be sure that your data is accurate and up-to-date, which is essential for decision-making.

2. Save Time and Money:

An ORM service can save you time and money by automating the process of data management. This can free up your staff to focus on more important tasks, and it can also help you avoid the costly mistakes that can occur when data is manually managed.

3. Increase Efficiency:

An ORM service can increase your company’s efficiency by providing a central repository for your data. This makes it easy for employees to find the information they need, and it also allows you to track and analyze your data more effectively.

4. Improve Customer Service:

An ORM service can improve your customer service by providing a single source of truth for your data. This means that your customers will always have the most up-to-date information, and it will be easier for you to resolve any issues that they may have.

5. Reduce Risk:

An ORM service can help you reduce the risk of data loss by providing a backup and disaster recovery solution. This can give you peace of mind knowing that your data is safe, and it can also help you avoid the costly downtime that can occur if your data is lost or corrupted.

6. Increase Agility:

An ORM service can increase your company’s agility by allowing you to quickly and easily update your data. This means that you can respond to changes in the market more quickly, and it can also help you take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

7. Improve Decision-making:

An ORM service can improve your decision-making by providing a single source of truth for your data. This means that you can be sure that your decisions are based on accurate and up-to-date information, which is essential for any business.

8. Go Green:

An ORM service can help you go green by reducing paper usage in your office. This can save you money on printing costs, and it can also help to reduce your company’s carbon footprint.

9. Comply with Regulations:

An ORM service can help you comply with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by providing a secure and compliant way to manage your data. This can help you avoid the hefty fines that can be imposed for non-compliance, and it can also help you protect your customers’ data.

10. Get a Competitive Edge:

An ORM service can give you a competitive edge by providing a way to manage your data that is more efficient and effective than your competitors. This can help you win new business, and it can also help you retain existing customers.

No matter what industry you’re in, an ORM service can provide a number of benefits for your business. If you have a lot of data to manage, an ORM service can help you save time and money while also improving the quality of your data. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get the most out of your data.


An ORM service can provide many benefits to your company, including improved data quality, increased efficiency, improved customer service, and a competitive edge. If you have a lot of data to manage, an ORM service can help you save time and money while also improving the quality of your data. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get the most out of your data.


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Outlier Detection Methods in Data Mining, 5 best methods Wed, 29 Dec 2021 15:05:57 +0000 Read More]]> Outlier Detection Methods

Outlier detection from a set of patterns is an active part of research into data collection processing. Many modeling techniques can resist the exterior or reduce their impact. Outlier detection and understanding of them can lead to interesting discoveries.

Definition of Outlier Detection

Outliers are generally defined as models that are exceptionally far from the mainstream of data. There is no strict mathematical definition of what alienation is; determining whether an observation is an abstraction is ultimately a subjective exercise.

An outlier can be interpreted as data or observation that deviates greatly from the mean of a given protocol or set of data. An exception may occur by accident, but it may indicate a measurement error or the given set of data may have a heavier distribution.

Therefore, outlier detection can be defined as the process of detecting and then excluding outsiders from a given set of data. There are no standardized outlier identification methods because these are mostly dataset-dependent. Outlier detection as a branch of data processing has many applications in data stream analysis.

This paper focuses on the problems of outlier detection by data stream and specific techniques used to detect streaming data in data mining. We will also focus on recent research on outlier detection methods and external analysis.

Our discussion will cover areas of standard application of outlier detection such as fraud detection, public health, and sports, and touch on different approaches such as proximity-based approaches and angle-based approaches.

Outlier Detection Techniques

To identify the exterior in the database, it is important to keep in mind the context and find the answer to the most basic and relevant question: “Why should I find outliers?” The context will explain the meaning of your findings.

Remember two important questions about your database during Outlier Identification:

(i) What and how many features do I consider for outlier detection? (Similarity/diversity)

(ii) Can I take the distribution (s) of values ​​for the features I have selected? (Parameter / non-parameter)

There are four Outlier Detection techniques in general.

1. Numeric Outlier

A numerical outlier is a simple, non-standard outlier detection technique in a one-dimensional feature space. Exteriors are calculated by IQR (InterQuartile Range). For example, the first and third quarters (Q1, Q3) are calculated. Outlier is a data point xi that is out of range.

Using the interquartile amplifier value k=1.5, the limits are the typical upper and lower whiskers of a box plot.

This technique can be easily implemented on the KNIME Analytics platform using the Numeric Outliers node.

2. Z-Score

The Z-score technique considers the Gaussian distribution of data. Outliers are data points that are on the tail of the distribution and are therefore far from average.

The z-score of any data point can be calculated by the following expression, after making appropriate changes to the selected feature interval of the dataset:

When calculating the z-score for each sample, a limit must be specified in the data set. Some good ‘thumb rule’ limits may be fixed deviations of 2.5, 3, 3.5, or more.


This outlier detection technique is based on the DBSCAN clustering method. DBSCAN is a non-standard, density-based outlier detection method. Here, all data points are defined as focal points, boundary points, or noise points.

4. Isolated forest

This non-parameter system is suitable for large datasets in one or more dimensional features. Isolation number is very important in this outlier detection technique. Isolation number is the number of divisions required to isolate a data point.

Outlier Detection Methods

Models for Outlier Detection Analysis

There are many approaches to detecting abnormalities. Outlier detection models can be classified into the following groups:

1. Intensive value analysis

Extreme value analysis is the most basic form of outlier detection and is suitable for 1-dimensional data. In this external analysis approach, the largest or smallest values ​​are considered externally. The Z-Test and the Students’ T-Test are excellent examples.

These are good heuristics for the initial analysis of data but they are not of much value in multifaceted systems. Extreme value analysis is often used as a final step in interpreting the outputs of other outlier detection methods.

2. Linear Models

In this approach, data is structured outside the lower dimensional substructure using linear interactions. The distance of each data point is calculated for a plane that corresponds to the sub-interval. This distance is used to detect outliers. PCA (primary component analysis) is an example of a linear model for anomaly detection.

3. Probabilistic and Statistical Models

In this approach, probability and statistical models consider specific distributions of data. Expectation-enhancement (EM) methods are used to estimate the parameters of the sample. Finally, they calculate the probability of the member of each data point for the calculated distribution. Points with the lowest probability of membership are marked externally.

4. Proximity-based Models

In this mode, the outliers are designed as points of isolation from other observations. Cluster analysis, density-based analysis, and neighborhood environment are key approaches of this type.

5. Information-theoretical models

In this mode, outliers increase the minimum code length to describe a data set.



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