Jobs in artificial intelligence provide good compensation opportunities for people who are passionate about technology and dedicated to developing their AI talents. AI professions will be both intellectually and financially gratifying as long as qualified workers are in great demand, which will occur as AI gains momentum.

To assist you in understanding the earning potential of each function, our AI jobs salary guide examines a variety of AI roles and their average income.

AI Jobs Salary: Comparison Chart

Roles 0-1 year 1-3 years 4-6 years 7-9 years 10-14 years
Machine Learning Engineer $92,000 to $166,000 $111,000 to $195,000 $131,000 to $229,000 $147,000 to $254,000 $163,000 to $284,000
AI Engineer $89,000 to $164,000 $103,000 to $185,000 $113,000 to $204,000 $117,000 to $209,000 $119,000 to $215,000
Data Scientist $91,000 to $153,000 $110,000 to $183,000 $119,000 to $201,000 $122,000 to $207,000 $132,000 to $229,000
Computer Vision Engineer $84,000 to $156,000 $100,000 to $186,000 $107,000 to $199,000 $112,000 to $208,000 $128,000 to $237,000
Natural Language Processing Engineer $114,000 to $204,000 $129,000 to $221,000 $147,000 to $250,000 $171,000 to $295,000 $195,000 to $344,000
Deep Learning Engineer $109,000 to $189,000 $124,000 to $206,000 $134,000 to $222,000 $147,000 to $243,000 $159,000 to $270,000
AI Research Scientist $124,000 to $193,000 $129,000 to $194,000 $141,000 to $217,000 $149,000 to $237,00 $159,000 to $265,000
Business Development Manager $94,000 to $162,000 $94,000 to $164,000 $97,000 to $168,000 $99,000 to $173,000 $109,000 to $193,000
AI Product Manager $111,000 to $197,000 $131,000 to $221,000 $144,000 to $241,000 $154,000 to $255,000 $169,000 to $276,000
AI Consultant $97,000 to $174,000 $108,000 to $187,000 $116,000 to $200,000 $122,000 to $209,000 $130,000 to $219,000

Important Note: This guide’s salary information comes from Glassdoor, a reliable resource for professionals and job seekers to get employer evaluations and compensation insights. Remember that real compensation may differ slightly depending on a number of circumstances, including the type of firm (big enterprise, mid-sized corporation, startup, etc.) and the state of the company’s finances at the time of employment.

The artificial intelligence salary ranges that are being discussed here are representative of the industry-standard compensation levels for AI roles; however, specific job duties, location, negotiation, and other factors may cause individual offers to differ.

Machine Learning Engineer

To address particular business issues, machine learning engineers create and apply models and algorithms for machine learning. Due to its numerous practical applications, machine learning is widely regarded as one of the AI job categories with the greatest rate of growth. Gaining expertise in sophisticated abilities such as machine learning frameworks can lead to rapid salary rises.

  • Early to mid-career: $111,000 – $195,000
  • Advanced professional: $147,000 – $284,000.

AI Engineer

AI engineers create and implement AI systems, such as deep learning algorithms and machine learning models. They develop AI models and algorithms, then incorporate them into goods and applications. The amount you are paid depends on your experience level. AI engineers are primarily engaged in the consulting, technology, finance, and healthcare sectors.

  • Early to mid-career: $102,000 – $204,000
  • Advanced professional: $113,000 – $215,000

Data Scientist

In order to support corporate strategy and decision-making, data scientists are in charge of gathering, evaluating, and interpreting complicated data. To gain understanding and find solutions, they apply machine learning algorithms and statistical methods.Proficiency in programming languages such as Python or R, coupled with proficiency in data manipulation and visualization, are prerequisites for becoming a data scientist. There is a great demand for seasoned data scientists with advanced degrees or specialized training.

  • Early to mid-career: $110,000 – $183,000
  • Advanced professional: $119,000 – $229,000

Computer Vision Engineer

The specialty of a computer vision engineer is creating systems and algorithms that let computers read and comprehend visual data from digital photos or films. They work on things like video analysis, picture recognition, and object detection. Computer Vision Engineers often collaborate with software developers and researchers to implement and optimize computer vision solutions for various applications such as autonomous vehicles, medical imaging, robotics, and augmented reality. Advanced technology startups and businesses frequently provide competitive benefits packages together with extra benefits like stock options.

