What is the best practice for writing a useful ad text?

  • Use all capital letters in the title
  • Make sure the title is two lines long
  • Write several ads and see what works best
  • Write the first letter of each word in the title in capital letters
  • Finish the title with an exclamation point

Best Practice For Creating Effective Ad Text

Write new ad text! Use extra characters to say something new. Do not include only the second title.

I understand that you have worked hard to make your current ads valid. There is a great desire to take ads that work well, add your existing description lines, and add one.

The problem with this tactic is that you’re just using more words to effectively say the same thing. Guitar Center adding a second headline saying “The Destination for Music Gear” doesn’t make this a more compelling ad and doesn’t enhance the offer at all.

Add your most important message to the headlines.

Your new 80-character description, though a huge field in your new expanded text ads, still attracts less attention. The news of the two headlines of your extended text ad is very influential in improving the CTR of your ads.

Remember: Title # 1 is more critical than Title # 2.

Like responsive search ads, you always have control over how your headlines appear. Although both headlines may technically be up to 30 characters long, there is no guarantee that the second headline will show how or exactly.

Do not pause your old ads immediately.

Extended ad text are always eligible to display all keywords in your ad groups, but should not pause your old ads for a while.  Just like everything else in the paid search, just because expanded text ads are new does not mean that they will immediately outperform your old ads. Some advertisers saw their first attempt with expanded ad text, which has fewer CTRs than their older ads.

When creating your first expanded text ads, introduce them to your ad groups along with your old ads. If their performance is not as good as your old ads, keep checking for new extended ad text. If the performance of your extended text ads is more conveniently better than the old ones, you can pause your old traditional format ads.

Write all your ads to talk to users on all devices.

Since more than half of all Google searches happen on mobile devices, it’s important that your ads communicate with all users across desktop, mobile, and tablet. Google’s new Extended ad Text will serve searchers across all devices, 90% of them will use multiple devices before completing their ultimate goal.

In the past, advertisers could create mobile-friendly ads to deliver different ads to mobile searchers. However, there is no device option for extended text ads, i.e. the same message on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Add the best keywords in the path fields.

Google’s new extended text ads automatically drag the domain from your final URL to your display URL, so advertisers no longer have to mention the domain in every ad they write, which saves SEMs meaningless work. Advertisers can optionally add 2 to 15-character path fields to their visual URL.

Optionally, I recommend using these additional fields in your new expanded text ads. It promises to take your ad to a specific landing page that suits their interests and increase the CTR and CVR of your ad text.

Update your ad text extensions.

SEMs always use ad extensions to advertise alternative offers and highlight important value proposals that may not be included in the ads. We know that adding the ad extensions that appear with our ads can significantly improve the CTR and quality score of our ads.



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