5 Best Practices for Your Targeted Email Finding Campaign to Boost Your Email Open Rates

Many email marketers use their email click-through rates as a gauge of how effective their email campaigns are. However, your email recipient must first open your emails to click anything. For this reason, we are providing email marketing advice to raise open rates. By doing this, you’ll have everything you need to encourage your subscribers to read your emails and make a click-through.

There are a lot of different viewpoints on how to improve email open rates. We’ve put together a list of the top 5 email marketing strategies to boost open rates, all of which are supported by strong statistics to powerful email marketing campaigns.

Let’s start on the same page with a brief explanation of what an email open rate is and what a normal open rate looks like if you are already familiar with email marketing.

What Does Email Open Rate Mean?

  • In email marketing, the open rate is the percentage of subscribers who opened your email campaign.
  • Open rates are a good place to start when evaluating how well your email marketing campaigns are doing and how they can be improved. Email open rates are sometimes displayed alongside other email marketing data like click-through rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribe rates. 
  • You can test your subject lines, sender name, or any other number of factors, For example, your email open rate is low. These changes may affect how well your campaign performs. To make sure you’re not spamming your subscribers, you might also look at how frequently you send the emails.

Why Is Email Open Rate So Important?

  • If your email subscribers aren’t opening your emails, that means they aren’t receiving your marketing messages, they aren’t acting on the information in your emails, and, eventually, they aren’t becoming your customers. You’ve wasted numerous hours creating excellent email copy and all of those beautiful email marketing templates.
  • Your email open rate informs you of the proportion of subscribers or customers that are both new and existing, and it also indicates how many people are reading the content of your emails. The open rate can provide you clear indications about how well your subject lines are working, whether the timing of when you send emails matters to your target audience, and whether email marketing is having the desired impact.

5 Best practices to Boost Email Open Rates

1. Maintain a clean email list

  • To develop targeted email marketing messages, the majority of email marketing platforms make it simple to filter and segment your subscriber list. You’ll also want to identify the group of inactive subscribers. In your email marketing service, inactive subscribers can be categorized any way you like. For instance, you can categorize an inactive subscriber as someone who hasn’t responded to any of your last 10 email messages or hasn’t responded within a specified period.
  • To re-engage them and win them back, you must first launch a win-back email campaign. Many brands will send one final email or a series of emails to their inactive subscribers to reactivate their interest in the brand.
  • The concept of approaching your list regularly to see whether they still want to be included or if they need to update their information. It’s an easy method to develop brand recognition and give your subscribers flexibility over how they interact with you.

2. Segment and customize

  • You need to start segmenting your email list if you aren’t already and sending targeted messages just to specific segments. Don’t just send everyone the same email. You want your subscribers and clients to believe that you understand them more deeply than any of your competitors ever could. 
  • Your emails will either be too specialized or too general if you’re just hammering your entire list.
  • Sales and activity from subscribers are driven by emails that are relevant to them.  Your top customers and your inactive customers won’t feel valued if you send the same email to both types of customers. But you must segment your email list to deliver meaningful emails.
  • To begin, decide who your most valuable audience is. Are they clients who have shopped with you more than twice in the last 12 months? They may also be clients who have spent more than $200 or made more than two transactions from you in the previous year. Make a special segment only for those most valuable individuals, regardless of who they are.
  • Consider the type of content such customers might want from you once you’ve developed your segments (and what you want them to do). Your most dedicated consumers will likely appreciate receiving special promotional offers or being the first to learn about new products and services. If a previous customer hasn’t bought anything from you in six months, you might need to offer them a little discount to get them back.
  • You can develop tailored, targeted marketing messages for those users after segmenting your user base and determining what they are most likely to want to see from you. This extends beyond just putting the subscriber’s name in the subject line, though that’s a fairly simple thing to do.

3. Create a compelling Subject Line

  • Your email marketing campaign’s success might be determined by your subject line. They are the first thing your subscribers see, and they use them to determine whether they will open or simply delete your email before reading it. The entire purpose of the subject line is to excite readers’ interest to the point where they will open and read your email. It’s unlikely that dull subject lines like “Brand Announcements” will upset readers.
  • Make sure your subject lines are optimized and utilize subject line tester tools before sending an email.

4. Send the Right Amount of Emails

  • How frequently do you email your followers? You may be sending too many or not enough emails to keep your subscribers interested in your brand, depending on their preferences. What you want to achieve with your email marketing plan will determine how many emails you send. Sending out more emails will improve visitors to your website. On the other hand, sending more emails may have the reverse impact if you want to raise open rates.
  • To determine which email interval your audience responds to the best, we advise testing various options. If your email marketing service allows it, you might also let users select their email frequencies. 
  • You could send an email blast to your list asking them to self-segment based on how frequently they want to hear from your business or offer a choice for email regularity on your opt-in form to segment them right away. Keep in mind that you’ll need to make unique email campaigns for each interval.

5. Send Emails at the Correct Time

  • There isn’t a specific day and time that works best for every brand to send their emails. Every brand has a unique audience with unique requirements and behaviours. You should test various days and times to determine which ones are most effective for your audience.
  • According to information gathered from eight email marketing specialists, the ideal time to send emails is around midday (10 am) or right after lunch (1 pm). The best day is usually Tuesday, but consistency seems to be more important. 
  • For example: As a result, if you consistently send emails on Wednesdays at 10 a.m., you’ll see that your open rates rise over time as your audience grows on that day and hour. Finding a time and day that are convenient for your audience is what matters most.


To improve your email strategy and enhance subscriber engagement, you need higher open rates. You’ll be better prepared for success by using these email marketing tactics to raise your open rates. Although you might not see results right away after implementing these suggestions, keep trying different tactics and strive.


Name: Sarah Marksons

Short description

Sarah Marksons is a Marketing consultant primarily in the B2B industry. She’s best known for her insightful blogs on email marketing, B2B and SaaS companies, and business growth. Sarah also has a good network in the sales industry, especially in the digital sales community. Apart from her work, she contributes to the community by being an animal rights advocate. She loves creative writing, aspiring to make the world a safer place for everyone through marketing, writing, and everything she does.

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