  • Early to mid-career: $100,000 – $186,000
  • Advanced professional: $107,000 – $237,000

Natural Language Processing Engineer

Engineers that specialize in natural language processing (NLP) create models and algorithms that let computers comprehend, interpret, and produce natural language—or a passable imitation of it. They focus on projects including chatbot creation, machine translation, sentiment analysis, and text classification. The upper end of the NLP compensation range is high because there are already a lot of extremely practical applications of the field.

  • Early to mid-career: $129,000 – $221,000
  • Advanced professional: $147,000 – $344,000

Deep Learning Engineer

A specialist position in the larger field of machine learning and artificial intelligence is that of a deep learning engineer. These experts concentrate on creating and utilizing deep neural networks and other machine learning methods to address challenging issues such as autonomous driving, image recognition, and natural language processing. Deep learning engineers command competitive salary due to their in-demand skill set.

  • Early to mid-career: $109,000 – $189,000
  • Advanced professional: $134,000 – $270,000

AI Research Scientist

The creation of novel algorithms, models, and methodologies to progress the science of artificial intelligence is the primary responsibility of an AI research scientist. These experts are knowledgeable in subjects like machine learning, statistics, and data analysis and often hold advanced degrees in computer science, mathematics, or similar disciplines. An AI research scientist’s salary may not always be as high as that of other AI specializations because they may perform more theoretical work.

  • Early to mid-career: $129,000 – $194,000
  • Advanced professional: $141,000 – $265,000

Business Development Manager

To close the gap between technological innovation and market expansion, business development managers play a critical role in artificial intelligence. These experts create strategic alliances, spot business possibilities, and boost sales of AI goods and services. They are essential to growing AI solutions and encouraging client uptake.Compensation is highly influenced by experience level and track record of successful business development projects.

  • Early to mid-career: $94,000 – $162,000
  • Advanced professional: $97,000 – $193,000

AI Product Manager

Product managers for AI supervise the creation and use of AI-powered goods and services. To create product roadmaps, rank features, and make sure they are in line with business goals, they work with cross-functional teams made up of engineers, designers, and marketers. Product management experience combined with an understanding of AI is highly valued in this position.

  • Early to mid-career: $131,000 – $221,000
  • Advanced professional: $144,000 – $276,000

AI Consultant

AI Consultants provide expert guidance to organizations seeking to leverage AI technologies for business transformation. They assess client needs, design AI solutions, and oversee implementation to deliver tangible outcomes. Salary for AI consultants can vary widely based on consulting firm, experience level, and project scope. Geographic location also influences compensation, with major consulting hubs offering higher salaries.

  • Early to mid-career: $108,000 – $187,000
  • Advanced professional: $116,000 – $219,000

How Do I Get Paid More as an AI Professional? 

To increase your earning potential and get paid more as an AI professional, the following strategies can be effective:

Hone Your Skills

Continuously improving and refining your skills is key to increasing your value in the job market. Stay updated with the latest AI trends and technologies in your sector. Take online courses, attend workshops, and actively seek opportunities to deepen your expertise.

Get Certified

Obtaining relevant AI certifications can significantly boost your credentials and marketability. Certifications validate your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to professional development.

Get a Degree

While not always necessary, having an advanced degree (such as a master’s or MBA) can enhance your earning potential, especially in certain fields like business, healthcare, or technology.

Build a Portfolio

Showcase your skills and accomplishments through a strong portfolio. This could include projects you’ve worked on, case studies, articles, or designs. A compelling portfolio demonstrates your capabilities and can differentiate you from other candidates when negotiating higher compensation.


Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with peers and mentors in your field. Networking can lead to new job opportunities, referrals, and valuable insights into salary trends.


Why are AI jobs considered to be high-paying?

AI jobs are high-paying because they require specialized skills and knowledge in machine learning, data science, and other advanced technologies. The high demand for these skills and the critical role they play in technological advancements drive the compensation higher.

Which AI roles have the highest earning potential?

Roles such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer, Deep Learning Engineer, and AI Product Manager typically have the highest earning potential due to the specialized and advanced skills required for these positions.

How does experience impact salary in AI jobs?

Experience significantly impacts salary in AI jobs. As professionals gain more experience, their earning potential increases. Advanced professionals in AI roles can command significantly higher salaries than those at the entry-level.

What is the salary range for a Machine Learning Engineer?

For a Machine Learning Engineer, the salary ranges from $92,000 to $166,000 for 0-1 year of experience, and up to $284,000 for those with 10-14 years of experience.

What do AI Engineers do, and how much do they earn?

AI Engineers create and implement AI systems, including deep learning algorithms and machine learning models. Their salaries range from $89,000 to $164,000 for those with 0-1 year of experience, and up to $215,000 for those with 10-14 years of experience.



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